Earning affection

Starting from this point in the story, it will be much less of what was on the script and more of an OS. Kai now has the basic foundation for the country set and the rulers in it. Now I can start branching out more, some things will obviously be the same but it won't be like 80% script 20% original anymore.


(Scathach POV)

I closed the door as I led the three adventures out of the room. "Alright, I'll take you guys to your room. I don't know how long the discussion between them will last but I know it's important, so lets give them some time."

After I showed Kaval and Gido to their room, I stopped at Eren's door and said, "Alright, here's your room Eren. I'll have Shizu stay in the same room as you."

"Okay. Hey can I ask you a question? I'm kind of worried about Shizu, even if she hasn't been in our party for that long, I kind of see her as a big sister, so I want her to be alright."

"Hmm, I don't know specifically but I know a bit, her real name is Shizue Izawa. I heard Kai talking with Rigurd about it."

"D-did you just say Shizue Izawa? Like the Hero of Flame?"

'Is she important?' "Uhh yeah? Either way let them be for now. I'll ask what they talked about later."

"Alright... Thanks." Eren replied as she walked into her room. 'Well. I guess I'll go back into the room with them.'

(End POV)

'What should I do... This is the first chance that I've found to possibly go back to my old world... It's not even a sure thing... But that goddess said there was a good chance for it...' Shizu was broken out of her thoughts at the sound of the door opening.

Scathach walked in and sat down next to Kai, "I took the other three to their rooms for now." Kai nodded in response and looked back at Shizu, "Well. I can help with Ifrit, and it won't make you any different. He's a being made of magic, I have something that can help me get rid of him while all the magicules will stay fused with your body. It's up to you though. I will warn you, you don't have much time left. I'd give it five days. If you would've fought against the ants it would've been reduced to two."

"I... Alright... I'll do it."

"Good, unfortunately I can't help you at the moment. You are going to have to wait for three days minimum. Don't use any magic until then and keep your mask on, even when sleeping. I know it will be hard but it will be the safest option." Nodding in response, Scathach led Shizu to the room she took Eren to while Kai was looking at his system.


Credits: 3


412. [Rule Breaker] - 5 credits



'How the hell am I going to get these last two credits in five days. I can get one from the Ogres but what else can I do...'

Sarlyn chimed in, { Get Scathach's affection to 100. You'll gain a credit for each woman who reaches 100 affection and you'll get an achievement for the first other than me, which will give a reward also. }

'Perfect! That's something I wanted to do anyways. Looks like I'll be spending even more time with her.'

*The next day*

Scathach woke up feeling extremely relaxed, looking up, she saw the common sight of the only man she's allowed herself to get close to still fast asleep. Looking at his peaceful face she thought, 'He looks so...Cute. Normally he's a smartass playboy. Now though he looks completely different.' Smiling, she put her head back on his chest and closed her eyes again.

A few minutes later, Kai stirred from his sleep and looked down, seeing Scathach looking up at him with a thin smile on her face. "Good morning dear." He decided to speak up, following with a quick good morning kiss.

For the first time, she responded, albeit a little late, to the kiss and when they pulled away, her face was as red as Gae Bolg as she stuttered, "G-g-good morning... Kai." Smirking at her shyness, he said, "Lets go on a date somewhere today."

"O-okay, but where? Anywhere like a city would take to long to travel to and most of the forest is fairly plain..."

"We could go to the lake? I know we aren't going anywhere that far, but we would be able to relax, just the two of us."

"Sure... We should figure out something like swimsuits before though... I don't have anything."

{ Ahh Kai can create clothes with his creation magic without needing materials. It takes much more mana than normal else but it's there. They will just dissipate after 24 hours.}

"Well that's convenient to know" Kai quipped.

*A few hours later, later into the morning*

"Ahh, this is nice. It's been a while since I could just relax like this." Scathach said as she laid down on the bank of the lake with a towel under her. Kai came next to her and set his towel next to her and sat down, "I agree, it feels nice out here. I get to spend it with you alone as well, which makes it ten times better." Kai said with a cheeky smirk.

"Glib tongue. Compliments only go so far." She quipped.

"Ohh so I should go farther?" He quipped back with a smirk as his hand crept up her leg and stopped at her upper thigh. "You're no fun." He said when she didn't react.

Little did he know she reacted much more fiercely than he could've imagined, just she didn't show it outwardly. 'Why did that feel so good! He touched my leg, it took all my focus to no orgasm on the spot!' { Ohh that would be because of his Incubus bloodline. It was considered a sexual act. Thus his skills amplified the pleasure by four fold. I wouldn't celebrate too much. You're still leaking a lot of fluids and he's gonna notice. } Sarlyn replied with a giggle at the end.

Just like she was told, she heard a deeper chuckle come from next to her as Kai looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Wow. I got more of a reaction than I thought, maybe this will be fun."

This time Scathach couldn't hold her façade and quickly looked away. "It's your fault." she mumbled. "Is it my fault or is it thanks to me?" She heard as a shadow was now looming over her.

Realizing the sun she was laying in was no longer there, she looked back to see Kai leaning over top of her looking down with a loving smile on his face. Staring into his eyes, which no longer had the sunglasses over them, she got lost in his cloud like eyes.

Taking this chance, he leaned down and connected his lips with hers. He decided now was as good a chance as any, and prodded her lips with his tongue, trying to pry them open.

Opening her eyes wide, she realized what he was trying to do, and after ten seconds, she slowly opened her mouth allowing him to explore her mouth to his hearts content, still staring at his face.

Kai continued to kiss her passionately for five minutes, only pulling back because she was running out of breath. Not breaking eye contact, he pressed his forehead against her's and said in a very gentle voice, "I love you."

Caught off guard from the sudden confession, Scathach smiled and leaned up, bringing Kai into another passionate kiss that lasted even longer than the last. After ten minutes, they broke and she smiled again, saying, "I love you too, Kai. I know I'm not the first, and I know I won't be the last, but I don't care anymore."

Kai laid down on his blanket and pulled her on top of him where they cuddled for the next few hours, until sunset. "Come on babe, let's go back and get some dinner." She smiled and nodded, intertwining their hands as they walked back. Kai noticed that he had gotten several system notifications throughout the day, but he ignored all of them, he could check them later.


Alright. This chapter is a little short but I wanted this to be the only thing in the chapter. Also, I have finals this week and really shouldn't even be writing this chapter but welp here we are. This might be the only chapter coming out until Sunday, or I might have time to write more. I won't know until the time comes, if not I'll make it up and still get this week's three chapters out at some point, even if I have to write 5 chapter's next week. Also, while the affection of Scathach passed 100, there still won't be any lemon until at least after the Orc Disaster Arc.