New bloodline and leaving for Dwargon

Author Here. 75% of this chapter is an info dump. I had to do it eventually so now is the time.

Also. From now on there will be different boxes based on if Sarlyn is talking or if the system is. Any of the system's functions will be done through the system itself. I think that might've gotten a little confusing so I'm separating the two from now on.

{} - Sarlyn

[] - System


Waking up the next morning. Kai and Scathach continued training for the whole day. By the end of the day, Kai had managed to become a master with the scythe, naginata, halberd and daggers. Like the day prior, they only stopped for lunch all the way until sundown. This time however, after their training, they sat down with a few others, Gobta, Rigur and Rigurd.

Once everyone was sat down Kai got right in to their discussion since he was exhausted. "Okay, lets make this quick. Tomorrow, me, Scathach and Gobta will head out on our dire wolves and make our way towards Dwargon. While I'm gone, I want you all to be on a lookout for three human adventurers, maybe four. The threes names would be Kaval, Gido and Eren. If there's a fourth with them, her name will be Shizu. If you see these three, do whatever you can to help them and let them know I sent you. They shouldn't be here anytime before I get back, but just in case they are I want to let you know. Questions?"

Everyone shook their head and the meeting was quickly adjourned. This time, Kai told Scathach that she could take a bath first since he had something to discuss with Sarlyn. She nodded and left.

(Kai POV)

'Alright. Shop.'


Credits Available: 8

1. Powers

2. Weapons

3. Armors/Shields

4. Bloodlines

5. Search


'Alright lets see what I can get. Bloodlines.'


Available Credits: 8

1. Angel Bloodline(DxD) - 1 Credit

2. Demon Bloodline (DxD) - 1 Credit

3. Incubus Bloodline - 1 Credits


4520. Uzumaki Bloodline - 4 Credits

4521. Uchiha Bloodline - 4 Credits

4522. Hyuga Bloodline - 4 Credits




999994. Otsutsuki Bloodline - 8 Credits

999995. Royal Incubus Bloodline - 8 Credits

999996. Primordial Demon Bloodline - 8 Credits

999997. Ancestral Angel Bloodline - 8 Credits





99999999999998. Chaos Dragon Bloodline - 100 Credits

99999999999999 Order Dragon Bloodline - 100 Credits

100000000000000. Reality Dragon Bloodline - 200 Credits


'Wow. That is a lot of bloodlines. Hmm, hey, how do Incubus and Royal Incubus differ?'

{ Well, With Incubus bloodline, the upgrades you get are an increase in your charm by 5 and you also get wings, but you already have them, and a tail. }

{ As for Royal Incubus bloodline, you get a few skills and your base charm increases by 100, all other stats increase by 50, you get the skills 'Lover's Bond (Passive)', 'Attractive Scent (Passive)', 'Demonic Magic', and finally, 'Sexual Mastery (Passive)'. You will also get three pairs of wings, and a tail. 'Sexual Mastery', 'Lover's Bond' and 'Attractive Scent' are self explanatory. The former increases the pleasure of anyone you preform sexual acts with by four fold and the latter makes you smell like the favorite smell of any female that smells you. 'Lover's Bond' is a skill that allows you to put a mark on any woman you have sex with and it will allow you to sense when they are in danger, and vise versa, but the most important thing about 'Lover's Bond' is that any time you level up, they also get stronger, but at half the speed. This mark makes it where they would never think of betraying you. 'Demonic magic' is the one that needs the most explaining, but its better to learn through practice. Imagine it like how Demonic Energy in DxD works, the limit is your imagination. }

'Hmm. Okay. What about Primordial Demon and Ancestral Angel?'

{ Primordial Demon gives you access to the 'Demonic Magic' skill, it also gives you 100 in all stats except Charm and Arcana, which it gives 0 and 50 respectively. The skills it gives you are 'Demonic Contract', 'Slavery Magic', and 'Demon Transformation'. The first two are self explanatory, while the 'Demon Transformation' Works similar to your 'Draconic Transformation', but much much weaker and is solely Physical based. }

{ Ancestral Angel gives you 150 in Arcana, and 50 in all other stats. The skills it gives access to are 'Holy Light Magic', 'Holy Fire Magic', 'Healing Magic', and finally 'Angel Transformation'. The three types of magic are each much more powerful than demonic magic, but they are also much less versatile. Similar to 'Demon Transformation', 'Angel Transformation' works similar to 'Draconic Transformation' but it is solely focused on Magic and much weaker than 'Draconic Transformation'.' }

(A/N: This shit took me soooo long to figure out what to do for them...)

{ Also dear, keep in mind that this is only what you get to start with. As you get stronger, your bloodline powers will also develop more. }

'Hmm Okay. I think I'm gonna hold off on the Angel bloodline for the moment. Its between Primordial Demon and Royal Incubus. Considering the sole skill of 'Lover's Bond' I might get that.'

{ If you want my opinion, you should start with the Royal Incubus Bloodline. I mostly say that because you are already very strong as it is in this world. You have more than enough strength to beat anyone you will meet for quite a while. The Incubus bloodline will help make your other wives stronger as well as increase your charm stat by the most. Charm is used for more than just seducing women, it also influences you as a ruler and when doing business. Even with going to Dwargon tomorrow, taking the Incubus bloodline will help convince Kaijin and the three dwarves to move here that much more. }

'Yeah, You're right. Okay Purchase the Royal Incubus Bloodline'

[ Royal Incubus Bloodline Acquired. Would you like to integrate with it? This will cause slight discomfort. ]

Kai prepared himself and affirmed, 'Yes.'

As soon as he said that, he felt a warmth spreading from his heart around his entire body, followed by a constant itch and a slight amount of pain behind it. After thirty minutes of this feeling, it finally died down, leaving him utterly drenched in sweat.

[ Integration Completed ]

Scathach had been nervously standing there for the last five minutes staring at Kai, as she watched his bones rearrange themselves under his skin, his hair growing a little longer, going from his mid back to his lower back, and his skin literally disintegrating and re-growing at a rapid pace. If it were anyone else in her position, they might've panicked and probably thrown up.

Seeing that he had calmed down and nothing else was changing within his body anymore, she slowly got closer while shakily asking, "Hey... Are you alright? What just happened?"

Cracking his eyes open and removing his sunglasses, he looked at her and smiled. For some reason, this smile struck her heart strings much more than before, but she could figure out why. She didn't try to figure it out though, as she heard him speak.

"Yes, I'm fine. I was integrating with another bloodline that I got from Sarlyn. I'm gonna take a bath, I feel gross after everything that just happened."

Dumbstruck, Scathach just absentmindedly nodded as he walked past her. Again, she was surprised when she caught his scent as he walked by. He smelled amazing, and her heart started beating a little faster. After a minute or two she managed to calm herself down and shook her head. 'Odd, why did he smell so good even with all that sweat on him... And why did my body react that way. Whatever, I'm gonna get some sleep.'

(A/N: I can't even begin to guess what her favorite smell would be. I was going to say like vanilla but fuck idk.)

As Kai was bathing he decided he should check what his bloodline did to his stats.



Name: Kai Kasani

Titles: Husband of the Primordial Goddess of Creation and Reality

Race: Dragon(Sealed), Royal Incubus

Job: Apprentice Martial Artist (0)

Job History: None

Level: 4 (0%)

HP: 1480 (Constitution x 10)

Mana: 2080 (Arcana x 10)


Strength: 158

Agility: 168

Constitution: 148

Arcana: 208

Defense: 138

Charm: 790 (158)


Limitless (Passive): Gives the host access to manipulate the concept of infinity.

Blue (Active): Can manipulate limitless to make a ball of extreme attractive force. Drains 10 mana per ball the size of a marble.

Red (Active): Can manipulate limitless to make a ball of extreme repulsion force. Drains 20 mana per ball the size of a marble.

Hallow Purple (Active): Can manipulate limitless to a ball of complete destruction that erases anything it touches. Drains 100 mana per ball the size of a marble.

Six Eyes Technique (Passive): Gives the host the Six Eyes which allows them to see the flow of mana, allows the user to see anything even atoms, immense brain processing power, and can see what skills a person is using immediately after seeing it.

Domain Expansion (Active): Traps the target inside the concept of infinity. While inside the Limitless, the target is inundated with an endless stream of information, overloading their brains and leaving them in a catatonic state. Costs 200 mana per second.

Predator (Active): Allows the host to consume creatures and gain their skills and abilities for himself.

Blessing of Sarlyn (Unique): A blessing from the dragon goddess Sarlyn that extends to all partners of the host.

-Draconic protection (Passive): The host is coated by the Divine Draconic aura of Sarlyn which protects them from a lethal attack and sending out a pulse of divinity, killing anything within a 15m radius around the host that is not protected by the same passive.

-Draconic Tongue (Passive): The host can understand and speak almost any language spoken by intelligent beings.

(A/N: This means he can't understand wolves howling or bears growling, only actual languages.)

- Ageless (Passive): The host cannot age and cannot be aged magically.

-Shapeshift (Active): The host can choose to look however they wish, body type, facial features, etc.

(End of blessing)

Creation magic (Passive): Gives the host access to creation magic.

Beguiling(Passive): Increases the users charm by 5x.

Dragon Transformation (Sealed): The host can transform into their draconic form, while in this form the host gains 5x Strength, 2x Agility, 3x Constitution, 4x Defense and 2x Arcana. This form constantly drains mana.

Lover's Bond (Passive): Allows the host to put a mark on any woman they have sex with and it will allow them to sense when they are in danger, and vise versa, but the most important thing about 'Lover's Bond' is that any time the host levels up, they also get stronger, but at half the speed. This mark makes it where they would never think of betraying the host.

Attractive Scent (Passive): Makes the host smell like whatever the favorite smell of any woman who is near the host.

Sexual Mastery (Passive): Increases the pleasure of anyone the host preform sexual acts with by four fold.


Demonic Magic


Kai finished looking at his status, impressed with his new stats and finished his bath. He made his way back to their hut and went to bed.

The next morning, everyone in the village woke up to bid Kai and his company farewell and safe travels. As they got to the edge of the village Gobta hopped on his dire wolf, while Ranga walked up to Kai, enlarged himself, and crouched down so he could get on top of him easily.

After he sat down, Scathach decided to speak up, "So where is the dire wolf I will be taking?" Kai just looked at her puzzled and said in a somewhat sarcastic tone while pointing down, "Right here?"

Realizing what he meant, she had a deadpan look on her face as she grumbled, "Really? I don't get my own?"

In response, Kai just shook his head and lied through his teeth, "No, all of the dire wolves here are bonded with a goblin already. Ranga is also the only one big enough to carry two people so you will have to ride with me." 'Well technically the latter part is correct. Everyone sees you as my wife, any of the dire wolves would be more than happy to accompany us there as your ride. However, I'm not letting this chance slip by.'

Not even bothering to check to see if he was telling the truth, due to his high charm, she just sighed, "Alright fine. Help me up."

Grinning like a fool at her, Kai held out his hand and pulled her up onto Ranga as he said, "Hold on tight. They can run pretty fast."

Once again intoxicated by his scent, Scathach absentmindedly wrapped her arms around his waist and placed her hands on his toned chest.

"Alright Gobta, lead the way. Ohh and your dire wolf can feel free to go as fast as he wants to, we need to be there in at least 3 days."

"Yes sir, alright lets go."

With that being said, the party of five headed out and made their way towards Dwargon.