
The next morning, Kai woke up feeling oddly refreshed. Sitting up, he looked around and saw Scathach laying on her bed next to his. He smirked seeing a little bit of drool coming out of the side of her mouth. He made his way next to her as quietly as he could, he got next to her and crouched down. When he did he though, 'She looks so cute like this. She looks so, vulnerable. Did she really trust that I wouldn't do anything to her that much?' Unknown to him, he wasn't too far off. She really did feel somewhat safe around him, but not due to him, it was more due to Sarlyn, who she didn't believe would let him take advantage of her, so she was able to sleep peacefully for the first time in many, many years.

With a genuine smile returning to his face, Kai stood back up and made his way out of the hut and to a nearby stream where he stripped and got in so he could wash himself off and change.

(Back in the hut)

A few minutes after Kai left the tent, Scathach stirred in her sleep, not long after, her eyes fluttered open. Yawning loudly, she said out loud, "Is he already up? I hope he didn't do anything weird, but I think Sarlyn would tell me if she did."

{ I would, and yes he already left. Ranga should know where he went. }

'Alright, I guess I should find him so we can start his training.'

She walked out and found Ranga still lying outside of the hut. Seeing her, he perked up and said, "Good morning mistress. Master is at the stream, I can take you if you want."

Not really thinking anything of it, she just nodded and replied, "Please do. I want to start his training soon."

After walking for a few minutes, Ranga stops and turns to her. "We are here, he is in the clearing ahead. I will head back and make sure the others stay safe." Saying that, he turned around and started to walk back while Scathach just continued to walk forward.

She walked out of the tree line only to be met with a nice clearing, with a large stream, almost large enough to qualify as a river, but calmer that is gently flowing into a large lake not too far away from her.

Looking back in front of her again, she sees Kai, completely naked, with water dripping down his body as he is getting out of the stream.

Kai noticed her there, but he shamelessly continued to act as if he didn't see her and proceeded to slowly dry himself using his limitless to separate the water from his skin, letting it drop down to the ground.

After he took two or three minutes to dry off, he noticed that Scathach is still frozen with a healthy blush on her face, so he finally decided to get clothed.

Meanwhile, Scathach was thinking, 'Why didn't I think of the fact that he would be bathing when Ranga said he was at the stream! Fuck! I'm such an idiot. But... He looks really hot with the water dripping down him. No! Stop it! He's my student nothing more!' Then, her gaze slowly lowered until she landed on his abnormally large manhood. 'Big... Would it even fit? No! Why is that the first thing I thought of! Regardless, even if I am still a virgin, I've seen plenty. Armor gets destroyed in fights and falls apart all the time. It's not my first time seeing one, so why am I getting so flustered over it this time. Fuck it, I'm gonna take it out on him during his "training".' she thought.

{ Fufufu, that's mean. }

'Don't you start! I know you knew he was bathing, you could've at least warned me!'

{ Of course I knew, and of course I could've, but why would I? Honestly I want him to fuck you just as much as he does. So it would only be counter productive for me to do so, would it not? )


{ Besides, you feel aroused peeping at him. It's obvious you're attracted to him. }

'Even if I am attracted to him, that isn't the only thing a care about. He has to genuinely care for me and I have to care him as a person. I won't marry him just because he's attractive.'

{ Well then I might as well start calling you sister and officially see you as his second wife. He already genuinely cares about you and it's only a short amount of time until you reciprocate that, I'm sure, but, to each their own. Have fun training, at go a little easy on him. }

'Not happening.'

As the girls' conversation came to a close, Kai walked up to Scathach and said, "Good Morning Scathach. I could see you slept well, that's good. Should we start training soon?"

Coming out of her stupor, she replied, "Yes it was the best sleep I've gotten in years. Lets get started with your training. I'm going to train you with the spear first, since that's what I use. Then, I will train you in the sword and hand to hand combat. If we still have time, we will work on your reflexes."

Kai just nodded his head and led her back to the village. Once they arrived, Kai asked the newly evolved Rigurd to get him two training spears, and if he needed to, to make them.

While waiting Kai decided to check his harem page again.


Harem Members:

Sarlyn: Affection - 1000 (Completely Over Obsessive)

Scathach: Affection - 80 (Interested)


'Hoh? She actually does show up. Damn her affection is much higher than I was expecting. Babe, at what affection level will she accept a relationship with me at?'

{ She will be willing to accept a relationship at 100 affection. With that being said, the jump from 99 to 100 is much farther than even 0 to 99 is. That alone is what would've been classified as getting "Friend-zoned" back on Earth. It is usually attributed to the last bit of resistance to accepting a relationship with someone, and it is usually something fairly hard to figure out. }

'Alright, I'll keep that in mind. Can you let me know when it gets to 99 or if it ends up just going straight to 100?'

{ Of course I can dear. Best of luck, you'll need it }

Confused Kai just said, 'Ehh? What do you mean?' Sarlyn however, refused to reply and just kept silent.

Still confused at why Sarlyn wished him luck, Kai noticed Rigurd returning with two training spears in hand. Shaking off the bad premonition thinking it was nothing more than anticipation, he retrieved the spears and asked Rigurd to also get four training swords as well, to which he only got a nod as Rigurd bowed to both him and Scathach and turned to get the training swords.

Taking one of the spears from Kai, Scathach started, "Alright Kai, Lets start your training. First we will do a short spar so I can see where you currently are and where you need to improve." Finishing with an evil grin.

With a cold sweat going down his back, Kai gave a slight nod and got into what he thinks is a good stance and charged at Scathach. Once he quickly arrived in front of her, he thrust the spear forward, aiming directly for her heart.

Squinting her eyes, Scathach merely sidestepped the thrust and slammed her knee into Kai's stomach, launching him backwards since she didn't hold back at all.

Laying on the ground, coughing hoarsely, Kai heard, "Horrible. Your stance was way to far apart, you telegraphed your attack way too much and you overextended so far I could've easily killed you in three different ways before you could even move your spear."

Scathach then continued, "First your feet should be even with your shoulders, not farther apart and not closer together, so get up and fix that."

Nodding, Kai stood up and got himself back into a fighting stance, adjusting to how he was just told. She then continued, "Now to fix your arms. You're too loose. No now you're too tense..." This continued for ten minutes as Scathach continually fixed his stance until it got to an acceptable level. With that being said, she was amazed at how fast he was able to fix everything she said in a matter of seconds. All she had to do was tell him to fix it and he could do it almost immediately and the next time he got into a stance, he wouldn't digress any.

Once she was satisfied, she moved on to his striking and footwork. This took another few hours to fix but she was finally satisfied and utterly shocked. Kai managed to learn things that would take others years in the matter of hours thanks to his Six Eyes Technique. During their training, Rigurd returned with four, brand new training swords, two made to fit each Kai and Scathach.

After their spear training, they decided to take a break and eat lunch since it was about noon by now. Then, just like she said, they moved onto sword training. What surprised her was that Kai said he wanted to learn to use two swords not just one. She mentioned that it would be much harder to learn to use two before even learning to use one, almost impossible.

When Kai heard this he decided to learn to use one sword at a good level and then train with two swords after that. Scathach agreed that it would be best this way and then they trained for a couple of hours until, once again, he was shockingly already decent with one sword. Seeing how fast he mastered the weapons, she started to get excited and completely forgot what happened earlier that morning.

This continued for the rest of the day, as he learned how to use a spear, sword, dual swords and hand-to-hand combat to what would be considered a master level in his current world. All of this happened in only one day of almost non stop training.

By the end of the day, Kai was completely exhausted and riddled with bruises and scrapes. Meanwhile, Scathach, didn't even break a sweat much less a speck of dirt on her clothes or body.

They made their way back to their hut, where Kai almost collapsed on his bed only to be immediately stopped by Scathach who said, "Nope. I don't care how hurt or tired you are. You better go take a bath so you don't stink all night. I will drag you and throw you into the lake with a boulder strapped to your waist if you don't."

"Ugh...Okay...I'm going..." With that said, Kai dragged himself to the same spot in the creek to wash himself and his clothes.

Once he returned from his bath he collapsed on his bed and not a second after his head hit his pillow he was fast asleep. Seeing as he was back, Scathach made her way to the same spot in the creek where he had just retuned from and took her own bath. A few minutes into her bath, she heard feminine giggling behind her. She whipped around and her eyes landed on three goblinas coming to the creek for a bath as well. Seeing as they were also female, she relaxed and went back to finishing her bath.

What she never expected was for the goblinas to see her and run up to her and join her in the bath and start barraging her with questions.

"Aren't you Lord Kai's new wife?"

"I'm so jealous!"

"Me too!"

Due to the suddenness of the question and the shock of the follow up statements, she never actually answered it, which the goblinas took as he admitting that she was. Realizing that Scathach wasn't moving, the one who asked the question, Haruna, got worried and decided to shake her.

Only after she was shaken, did Scathach react. Still in a slight daze, she just said, "Huh? Yes. What did you need." Not registering that she accidently just answered Haruna's question with a yes.

Haruna replied, "Ohh. Nothing, we just came down to take a bath before going to bed and we saw you here alone, so we decided to come join you. We saw you training Lord Kai earlier, so we came to introduce ourselves. My name is Haruna."

"My name is Anna." "And my name is Olivia." The other two followed.

"Ohh, nice to meet you. I'm Scathach, Queen of the Land of Shadows. Thank you for accompanying me, but I was almost done, and I'm kind of tired, so I'm going to go to bed."

"""Okay!""" All three replied, Haruna then followed with, "Goodnight Mistress. See you tomorrow, sleep well!" Getting out of the creek and dressing herself, Scathach heard giggling and whispers coming from behind her, but she didn't think much of it and walked back to the hut, where she dropped onto her bed and went in to dreamland.