The Dire wolves and Naming!

(Kai POV)

As we entered the hut with all the injured in it, the wounds looked pretty gruesome. I decided this would be as best a time as any to try this out.



1. Food

2. Medicinal

3. Reagents

4. Weapons (Requires correct crafting skill.)

5. Armor (Requires correct crafting skill.)

6. Search (A/N: Again this is literally just a search bar.)


'Umm, honey. How does this work exactly.'

{ Its pretty simple, if you have the ingredients or materials you can make most stuff you could find on the store without using credits. And I know you're gonna ask about full potions, and yes you have all you need. All it takes is hipokute herbs and water. }

(A/N: I will go into more detail explanations about the crafting later on. This is just a general structure for it. It will really only be used for basic crafting stuff whereas all the stronger things that can't be made by other people in the world like Kaijin and others won't really be possible anytime soon. So weapons and armor like Gae Bolg won't show up, at least in crafting, for quite a while.)

With that I search up full potion and make enough for each of the injured goblins while also making a bunch of extras in case. After giving the injured goblins their potion, I walk out of the hut and help to make the fence around the area and set up the steel thread wires around where I know the dire wolves will be coming from.

(POV End)

After hours of working, night finally fell on the goblin village as a loud howl was heard, yet none of the goblins panicked. They all stood behind the fence with bows nocked and ready as a lone man stood in front of the gate with a wide, shit eating grin on his face.

In the distance coming out of the forest was a sea of over a hundred and fifty dire wolves, all led by a much bigger dire wolf with a scar on its right eye. The dire wolf leader scoffed, "A single mere human thinks he can stand against us mighty dire wolves and live, much less protect those puny goblins. Attack!"

After saying this a third of the dire wolves charge forward towards the camp while the rest stay back. None of them, except the wolf with a star on it's head, notice that the human's grin never dropped, it only got wider, if that's possible.

As they ran forward, the goblins started firing off their flimsily made bows striking the dire wolves, rarely in a fatal spot. From the arrows three or four dire wolves are killed with others being injured in the legs, shoulder or back. As they approach closer to the fence, only about 20 feet away, they all start falling with massive lacerations in various locations around their body, but the common thing between all of them being they are dead.

Upon seeing a huge amount of his pack drop dead, the leader growls sorrowfully and said, "This human is dangerous, I will deal with him myself, then the rest of you can follow in and kill the goblins once he is dead."

The leader then ran straight at Kai, tearing through any wires he found on the way. He went to leap into the air and pounce on Kai. Unlike the original however, Kai never set up the sticky thread wires. Instead, he activated 'Body Armor' on his right hand, and when the wolf was about to bite him in the throat, his hand shot up grabbing the wolf by the head and slamming him into the ground.

After slamming the wolf into the ground, Kai stepped on his side pinning him to the ground. Afterwards, he pulled his right hand up as hard as he could, ripping his head off and dragging his spine out with it.

Immediately after, he dropped the dead wolf's head back on the ground and activated 'Predator', he gained the skills 'Menace', 'Thought Communication', and 'Supreme Sense of Smell'.

Turning back to the dire wolves, Kai released his full aura and said, "I'll give you three options. One, submit and become my subordinates, two, leave the forest and never come back, or lastly, follow your leader and die."

The dire wolves, getting hit by the full brunt of his aura, which to them seems no different from Veldora himself, can't even move forward. Simultaneously, all of the wolves lie on the ground with the noses on the ground as they said, "We yield, our pack will now serve you."

Re-adopting his shit eating grin, Kai then turned around and walked back towards the goblin village saying, "Good, follow me, we'll work more stuff out tomorrow, including names and living conditions and whatnot."

All the goblins and even the dire wolves stood there in shock when they heard they would be getting names the following morning. Before any of them could recover from the shock, Kai had already disappeared into the elder's old hut, but soon everyone broke into cheers. The wolf with a star on his head walked behind his new master and into the hut, and laid in front of the entrance.

*The next morning*

Kai woke up in the elder's old hut with no one around except the wolf that will be called Ranga in a few hours laying like a guard dog where he was the night prior. Kai got up and walked towards the wolf and said, "Gather up the other wolves and goblins and have everyone meet me in the center of the village, I'll start by giving out names then we will go over some rules."

"Yes master."

(Kai POV & tense flip.)

Walking out of the hut, I could see all of the goblins and dire wolves frantically running to the center of the village in hopes of getting a name. Smiling wryly, I follow behind them until I find a line of all the goblins and behind them the dire wolves sat in a group awaiting their turn as well.

I look at the chief and ask, "What was your son's name?" 'Even if I know it already, it would cause some unneeded suspicion if I knew it already...Maybe.'

"His name was Rigur." The elder replied sadly.

"Very well, Your name shall be Rigurd. And your son's name will be named after his brother, Rigur."

They both drop to their knees expressing their thanks while crying. I wave them off and move on to the others. I named everyone that I could remember, and gave the others random names that came to my head. The ones I remember the most are Gobta and his dire wolf crew, and Haruna.

After getting all of the Goblins done, I look and see I've only used a bit less than a quarter of my mana. 'Huh Goblins really don't use any mana to name. It's only like two mana each, I wonder how much the dire wolves and ogres will cost.

I then walk up to the wolves and without thinking twice name the star patterned wolf Ranga. Immediately after, my mana drop again but this time the dire wolves themselves all took about 400 mana. Compared to the goblins they took a lot more, and all the dire wolves evolved as a pack so it was much more noticeable.

Taking a minute to catch my breath I sigh and say, "Okay now everyone gather around, I want to say a few things. First, I want you all to get into pairs, I want a dire wolf and a goblin as a pair. They will be your partners from here on out. When someone goes out to hunt, even a party each will be accompanied by their dire wolves as well. This will help you all live together better but also get stronger. Next is going to be a few rules. 1. No attacking every human that comes by. I'm not saying to not defend yourself if you get attacked but unless they are trying to kill you first, try to be hospitable. I want to make a place where monsters and humans coexist, kind of like Dwargon but a little better. "

"2. No infighting, I don't want people under me to fight each other. If there's arguments fine, but keep it civil. Lastly, No belittling other races. Questions?"

I see Rigur raise his hand, "Why can't we attack humans?" His father almost blew his casket at his question but I stop him before he even starts.

"It's simple. Humans live in communities that are thousands of times larger than this village, some have armies that number in the tens of thousands. Sooner, rather than later, this would end up bad for us, due to the wrong person getting attacked. Make sense?"

"Yes sir!"

"Great, any more questions?"

Then the questions continued for a few hours and I answered them in the best way I could. Once the questions were done, I look at Rigurd and say, "From this point on, you will be in charge of this town when I'm gone. You're the Goblin Lord."

He looked shocked and I continued. "We should head to Dwargon, I want to get some artisans, and I have a few ideas that come to mind on who we want."

Rigurd shook himself out of his revelry and replied, "Of course my lord, we will get a party set up to come with-"

"Nah don't. I will take one person who has been to Dwargon before and no one else. I want everyone else to stay here and get used to their new strength and keep the town safe while I'm gone."

"Yes my lord, Gobta has been to Dwargon before so he will accompany you."

"Excellent. I will be in my hut with Ranga. Gobta we will leave for Dwargon in three days, so be ready by then."

(A/N: I think this is going to be the correct day to line up with the original? Honestly I'm not entirely sure but it is now.)

"Yes Sir!"

After saying that, I walk towards my hut and walk inside. After getting inside, I turn and tell Ranga to wait outside the door. Smiling like an Idiot, I decide its finally time to get my first summon.

(A/N: HA Cliff hanger :P)