My First Summon and Late Night Talk

(Kai POV)

'Summons' As I say that, a giddy feeling comes up in my stomach from the anticipation.


Summons Available: 1

1. Summon a Retainer

2. Summon a Mythical Beast


'Use my summon to summon a Retainer.'

As I thought this, a medium sized magic circle appeared on the ground in front of me. Finally a figure was seen in the bright light of the magic circle. As the light started to fade, a woman that comes up to about my shoulder walked forward. Her long purple hair falls down her back while her beautiful red eyes stare directly into mine, even through my sunglasses. Seeing as they were just getting in the way, I took them off and put them on my collar revealing my cloud like draconic eyes to her and looked at her while smiling.

(End POV)

"Hmm. Not bad. I could've definitely been summoned by a much worse master." As she says this, she walked forward and around Kai, inspecting him. After a few minutes, he decide that he should probably speak up and tell her what's going on.

"So, I was lucky enough to get the Beautiful Queen of the Land of Shadows as my first summon. I'm rather happy about that." Hearing him say this, Scathach raises her eyebrow and replies, "Ohh? You already know who I am. Well that makes things simple I guess."

"Yes Scathach I know who you are. I should also tell you that we aren't on a world with a holy grail. There's no wish for you to be granted, though with your wish, staying with me you will eventually find many people strong enough to kill you."

"Really now. You even know what I would've wished for if I were to win the Holy Grail. Tell me then, what exactly do you want in return for me to come with you to find those beings?"

"Well, for now, a teacher. You're exceptional in combat and honestly besides basic combat I'm horrible. I won't lie and say I won't pursue you, but I think my wife should talk to you more about what I really want in the end."

"Your wife? Fine but where is she?" She said calmly, but inside she was startled at his straightforwardness.

{ Ohh I'm here, sort of. } Sarlyn said to both people.

"What! Who!"

"That would be my first wife, the Primordial Dragon Goddess of Reality and Creation, Sarlyn."

{ That's me. }

Without me knowing, Sarlyn said something else to just Scathach, { Also, Scathach, seriously your wish is a bad one. I can easily get rid of your status as a Divine Spirit with the snap of my finger. You should try to find something, or someone to make you happy rather than just wanting to die. I've been alive for a hell of a lot longer than you, and when I had nothing else to do, I found a husband. Maybe you should look at him as well. }

This caused Scathach to blank out for a moment, whether it was from a Goddess telling her she could grant her wish with the snap of her finger or that the same Goddess just basically told her to pursue her husband no one knew.

Finally, Kai got a little tired of waiting and coughed to get Scathach's attention and said, "I should introduce myself, My name is Kai Kasani, and the one you talked to earlier is Sarlyn Kasani, my first wife."

"Ahh... Right... As you know, my name is Scathach, Queen of the Land of Shadows. As far as becoming your teacher, I'm fine with that. As for the other, we'll see."

In Scathach's head, 'I mean, he is extremely handsome, plus his wife gave me the okay to pursue him. If his talent is as good as I hope a goddess's husband would be, it might not be such a bad choice. Besides, Sarlyn said she could grant my wish whenever, so I might take her word and try it.'

Kai nodded noticing she was still in a daze and assumed it was from having a goddess talk directly into her head and said, "Great, I'm ready to start training whenever you are willing. In two days from now however, I will be leaving for a while to go to a nearby city, you are welcome to join us if you wish."

Scathach finally came to her decision by this point, and just nodded and said back, "Sure, I'd like to know more about the world that you've summoned me to. We can also start your training immediately."

Kai responded, "Sure, but lets start tomorrow, I summoned you at the end of the day, not really knowing who to expect."

"Alright, we'll start your training in the morning."

Kai then set up an area inside of the hut for Scathach, with her own bed. He then walked outside and called Ranga into the hut to introduce him to Scathach.

"Scathach, this is the leader of the dire wolf pack here, Ranga. Ranga, this is my teacher and future wife, Scathach." Kai decided to tease Scathach, earning him a sharp glare.

While still glaring at him, Scathach replied, "Confident aren't you. Yes, I'm Scathach, Queen of the Land of Shadows."

Ranga bowed his head and said, "It's an honor to meet master's teacher and mate. I'm at your service my lady." This caused Scathach's eyebrow to twitch and Kai to suppress laughing out loud.

Scathach replied with, "I will be sure to use it. Now please leave me and my 'Mate' to have a conversation." in a venomous voice.

After Ranga left, Kai couldn't suppress his laughter anymore and burst out laughing earning him another sharp glare from Scathach.

Kai finally stopped laughing and said, "Sorry, Sorry. It's too much fun to tease you, you look extremely cute when you're angry."

Scathach just harrumphed at this, "Hump... Whatever." and turned away but Kai was able to notice an ever so slight blush on her face.

Kai just chuckled at her and went to lay down and go to sleep.

While he was asleep, Scathach was completely unable to go to sleep, going over everything that happened since her being summoned until now. Even if it had only been a few hours since she was summoned, so much happened to her. After going over it again and again in her head, she thought, 'I wish I could talk to Sarlyn again, I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow for Kai to be awake.'

{ Hmm? What's up Scathach. Also Kai doesn't need to be awake for us to talk. You already know about me and he's already taken an interest in you to become his second wife, so we can talk whenever we want. }

'What? Really? Okay... If you don't mind me asking, why are you okay sharing your husband with others?'

{ Ohh that? Well, even having control over reality and creation, there are still rules even I have to follow. My sister, my brother and I are the three strongest beings in existence. To keep each other in check we have certain rules the other two must follow. One of those rules that all three of us have is that if we want a lover, they have to rise with enough power of their own to be around us. We aren't allowed to interfere directly other than what I have already done. If he were to be near me right now, his entire existence would evaporate. }

{ There are a few reasons why I will share him. First being that it will take him tens to hundreds of thousands of years to ever reach the point where he can be around my real body. I'm not going to make him wait for so long to get laid. Secondly, I want him to be happy. He's my husband, not my possession, if he ends up falling in love with others while ascending that's fine with me. As long as he doesn't stop loving me, which I know he won't, I don't mind. }

'Huh. I never thought one of the most powerful beings in existence is so... Nice.'

{ Ohh don't get me wrong. I'm not nice. Far from it. I'm extremely selfish and I won't hesitate to destroy an entire universe or more if Kai asks me to or if I need to in order to keep him safe. The only reason I'm so nice to you is one we both trust you. We know you are extremely honorable as a warrior and a person. Second is that I personally like you, you'd make a great sister. }

'I... Thank you. I'll think about it. I've never had someone I like, so I don't know. We will see.'

{ You should get some sleep Scathach, you have to train Kai tomorrow. Goodnight. }

'You're right. Goodnight. Thanks.'

After saying that. Scathach closed her eyes and laid back, finally falling asleep after clearing her mind.

In an elegantly decorated room with a white and gold color scheme, an woman with an unrivalled beauty, even with her slitted eyes and horns on her head. She had green hair that ends in blue tips, glowing gold eyes and platinum colored horns on her head, with scales in various places around her body in patches of the same color. This woman is none other than Sarlyn. She just finished talking to Scathach and sighed. Thinking to herself, 'I really hope they never find out that I slightly tampered with her mentality. I wanted both her and him to be happier. I was in the same spot as her, I had to make her more accepting to falling in love with someone. I swear I won't do this again...'