
I'm going to be using the ogres names already just because its easier and they're getting the same names next chapter so yeah.


(Ranga POV)

I looked around and saw most of the hunting party put asleep. Gobta was lying on the ground with a shallow cut on his chest and Rigur was still fighting, but he was starting to get exhausted.

'These Ogres are strong... I called master, I hope I can hold them off and keep the others safe... I failed... It's lucky these guys aren't aiming to kill. I can tell they've been holding back. If not, I and Rigur might still be alive but the others would all be dead... what are they after...'

I all of a sudden heard clapping coming from behind me in the direction of the village and turn my head to see master walking from out of the tree line while tossing a potion next to Gobta. "Master!" I yell and run to him.

(Kai POV)

I arrived at the clearing the hunting party was fighting the ogres at and saw most of the hunting party sleeping while the others had shallow wounds. I see Gobta who still hasn't noticed me and toss a potion next to him and start clapping to get everyone's attention.

It worked. All the fighting stopped and the others came and jumped behind me. When Ranga got to me he asked, "Master? Why are you wearing that mask?"

"Shh. Just watch. They are going to want to fight me. Take care of the pink haired girl. Don't hurt her, just keep her out of the fight."

"Yes sir!"

I looked back at the ogres, "Alright. What're you all here for. I don't know what my subordinates did to anger you all, but I'd rather talk this out than have to fight you all."

"Stop messing around Majin! Enslaving monsters isn't something a meer hu-"

"Yeah yeah I get it, you think I'm a Majin, y'all are mad at someone cuz something happened yada yada yada. What does this have to do with me and my subordinates?"

"We have no intention of listening to your lies. The mask you have worn has told us everything we need to know."

"Fine. I suggest you keep that pretty girl in the back out of this though. She won't be able to take part in the fight anyways. So lets settle this you five versus me."

"I don't know what game your playing at, but it doesn't matter. Today, you will die-"

"Is she fighting or not?" I cut in.

"Of course she is!"

"Welp I tried, Ranga keep her out of the fight. Knock her out if you have to. I got the rest."


"It's fine. Keep her busy."

"You are either very brave or very foolish, either way I'll be happy to face you!" The red haired Ogre as he rushed at me and slashed down.

In response I dodged to the left and sped as fast as I could in front of the biggest one. When I got in front of him, he tried to bring his warhammer down on my head. I just lifted my hand and stopped it with my finger. Casting 'Body Armor', I punched him as hard as I could in the chest, sending him flying through a few trees, unconscious.

I could sense Shion's attack coming at my right side, but I didn't bother moving, letting my limitless stop it. Glancing at her shocked face, I turned and used my 'Sticky Thread' and tied her in a pseudo-cocoon against a tree.

A similar thing happened when Souei went of a stab at my side, but I punched him in the chest as well flinging him in the tree, unconscious as well.

"He beat us that easily!" I heard the pink haired Shuna mutter.

"The Armorsaurus's 'Body Armor' and the Black Spider's 'Sticky Steel Thread'. There's no telling just how many skills he might possess from other monsters. Don't let your guard down young master."

"Are you done fighting yet? Or you still want to continue?"

"Quiet! Enough Majin!"

"Alright fine."

"I admit you are rather strong which only confirms my suspicions!"

"Which is?"

"You are obviously one of them!"


"It is unthinkable that we ogres would be defeated by a bunch of lowly orcs!"

"Come on old man. I see you. Your sneak attack isn't going to work. Also I don't know what you're talking about. I rule over a goblin village. Not orcs."

The soon to be Hakuro seemed surprised but when for the sneak attack anyway. His blade stopped at my neck nonetheless. I shot my arm out and grabbed him by the neck and tossed him back at Benimaru.

"I told you old man. It wouldn't work. Sheesh and you called me arrogant."

Benimaru started getting irritated, "You will die here! 'Ogre Flame'"

"Yeah no. 'Blue'"

I saw his ogre flame coming and summoned a small marble of blue, throwing it at the flame, but not at any of the ogres.

"Alright. This is getting boring." I said as I took off my mask, and leaked a small amount of my aura.

As soon as I released my aura, all of the ogres' knees, excluding Shuna who I didn't target, buckled and they dropped on the ground on their knees.

"Seriously, I don't know why you're so upset but if I REALLY did want to kill you all, I wouldn't hire anyone. I could literally destroy your entire part of the forest with a single spell. So you should really think about your next move carefully."

I then released my aura and Shuna ran in between me and her brother looking at me. "Wait! Wait! We want to talk!"

"Sister! Wh-"

"Stop brother! He's right. He extremely powerful. He doesn't need orcs to kill us, we should talk to him! I truly believe he has no connection to the attack."

"Who are you really?" Benimaru asked me.

"Me? Kai Kasani," and opened my eyes, which I had kept closed after taking my mask off, "I'm a dragon." Which caused all of them to widen their eyes and sock, and causing all of them to pale. "Ohh yeah here's the mask you were so upset at. It's one of my friend's. It's got magic suppression powers, which is why I borrowed it."

"He's right brother. It does."

"The Majin back then wasn't doing anything to suppress his aura." Hakuro said.

"So then... Forgive us... we were too quick to judge, and acted rashly Lord Kai" Benimaru said as he knelt on the ground.

"It's whatever. Also you don't have to call me Lord Kai, just Kai. Unlike other dragons, I don't need anyone to stroke my ego. Anyways, this problem of yours sounds bigger than you might think. We should talk somewhere else. Let's go back to our village, you can join us there. I'd like to hear what happened there."

"But.. are you sure? We attacked and wounded your subordinates."

"Chill man, I also knocked out your people and threw around an old man. It's fine. No one died on either side so, no harm no foul. Plus we're having a feast today, you're welcome to join us."

Benimaru bowed to me and I led them all back to the village.

As we got back to the village, it was sundown and everyone started cooking the bulldeer that was caught during the days hunt.

"Would all of you come with me, I'd like to continue our talk inside, the rest of you feel free to get comfortable. Feel free to drink, talk whatever. Rigur, Rigurd, Kaijin can you come in as well." I said looking at the ogres, with the latter part being directed at the hunting party.

"""Of course my lord.""" Rigur, Rigurd and Kaijin said, while Benimaru nodded and Shuna nodded with a smile.

I led them into the house, "Babe! I'm back, I brought some more people as well!"

"Alright! We'll be down in a minute!" I heard in reply.

After we all got settled in the living room, Benimaru started his explanation of what happened. Once he was done, he said, "At first, I thought Lord Kai was the masked Majin. Which is why we attacked."

"Well. That makes sense, my guess is that the orcs sided with a demon lord or multiple, which is where they got the full plate mail. So what's your plan now?"

"That's simple. We'll regroup and go back for revenge."

"Do you know where they are?"

"Ugh... We..."

"Don't." I finished for him.

"Well. Mind if I make a suggestion? How about you all join me and become my subordinates? Admittedly I don't have much, food, shelter, clothing. Most importantly, I care about my subordinates. If you got into a fight, you'd have my full support. I don't like to brag, 'I so do,' but I'm pretty damn good in a fight. So is my wife Scathach."

"That might get you caught up in our path for revenge though?"

"And? I know that. I made the offer because I don't mind. I'd rather help than watch all of you go off to die on a suicide mission, because that's what you're doing right now. Besides, there's thousands of armed orcs, and is most likely being backed by a demon lord. Which means my village is in danger as well. See where I'm going?"

'Does crossing my fingers count here?'

"I see. Please let me give it some thought." he replied.

"Sure. Alright everyone, that about wraps up this talk. Let's go party a bit."

(End POV)

Outside, Benimaru and Souei went off in one direction after getting some food and beer and started talking about the offer. "It's not a bad offer." Souei said to Benimaru.

Meanwhile, Kai and Scathach accompanied Shuna and Shion to get some food and talk more. Scathach had heard from Sarlyn that Kai would probably end up turning both of them into their sisters at some point ahead of time, so she wanted to get to know them more before that inevitably happened.

Kurobe and Kaijin went and talked about blacksmithing stuff, while Hakuro went made his way to Benimaru after agreeing to train the persistent Gobta.

The night came to a close, with most everyone passed out drunk, and all of the ogres getting splitting up into groups for rooms. Shuna and Shion shared the room with Shizu and Hakuro, Kurobe, Souei and Benimaru shared the room that Kaval and Gido shared, while Kai and Scathach stayed in their own room (Duh author).