Saving Shizu

So it's only been a few days, but so far I've gotten mostly all positive reactions for doing Overlord World next. So I'll be changing it to Overlord for world 2 and DxD for world 3. The 2nd world still won't be coming for a while but I want to have a general skeleton for the story before we get there so I know what direction I'm taking this. So don't expect me to rush through the first world or second or third. Each one is going to be a lot of chapters. We are only like 1/10th or less into this world and I don't plan to rush anything. Either way, the harem has begun!


The morning after Kai and Scathach officially became a couple, the adventures decided to leave and head back to Blumund.

"Aww come on Shizu, come with us!"

"Eren, you're all exceptional adventurers, I'm sure it would be a lot of fun traveling with you-"

"So okay?!"

"But, I'm going to stay here I think, you know I'm much older than I look, I want to relax a bit. I've been an adventurer for long enough..."

"Yeah... I guess that's true. Alright well I'll definitely see you next time I visit this place!"

Shizu smiled at her, "Definitely, though things may be different the next time you come here. Come on, the others are waiting on you."

Eren nodded and walked out of Kai's house, followed by Shizu.

"Leaving already?" The others heard as the handsome man that's been hosting them walked over. Kaval looked back at him and nodded, "Yes, it's time for us to go back and give our report to Fuze."

"Alright, feel free to tell Fuze everything, ohh and don't mention the fact I'm a dragon, that might cause a bit of panic if they find out. You can just say I'm human."

"Won't that make him think you're a Majin?" "Maybe, but I don't really care. People will find out I'm a dragon eventually but I want it to take as long as possible if I can. It's safer for everyone that way."

Eren nodded, "Alright, we won't mention it. Take care of Shizu for me."

Kai smiled at her, "Don't worry, she will be safe here." Eren returned the nod and ran up to Shizu giving her a hug. "Bye Shizu, stay safe." Smiling at her friend, Shizu said, "I will. You all be careful in the future. By-"

"Ohh wait! Before you all leave come with me, our new artisans made some gear for you all. It's better than that junk you're wearing." Kai cut in.

"""New Gear?"""

Kai took them to the dwarves and gave them the same gear that Rimuru gave them, and everyone said their goodbyes once again as the three adventurers left.

"Alright, where's Rigurd?" Kai asked to no one in specific.

"I'm here my lord!"

"Ahh great. Scathach and I officially got engaged yesterday, so I want to have a feast tonight. Send Rigur and anyone else of his choosing to go hunt. Ranga go with them."

""Sir."" The two went off to gather the hunting party and leave.

'Okay, Sarlyn can you show me those notifications that I ignored from yesterday again?' { Sure thing love, here they are. }

[ Scathach's affection has reached 100. - Rewards: +1 Credit ]

[ Achievement Gained: Loved - The first girl other than Sarlyn has reached 100 affection. - Rewards: +5 Credits, skill 'Shared Bond' gained! ]

[ Shared Bond(Passive) - Host gains the skills of any girl marked by him. Sarlyn's Blessing doesn't count. ]

'Fucking eh. I was going to buy a skill like that anyways so I could get something like 'Degenerate' from Shizu without having to kill her for it. That's great. I can get Rule Breaker now and still have some credits left over for later.'

'System buy Rule Breaker for 5 credits.'

[ Weapon 'Rule Breaker' obtained. Remaining credits: 4 ]

[Rule breaker- A weapon capable of dispelling and destroying any kind of mage craft. Cannot be used as an actual weapon. ]

'Huh odd. The Rule Breaker from fate was usable as a regular dagger it just wasn't nearly as strong as other noble phantasm weapons, but I guess that might be why its so cheap... Whatever, it's still perfect for what I need, if not more-so.'

"Alright Shizu, let's go get rid of Ifrit."

Shizu heard Kai and was surprised but followed him nonetheless, eager to get her life back.

The three left, Kai, Scathach and Shizu went back into the house into the living room. "Come stand in front of me. I'll use this and sever Ifrit's consciousness from your body."

Seeing the dagger in his had, Scathach's eyes widened immensely and she stuttered, "W-wait, Kai, Isn't that Rule Breaker?! Will that even work?" He smiled back at her, "Yup. Sarlyn helped me get it. It should work as well. Spirits are beings that are manifestation of elements and magic. If this can't do it, nothing can."

"I guess that's true..."

"Umm. Is this safe? I mean, I know I'll die in a few days anyways so there's no point in not doing it but still." Shizu asked, not really knowing what we're talking about.

"Hmm? Ohh yeah its safe. This dagger can't be used to harm a person like a normal weapon. It just won't do anything." This confused Scathach because she knew it could normally work as a normal dagger but she didn't voice her thoughts and decided to just watch.

Shizu stood up and walked right in front of Kai. "Alright... I'm ready."

Kai nodded and explained, "Good. This might hurt a little bit, I'm going to use my limitless power to keep the magicules inside of your body when I sever his consciousness from you and you need to use your degenerate skill to fuse them with you're body. This is going to FUCKING hurt. You're basically going to be infusing fire into you're cells so remember that. And make sure its spread throughout your body when you do it or you're it's going to become unstable. Since Ifrit has been infused in your body for countless years anyways it will be much easier than normal. Your body is already adapted to this power so I say it will hurt a lot but it might be easier than normal for you."

Giving his explanation, Shizu got a little more scared but still nodded nonetheless since she was going to die in a few days anyways.

Seeing her nod, he then created a barrier around Shizu using limitless and looked around her body using his six eyes technique looking for Ifrit. He looked for a few minutes and finally found it tucked in right below her trachea. He moved Rule Breaker right above it and looked at her, "Ready? This is where you do the rest. I'll maintain the barrier and I'll even try to help you spread it around your body. Need be I'll use some full potions to restore any damage you may incur during the process, but it's mostly going to be on you. Do NOT lose focus during this."

She nodded back, "I'm ready. Even if this doesn't work... Thanks." He smiled, "It will."

Thrusting the dagger into Ifrit's consciousness, "AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH" an extremely loud cry of agony was heard from where the dagger was thrust. "NOW Shizu!"

Shizu closed her eyes and started to use degenerate to fuse the erratic magicules that came from Ifrit's consciousness dispersing. 'He wasn't kidding. This hurts so much!' Sweat started dripping down her face and back.

"Scathach come grab these potions, use them if you see she's starting to deteriorate. I'll try to help her control the magicules better." Kai said as he pulled the dagger out, stored it and went to Shizu's back. Doing something similar to when he was looking for Ifrit, he used his Six Eyes Technique and his own mana to start moving the magicules around her body in an even fashion. While it was helping her quite a bit, it was also taking a toll on him. Maintaining the barrier around her, his Six Eyes Technique and moving the magicules all at the same time was draining his mana at a decent rate.

After about ten minutes, the process was going fairly well, but Shizu was still having extreme difficulty, the pain was starting to go down, but it was still unbearable. Her focus faltered for a second and too much energy went to one spot in her shoulder. "AHH!" She cried out as blood spurted from her shoulder. Kai noticed it in time and used his mana to push some of the excess energy away before it did too much damage and Scathach quickly poured a full potion where the blood came from.

"Keep focus Shizu, you're a third of the way done. You can do this." 'He's right. Focus.' She thought and redoubled her efforts.

This situation occurred a few more times when Shizu finished fusing the magicules into certain parts that were vital, like the heart, brain, lungs and liver. After another twenty minutes, all of the magicules from Ifrit were integrated into Shizu, and they could finally stop.

"Well damn that was so much harder than I thought it was going to be." Kai stated as he fell back on the couch, exhausted.

Shizu hadn't moved yet, which Kai noted until he saw the tips of her hair start to turn red. This continued until it got a third of the way up and stopped. Finally she opened her eyes, which now had a orange ring around the outside of the Iris and black color sclera. "I think it worked. I can feel all the power that Ifrit had, but it isn't like its just residing in me and I'm asking to borrow it anymore. I can control it." She said.

Kai smiled, "Good. That's what we were hoping for. Though, to be honest I think you should technically be a half-spirit now. Not that it's a bad thing. You're lifespan should be much longer and you should have more access to mana now. Can you use the 'Body double' Skill?"

Shizu nodded in reply and created a body double next to her. "Yep I can."

She didn't notice anything wrong until she looked at Kai and saw a sly grin on his face while he was shaking his head. "What?" she asked. Looking at Scathach, who had a slight blush on her face and was looking away from her. She looked back at the body double confused only to realize there were no clothes on it. Widening her eyes she quickly de-summoned the clone and was about to run out of the room when she saw Kai pointing at her, more specifically at her midriff.

Looking down, she noticed that all the close she was supposed to be wearing were ashes on the ground now. She screamed, "Pervert!" and ran out to her room, hearing an amused chuckle from the man in the room as she left.

'I don't even have a lucky pervert skill...' { Yet. }

'Sure.. Yet...'

'My Lord!' { There's the message from Ranga. It's time to meet the ogres. }

'Ugh finally...' "I gotta go babe. Take care of Shizu while I'm gone and don't let her burn down the house." Kai said as she walked up and gave Scathach a quick kiss.

She smiled wryly and headed to Shizu's room while Kai ran out of the house and brought out his wings, flying off to where Ranga is.


Alright I know some people may call bullshit at how that worked, whether Rule Breaker should've worked on spirits or Degenerate being able to integrate the magicules into their body, but like I said this is an AU so it's going to happen, and that's how this happened. Anyways, Hope yall enjoyed.