Orc Disaster

I just want to point out that I added the cover this morning, which is just a random picture of a half naked Scathach, and today I got more collection adds today than I did in the last 3 days combined...

You absolute degenerate fucks; I love you all.

Also on a side note the default POV now is going back to Kai. I have noticed 90% of the time its in his POV anyways. Which in all honesty is how it should be. So now default POV is Kai 1st person past tense unless I state otherwise.

Also if anyone looked at his status last chapter I fucked up cuz I forgot I implemented the whole every 10, 50, and 100 levels he gets additional stats, so I went back and added those. Not a big change just +10 to all base stats.


[ Available Jobs: Intermediate Martial Artist, Apprentice Swordsman, Apprentice Mage, Draconian Fighter ]

'Hmm, alright lets go with "Apprentice Swordsman", after that I will hopefully get Draconian Swordsman and can develop that more.'

[ Job 'Apprentice Swordsman' Selected. Skill 'Sword Mastery' has been acquired and preexisting knowledge has been represented as levels. ]

'Hmm? I actually got a skill out of it? Maybe it was because Scathach had already taught me, or maybe because I have actual combat experience with a sword before choosing the class. Either way show me the skill.'

[ Sword Mastery (Passive) - (35/100): The host's expertise with a sword. Any wound inflicted will have a 3.5% chance to penetrate almost any defense. Opponents significantly weaker than the host instead have a 35% chance to be instantly killed. ]

I saw the new skill and was surprised at how good a skill from an apprentice class was but chalked it up to my training with Scathach. "All right guys, lets move. We are headed towards the orcs. Benimaru, I'm giving command of the Lizardmen and Goblin riders to you. You're free to take part in the fight obviously but they're your responsibility as well, so don't let them die. Scathach and I are going to be going deeper into their army to fight as well and look for the orc lord. Lastly Ranga you stay with the goblin riders. Questions?" I say as I start to walk out of the tunnels.

"No sir!" They all responded.

We all made our way towards where I had sensed the orcs from and within twenty minutes they were in sight, marching towards the lizardmen caves. "All right you all, lets start. Also remember, no dying."

I sprout my wings and flew up, grabbing Scathach as I left. Flying over their army, I could see just how many there really were. Almost 200,000 orcs were marching without stopping and there was a sea of bodies underneath us. I flew over about 150,000 of them, leaving the other 50,000 in front of us. "Alright babe, I'm gonna drop you, just make sure that you don't kill the orc lords son. I plan to make him the next leader of the orcs. So any important looking orc don't kill."

"Alright, drop me already!" She practically yelled at me.

Shaking my head at her, I dropped her and flew down as well, making my way right and pulling out my swords. Cutting through the nearest orcs like butter I continued and continued for hours. I even had to mute the notifications due to the sheer amount of levels I was getting.

After the first two hours, the sky started to get cloudy and tornados were spawning over the entire battle field behind us. Even if it wasn't anywhere near us since it was at the front of the army, it was still very easy to see, and like I guessed, it was Ranga's 'Death Storm'.

Throughout the fight, I had gotten a few class changes. The first one I got was the 'Intermediate Swordsman.', then 'Draconian Swordsman', 'Advanced Draconian Swordsman', "Draconian Swordmaster', and finally what I'm on now, 'Draconian Dual Swordsman'. Apparently to unlock the Dual Swordsman, I had to get a decent way through the Swordsman tree.

I unlocked quite a few new skills as well. With them came, 'Elemental Weapon', 'Blade Dance', 'Sword Intent', and lastly 'Dual Wielding'.


Sword Mastery(Passive) - (40/100): The host's expertise with a sword. Any wound inflicted will have a 4% chance to penetrate almost any defense. Opponents significantly weaker than the host instead have a 40% chance to be instantly killed.

Elemental Blade(Passive): Whenever the host coats their weapon in the element aligned with their draconic nature, they gain a passive 30% strength increase.

Blade Dance(Active): The host gains 5x agility for 20 seconds, and the skill 'Elemental Blade' is effective, regardless if the element aligns with the host's draconic nature.

Sword Intent (Active): The host is able to manipulate their dragon aura into blades that slash along the path of a sword stroke. Their travel distance is based off the level of the 'Sword Mastery' skill.

Dual Wielding (Passive) - (30/100): When the host is using two one-handed weapons, the user gains a 15% increase to agility. (This increases attack speed, movement speed and reaction time)


(A/N: Okay seriously, I don't know what to do for class skills so these are it for now. If you all don't like them or think they sound too stupid, leave a comment on what you think I should change them to. Make sure to specify which skill. Also while there is the Sword Intent skill this isn't a cultivation novel and it will never turn into one. I have never watched or read anything like ATG so no cultivation.)

I also ended up getting quite a few minor achievements for the number of monsters I killed. I got one for 1k, 5k, 10k, and 20k, so I got 4 credits from that as well.

Right around this time, I felt an aura that was much stronger than the other orcs approach near me. Knowing this is the orc lord, I send a message to Scathach, 'He's here, stop killing and make your way to me.'

'Hah... Fine. I'm still upset you didn't let me use Gate of Skye...'

'Babe, you would've killed everyone other than me if you did that....'

'I know. I know. I still wanted to use it...'

Rolling my eyes at my battle maniac of a wife, I let it be and quickly made my way to the orc lord. Appearing in front of him, he and all the other orcs near him stopped and cleared out a path around us. Unexpectedly, Gelmud was already there with him, and seeing me appear in front of him at a speed not even he could track slightly startled him.

This caused him to panic and start yelling, "What are you doing orc lord, eat him already!"

Shaking my head at him, I use sticky steel thread and grip him, pulling him to me. He tried to struggle but it was futile. As he got near me, I used all my strength and punched him as hard as I could in the face. What I was expecting was for him to go flying back... It wasn't. His head popped like a watermelon being shot with a 12 gauge. It was kind of gross to be completely honest. Still, the effect I wanted happened nonetheless, his body, what was left, flew back and landed at the feet of the orc lord.

He didn't register what just happened, as he was too preoccupied by his hunger, and just ate the meal that delivered itself to his feet. As he ate, I could physically feel his magicule count exploding. 'Huh. His strength really increased much more than I was expecting. Guess becoming a demon lord can do that to you...'

{ It still won't be able to compare to you... Maybe before you slaughtered over 30,000 orcs, but not after... }

'Haha yeah, I guess. My strength kind of did like explode after that huh.'

Thus, as the orc lord finished evolving into the orc disaster, I didn't bother waiting for him to monologue about him being a demon lord and just immediately threw a quarter of my mana into a blue orb that ended up being the size of a small boulder.

Since he was being an idiot and was too focused on starting his monologue, he didn't notice the giant orb of death in front of him until it was already too close and it was pulling him into it. Luckily, there was no one behind him, but unluckily for him, he got turned into a giant ball of meat.

He was still alive mind you, and his body was slowly peeling itself apart and putting itself back together but before he even had the chance, I walked up and cast limitless, then predator and encompassed his body ball, devouring him. Looking around at the other orcs, I could see clarity returning to all of them as most of them dropped their weapons and down to their knees.

Flying up in the air I used magic to amplify my voice, "Listen to me, I don't plan on holding any of the orcs accountable for what they did. You were under the effect of a skill that made you lose your rationality. All of the fault goes on the orc lord for what he did, So I want the representative of the remaining orcs to make their way back to me, so we may discuss on what happens next, make it quick."

I finished quickly because in the middle of the speech I got a notification that almost made me jump from excitement.


Sorry I'm leaving it on a cliff hanger. But I'll write that chapter tomorrow. Also I said it earlier but if you think some of the skills from the classes are wack and you want them changed, go back and find that A/N and put it in the paragraph comments there for changes on what skills you think would be better. If I see one that makes more sense than me just bullshiting some skill that looks like it comes from wow, which it probably does *Cough blade dance* then I'll change it.