
(Kai POV)

We arrived at Dwargon after two days, so we decided to wait the extra day so I could do something similar to Rimuru.

The following day, we waited until I saw the same guy I recognized that stood in front of Rimuru before, but I made sure Gobta walked up a ten second gap behind Scathach and I. This way it would look like he was separate from us so the same guys would come after him.

Just like I thought, after a few minutes of waiting, the same group of bandits came to antagonize the seemingly lone goblin. When they came up, I turned around and said, "You should leave, you're noisy."

In response, he told me, "What'd you just say to me brat?"

I just sighed as I flared my aura on full blast, "Alright, fine."

I made sure to keep Scathach and Gobta from feeling the Majority of it, but I didn't bother sparing anyone else, and specifically focused it on the bandits. As a result, all of the bandits, including the 'hidden' ones, immediately fainted, along with most of the other people in the line.

Everyone who was farther away or strong enough to keep from fainting was shivering from fear. Seeing the guards coming over, even with a cold sweat on their backs, I decided to retract my aura and walk up to Scathach and put my arm around her waist, earning a piercing glare from her, but she didn't tell me to stop. 'Progress!'

By the time the guards have arrived, I retracted my aura completely and smiled at them.

"Umm... Sir... We have to ask you to come with us... Please..." The head guard, Kaido, asked extremely nervously.

Still smiling I replied, "Sure." And we followed him, which completely surprised him.

(Inside of Dwargon's Throne Room)

"Somebody tell me what that aura was!"

"Your Majesty! It was outside of the gates, a human wearing something over his eyes was standing in the inspection line when some bandits came behind him and started harassing a goblin right behind him. He told the bandit to be quiet, because he was noisy, the bandit didn't listen, so he released his aura. I, nor anyone else in our information network has seen this human before."

"Hahahaha... Someone that strong was managed to evade even our information network, and was even coming into our city. He's Dangerous..." The Hero King, Gazel Dwargo said, in a self deprecating laugh.

"Your majesty, I happened to be at the gate when this incident happened. Prior to him releasing it, his aura was completely undetectable. He just seemed like a normal human, so it makes sense that we wouldn't know of him if he didn't want us to."

"That's my point... Keep an eye on him. From what you said he was never in the wrong in the first place, so he will be let go soon anyways. "

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The whole time, if anyone was in the room, they would've only seen one person, even though there were two people talking.

(Back in the prison where Kai and the others were lead to.)(Still Kai POV)

We ended up following them following the Guard Captain back to a cell and I recounted what happened to him, also relaying that Gobta was in fact with me.

The captain just nodded his head and said, "Alright, I apologize for this but, I hope you don't mind staying here. I need to go take witness statements."

"No problem, take your time."

"Thank you. I'll be back as soon as I can."

Turning around from the guard captain, I walked over to Scathach who was sitting on a bench. Sitting next to her, she looked at me and said, "So, was this part of your plan? Getting arrested and agreeing to sit in a cell for hours."

"Yes actually. You'll see. Just wait for him to get back."

"Alright fine. I'm gonna take a nap then." Surprisingly, she rested on my shoulder and fell asleep. We stayed like that for the next few hours until the guard captain came back.

"Alright, sorry about that." I just shook my head at him and whispered back, "It's fine." Smiling gently at the still sleeping Scathach, I signaled the guard captain to keep his voice down and give me a minute, to which he just nodded understandingly.

Gently laying her down on the bench with my jacket as a pillow, I got up and walked over to the cell door. "Okay, sorry about that, I don't want to wake her up."

"Don't worry about it, I understand. Anyways according to the witness reports, the Bandits were harassing your goblin friend, you stepped in and told them to stop, they didn't so you released your aura. While seeing how strong you are you could've just dealt with them individually, I'm glad you dealt with it without killing them."

"Ehh. Mayb-"

"Sir!" A guard rushed in. "There was an armorsaurus attack on the mines."

"Send the defense force.?"

"We did, but that's not the problem! Garm, Myrd and Dord all were in the mines as well! And we have no health potions!"

"What! Alright, get as many as you can."

I decided to cut in, "Hey, need some help? Maybe these can help."

I brought out a bag filled with about fifty full potions.

"Please! Thank you!"

Turning back I looked to make sure Scathach was still asleep, which she was and went over to her and replaced my jacket with my lap and looked back at the captain.

"I can wait here, while the other two are asleep. Go help your friends out."

Kaido bowed to me, "Thank you! I'll repay you however I can."

Grinning at him when he turned around, I patiently waited while shutting my eyes. After another hour the captain returned and opened the cell. I gently shook Scathach awake, which took a minute.

When she woke up, she gave me a genuine smile and stood up. I looked back at Kaido as he said, "Thank you so much for your help!" Behind him stood three dwarves that I recognized. They all bowed to me as Garm said, "Yeah thank you so much! I lost my whole arm! Even if I made it out alive, I never would've been able to work again!" "Mmhm"

I smiled at them, "No problem, it didn't cost me anything and I was able to help out, so I don't mind."

"Even so, if there's anything I can do for you don't hesitate to ask!" After Kaido said that, the other three thanked me again and left.

I turned to Kaido, "Hmm, actually, can you introduce me to some really good artisans."

"Sure! I know just the person. Follow me."

Completely intending to leave Gobta in the cell, we followed Kaido to a blacksmithing shop. "Hey, who made that sword?" As I pointed to the magisteel longsword on the wall.

"Hehe, you have a good eye, that was made by my brother, lets go see him." To which I nodded in response.

We walked into the back of the shop, where a ripped dwarf was forging a sword intently. Kaido said, "Yo bro! I got someone I want to introduce you to." Looking up from his work and taking his goggles off, the dwarf said, "Hey Kaido, who's this?"

"Hey, I'm Kai, this lovely lady next to me is Scathach."

At this time, the three dwarf brothers walked in the room from a door behind Kaijin.

"Hey, how you three feeling?" I said as I saw them.

"Hey! Thank you again for helping us. Kaijin, this guy is the one who gave us those potions!"

Kaijin stood up and bowed to me, "Thank you, I can't thank you enough. If there's anything I can do for you let me know."

I waved him off, "Maybe, I need you to introduce me to some skilled artisans that would be willing to come with me to help out. We need someone to teach my citizens crafting."

He sighed, "I can do that, but I have to do it later. I have so much work because of Vesta. I have to make twenty magisteel longswords by the end of the week, and to top that off I've only gotten one done."

"Ohh? Is that all? Here." I dropped 19 magisteel swords on the ground that I made in the cell through the crafting system. "There, 19 magisteel longswords plus the one you already made. Does that work good enough?"

Speechless, none of them responded to me for a good five minutes. Scathach just walked up to me with a wry smile, "You sure know what subtly is huh." I just shrugged, "Yeah, maybe."

Finally, Kaijin just started laughing, "Hahahaha, Well. I don't know whether to be amazed or distressed but yeah that works. I'll go submit them and we'll have a party later, you should come!"

I just nodded, "Yeah sure, I'd love to come. You want to go too?" I looked at Scathach.

She just shrugged, "Sure. I don't mind."

With that, we left the shop and walked around town for another hour. We ended up getting bored and going back to Kaijin's shop to wait for him. Waiting there for an hour, everyone, except Kaido since he had guard duty, met up again and went to the bar, Butterflies of the Night.

When we arrived, we the bar was empty of patrons, but inside were the 7 elf women and they said, "Welcome masters!" as we walked in. I looked at Scathach with a wry smile as she stared at me with a slightly irritated look.

I ended up taking off my glasses and putting them in my pocket as we walked to a couch shaped like a U, while one of the elves, presumably the owner/manager served us drinks.

When the dwarves looked at me again, they all had a surprised face and said, "Ohh Kai? I thought you were human? What race are you exactly?"

I smiled at them and said, "Dragon."

When I said that, everyone's' faces, besides Scathach, went from shocked to slightly fearful and agitated, but no one said anything.

At this time, someone who I was waiting for, walked in... Minister Vesta.

I noticed that and said with a wry smile, "Why are you all agitated now, I'm no different than I was when you first met me, even if I am a Dragon."

When I said that, everyone seemed to calm down realizing that, while Vesta perked up.

Kaijin sighed, "You're right, sorry. It's more of an instinct, dragons don't have the best reputation, as I'm sure you're aware."

"Yes. Some of my kin are... Troublesome, to say the least. I prefer to stay hidden and keep to myself. I have much less pride than most dragons." 'For now. I have a feeling that will change when my bloodline unseals.'

One of the elves that had dark skin and was wearing a dancer's outfit, sitting on my right while Scathach was on my left, just said, "Well, normally we don't serve monsters, but I don't really know if a dragon counts, so its fine. Plus even if they did, you basically look human other than your pupils."

Just as she said that, Minister Vesta walked over and said, "Good evening Kaijin."

Kaijin grumbled, "Great, it's minister Vesta."

Ignoring Kaijin's remark, Vesta continued, "To think that you are out partying while your deadline for those swords is fast approaching."

"I turned them in earlier."

"You know what will happen if you don't turn them in- wait you're already done? That's impossible..." Vesta mumbled the last part to himself.

Kaijin smirked and replied, "It's true, want to see the invoice?"

"No that's alright, I'm more concerned with that thing." As he looked at me. I didn't react, Scathach was different, she narrowed her eyes, but I stopped her from doing anything.

Continuing, Vesta turned around, "So, since when do you allow monsters in your establishment?" Directed at the owner.

"Well, he might not be human be he looks like it, so it shouldn't be an issue."

"So you do acknowledge he is a monster, yet your implying that it looks like a human so it doesn't count?"

"No that's not it, here, have a drink minister. It's on the house." As the owner tried to keep a smile on her face.

He just frowned and said, "Very well. I'll show you what this monster deserves." (A/N: Classic IK) And went to pour his drink on my head. Using my limitless, I simply made the drink float in the air in front of me, and narrowed my eyes at him.

Seeing that his drink didn't have the desired effect, he was beginning to get irritated, when Kaijin walked up next to him and socked him in the face. "Hey Vesta, just because a dragon has more manners than you, doesn't mean I'm gonna let that slide."

"You... You brute! How dare you talk to a minister in such a manner!"

"Shut up!" Kaijin yelled as he punched Vesta in the face, knocking him out.

Following the script I said, "Hey was that a good idea?"

Not turning around, Kaijin said, "Hey Kai... You said you needed some skilled artisans right? Can you make due with me?"

"Heh, yeah. I sure can."

I got up and put my sunglasses back on, "I apologize for what happened here," as I turned to the owner, "I feel like this is partially my fault as much as his, if I kept my sunglasses on this wouldn't have happened. If they try to charge anything on you, I'll pay for it, though I doubt they will."

She looked at me gratefully and said, "It's okay, but thank you. They won't charge me for anything, I hope nothing happens to you."

After a minute of silence, the guards showed up, I whispered to Scathach, "They're gonna put us in chains, just calm down, don't kill everyone here." I only got an eye roll in response.

Our group walked out onto the street and stood in front of Kaido as we were put in chains. Kaido looked at his Kaijin and said, "Come on now bro. Just what the hell were you thinking?"

Kaijin harrumphed, "Hmph, he had it coming, that moron tried to pour his drink all over Kai, and I decided it would be best to teach him a lesson. I don't have a choice here, I'll have to put you in the guard house until the start of your trial."

As we got back into the cell. Kaijin tried to apologize to everyone but we all waved him off. I said, "Your brother said something about a trial what's that about?"

He just laughed it off and said it's nothing to worry about. A few minutes later, Kaijin stood up and turned to me. Holding out his hand, "Anyways Kai, thanks for having me on board."

I simply stood up and shook his hand with a smile, "Sure, thanks for accepting my offer as well."

Garm cut in, "Now hold on, if you take Kaijin, you gotta accept us as well." Dord continued, "He's right, anywhere Kaijin goes, we'll follow. We're a package." Myrd simply stood up, "Mmhm."

Garm said, "Well Kai, mind if we tag along?"

Smiling, "I'd be honored to have you three come along as well."

The night passed as everyone went to bed, Scathach and I took one bench while Kaijin took the other bed and the three dwarfs slept on the floor while Gobta was thrown in the corner.

Very quickly all the dwarves fell asleep, all of which, except Myrd, started to snore loudly. Which, to my amusement, slightly pissed Scathach off, as she buried her face into my chest in an attempt to cover her ears as best she could. I smiled and wrapped my arm around her waist and held her close, causing her to blush and bury her face deeper into my chest.

{ Dear, Scathach's affection has reached 99. }

'Perfect' I thought with a grin and said, "Goodnight." As I kissed her on the forehead.

If even possible, she buried her face deeper into my chest but still replied, "G-Goodnight." As she fell asleep.

Smiling at her, I drifted off to sleep.


FUCK this was a long chapter. It took me 12 hours to write cuz I kept getting distracted AND it's like 2900 words. I wanted to get to the trial but there was so much to write. I was going to break this into two chapters, but I really wanted to get to the 15k word mark so I just made it one chapter.

Anyways, I'll try to write more. I know that her affection is growing extremely fast and feels kind of rushed, but that is actually intentional and will be explained more later. It has to do with what Sarlyn did, Kai's massive charm boost and his skills from an Incubus.

With that being said, I don't know when it will be explained in more detail but I wanted to put that out there because I know for a fact, even with this here, people are going to bitch about it feeling rushed/forced, It's not.