The Princess and the Goblins

I will eventually be posting chapters more frequently but right now I have a LOT of schoolwork that I have to catch up on due to internet problems. I'm probably going to work on getting better at writing instead of trying to write more chapters. I think not just me, but you all will enjoy better chapters at the same pace they are coming at than me mass producing chapters that have no depth, character development or original plot than like what would most likely happen if I were to write more chapters.

If you would rather that, then idk go read a Seion novel or something.

(Not saying they are bad, I read some of them but he does just kind of mass produce chapters with surface level characters, the only reason it works is because everyone already knows all the characters, which makes sense, its a fanfic.)

Also I will post this week's other two chapters tomorrow. I had some down time and decided to write a chapter. Though I will most likely go back and edit some of the earlier chapters, especially if I get an editor, to fix things like tense errors, grammar errors and whatnot that I might've skipped over. It depends on if it will be worth doing. That probably wont happen until there are around 50 chapters, it just depends on how long it takes me to actually not be a shit writer. Enjoy the chapter!


After Kai waited for what felt like days, he heard the sound of arguing coming from the other side of the door. He waited and waited, after another hour the door in front of him finally opened revealing three people to him, whom he recognized well. Two males and a female human walked in, still arguing, not even noticing he was there. Finally, the male rogue, Gido, noticed him as the other two continued walking. After a good ten steps, the other two finally noticed he wasn't next to them.


As the two heard this, they whipped around and in front of them, sitting on a semi-dry rock, was Kai.

"Umm... Hi? I'm Kaval, the leader of this party, and you are?"

"Ahh, forgive me, I guess I should introduce myself, I'm Kai."

As cheerful as she seemed in the anime and manga, Eren said while pointing at the rogue, "Hello Kai, I'm Eren, and that's Gido!"

"I don't mean to be rude or anything Kai, but how'd you get in here? The door was locked and it's the only way into the cave?" Kaval said.

(A/N: I don't know if that's true or not but it is now :D)

"Ohh that. Yeah I have no idea. I woke up in here and have been here for like almost a month."

Kaval tried to look into Kai's eyes trying to see if he was lying only to realize how stupid the author was forgetting he had sunglasses on.

(A/N: *Cough* It's been a long week.)

Realizing that he wasn't going to elaborate anymore, Kaval said, "Well, since you've been in here for such a long time, mind if we as you some questions?"

Kai gave a charming smile, "Of course. Ask away."

"Well, have you seen Veldora? We were sent here to check up on him from the Kingdom of Blumund Adventure's Guild."

"Hmm? Is that all, yeah he's gone..."


"Yeah. No more Veldora. Well... Not for a while. He's kind of.... Indisposed at the moment."

At this point, Eren cut in, "Indisposed? What do you mean? Like he's dead?"

"Sort of, he won't be a danger if that's what you're worried about."

"And how do you know that he won't be?" Gido cut in.

After Gido says this, Kai smiled and took off his sunglasses, revealing his slitted, sky like eyes. He looked strait at Eren while the other two ran in front of her and said, "Well, because I can make sure he won't be. If that's all you need, then I'm going to go now. I'll be at a nearby goblin village, I plan to make a nation for monsters. No need to worry, I want to make it a nation that's cohesive with humans. Ohh and don't tell Fuze about this yet, tell him after he asks you to come back and have a look at the forest again. Well, Until next time Princess." Kai put on his glasses again and walked out of the cave.




After he left, Kaval and Gido both looked at Eren at what to do next. Realizing that her identity, which she has kept a secret until now, was known by the dragon, made her feel both scared and curious. Scared because she didn't know who else might know, but curious about why the dragon didn't do anything and even told them of his plans for the future.

Shaking her head, Eren just said, "I don't know, but something is telling me that we should listen to him. We might as well check the cave anyways, I don't get the feeling he was lying but we can double check just in case."


Meanwhile, back at Kai. He was currently walking down the path from Veldora's cave while releasing his aura around him as intensely as possible. While walking he decided to look at his shop.



Credits Available: 7

1. Powers

2. Weapons

3. Armors/Shields

4. Bloodlines

5. Search (A/N: this is literally a search bar to find specific things.)


{ Dear, if you want to get more credits you have to preform specific achievements. }

'Achievements? What does that mean exactly?'

{ For example. Taking the Ogre party in and making them your subordinates would be considered an achievement that will earn you two credits. Saving the goblin village and subjugating the dire wolves is another credit. }

'So doing things that coincide with the cannon give me achievements?'

{ Not exactly. The better the result is, regardless of what happened in the cannon, gives you achievement points. For instance, if you manage completely avoid fighting Hinata and instead fight a lower level knight, you will get a credit. }

'Hmm, okay.'

Kai is woken from his own thoughts when in front of him appears 13 small green humanoids, goblins, holding rusty swords, battered shields, and tattered clothes. Seeing them, Kai smiles, retracts his aura and asks, "Well. What can I do for you all."

One of the goblins wearing a red headbands says, "Excuse me strong one, we wanted to ask you a favor."

Kai's smile got wider and said, "Well, it shouldn't be a big problem, I'm in need of a place to stay for a while as a matter of fact."

"Great! Thank you strong one. We'll escort you back to our village so you can speak with my father, the village elder about our request."

On the way, Kai continued exploring his system functions. 'Summon'


Summons Available: 1

1. Summon a Retainer

2. Summon a Mythical Beast


{ I feel like I should've mentioned dear, the system came with a free summon. You can use it on either one but I recommend summoning a retainer. This can be any characters you could think of, human or not while summoning a beast is more like mythical creatures like Fenrir and Ladon. Unique Dragons and Phoenixes like Tiamat come from summoning a Retainer. }

'I should use this later. Maybe once I'm done with the dire wolves attack. I might get a decent companion for helping with combat, or with help managing Tempest.'

{ Ohh? Are you gonna keep it named Tempest? I think you should rename it. }

'Hmm then how about the country of Sarlyn? In honor of my beautiful wife. I think it fits. Though I will probably name the capital Tempest to give some "honor" to the original.'

{ I like that. Anyways dear, your arriving at the village soon. Make sure to bring some sisters for me! }

'Haha yes my love.'

(Kai POV)

When we walked into the village I saw around 100 scrawny, scared goblins. The show and novel never did justice just how pathetic they were at first. Following in the goblin that will later be named Rigur, he took me into the biggest of the haphazard huts, where inside was the decrepit elder.

The elder, later known as Rigurd, dropped on his knees and pleaded, "Please help us my lord. We have been getting attacked by dire wolves. If we don't get any help, we are all going to die."

"I mean... I could, but what do I get out of it."

{ Heh I see you're going with the same approach as the original. }

'If it ain't broke don't fix it.'

I looked at the distraught Father, son duo with an intense gaze.

"We... We... We could give you our undying loyalty."

"Alright. I'll help. I wanted to make a country in the forest of Jura anyways. This will be a good starting place. Get everyone who is able bodied to start building some pike fences around the village. Elder show me your wounded."

(End POV)

With that the elder led Kai to the hut next door to his hut and the elder's son went to start building fences around the village.