Dragon Form!


Side Objective Complete - Orc Disaster

Defeat and consume the Orc Disaster. (Completed)

Reward: 2 Credits, Bloodline Unsealed by 25%, 25 levels.

(While it isn't part of the quest rewards, you also gained a demon lord seed.)


[ Would you like to claim the rewards now? Y/N ]


[ Understood. Host might feel slight pain. ]

Like the system said, it hurt... A lot... I dropped on the ground and grit my teeth. It felt like every cell on my body were being incinerated and reformed over and over at the same time.

When I accepted it, Scathach had just made it to me, and when she saw me drop to the ground she she ran over to me in a panic and grabbed me, putting my head on her lap and continuously asking what was wrong, on the verge of tears, if she was anyone else she might have been crying.

Luckily for her, after she put my head on her lap, she heard Sarlyn say, { Calm down Scathach, his dragon bloodline is unlocking. He will be fine, just in a lot of pain. } Knowing that I would be okay and I was just in a lot of pain, she was a lot more composed and calmed down significantly.

(3rd Person)

This continued for about 15 minutes, in which all of the Kijin, Lizardmen, orc generals and even the Dryads had made it to me. When Shizu got there as well, she saw me collapsed on the ground and panicked. She ran up to Scathach and was about to ask what was wrong with him, when Scathach grabbed her hand and explained what happened. She visibly relaxed by the time Scathach was done explaining what was wrong.

As this was almost complete, Sarlyn said to Scathach, { I seriously suggest getting away from him and getting everyone back by a lot. When its finished unlocking, he will transform into his dragon form... You need to get away so you don't get crushed by the size of it. While I'm sure you will be fine, he would feel bad. } Nodding her head Scathach yelled, "Everyone get back now! Clear at least 50 meters around him." She then got up and grabbed Shizu's hand, pulling her away from Kai's body.

Nobody was sure why, nor did they know who she was, but when all the Kijin, Goblins and Dire wolves bowed their heads and started backing up, the lizardmen and orcs didn't question her and did as she said.

An additional 5 minutes later, the area started to shake heavily. Kai's body was enveloped by a pitch black light with purple edges as it expanded into a circle around his body by 40 meters. This continued once again for 5 more minutes.

The light finally died down, in the place of it stood a massive 40 meter tall metallic greyish black dragon, with armor on his chest, legs and arms. In the center of his chest is a large purple crystal that continuously emits a purple glow, the same glow also comes from his eyes.

(Kai POV)

'This form feels so much stronger, though it's also much less convenient... Hmm some of these new skills look amazing as well.'

[ Dragon's Breath (Active): The host can breath out a wave of their respective element. In this case, either Blue, Red, or Hallow Purple. Each of which is stronger than the other. Blue: 100mp/sec, Red: 200mp/sec, Hallow Purple: 500mp/sec ]

[ Tempered Scales (Passive): Any opponent with a strength less than your defense won't cause any damage to host unless they have skills that say otherwise. ]

[ Dominating Aura (Passive): Allies near the host gain a 25% bonus to all stats, while weaker enemies receive a -25% to all stats. ]

[ Host has also gained 250 in every stat due to the bloodline being Unsealed. Every % it is unsealed will add 10 points to each stat. ]

'Dominating Aura? That doesn't seem like something I remember dragons getting...'

{ They don't. You have it because you are a Dragon God, not just a regular dragon. }

'Ohh.... Neat... I wasn't aware of that, I thought I would have to evolve my bloodline or buy it...'

Shrugging my shoulders, which looked weird as shit as I was still transformed, I flexed my new wings and looked down at all of the ants- I mean subordinates below me. 'Wow I can already feel the pride affecting my personality...'

With my new enhanced senses, I can hear someone walking close to me, looking down I see my wife looking at me with shining eyes. Though if I didn't see it wrong, It felt like for a second even a little bit of bloodlust. Shaking off the feeling, I turn my palm over and let her climb on it, once she did, I lift her up to my face. She put her hand on my snout and said, "I like your new form, it looks cool."

"Haha, thank you babe." I say, in my normal voice, but I didn't remember quite how big I am was. When I said it, my voice created a shockwave, which sent quite a few people into the air, but I caught them with limitless and lowered them to the ground.

Just to test it out, I looked up into the sky, pulling Scathach away from my face and Roar as loud as I can. My roar created a much larger shockwave from before that pushed all of the storm clouds that were in the air still from Ranga's 'Death Storm'.

Deciding that was probably enough, I set Scathach back on the ground and start transforming back into my human form. Once again the light covered my body, and I started to shrink back down into my human form. Luckily, when I shrunk, my clothes were still on.

{ Your armor on your dragon form also stores your armor and clothes from your human form. When you transform back it does as well. }

'Interesting. Okay time to finalize this alliance.'

Walking out of the light I look at everyone around me. "Okay, Chief of the Lizardmen, representative of the orcs, Benimaru, and Treyni, come with me. We need to discuss the future of the forest."

They all nodded and we make our way back to the lizardman camp. I looked at everyone there, and started, "Alright, I want to make the forest into a country, like the human countries, and go from there. I won't be putting responsibilities on the orcs for what happened. The fault came from the previous orc lord, and he payed for it."

Although the lizardmen looked a little upset, they didn't voice it. From there we worked out import/exports to the various cities and food management. With that decided, my group made our way back to our village. Somewhere along the way, I pulled the Kijin over and asked them what their plans were. All I got in response was, "Well considering you're the new lord of the forest, and our master, it's obvious we're going to stay by your side isn't it?" from Benimaru.

Smirking at him I replied, "Yeah you're right. Let's go, I'm sure your sister misses you."

"More like she misses you, master." He replied with a deadpan expression.

"Yeah true, you're probably right... I'm not going to complain."

It took us two days in total to make it back. When we got there, a welcoming party was there at the entrance. In front of them all was Treyni and Shuna, who smiled at us when we got off our dire wolves. Shuna had a slightly surprised look as Shizu ended up getting off of Ranga with me and Scathach, but shook it off almost immediately since she expected this.

Before Shuna could move closer, Benimaru walked up to her and pulled her away from others and had a talk with her. Shaking my head, I look over at Shizu, "Hey, we are going on a date in a few days since we have some free time."

"Okay. That would be nice." She replied with a kind smile."

[ Shuna Affection has reached 100. Reward: +1 Credit ] The system sounded out of no where.

'Huh? When did she even get to 90?'

{ She was at 99 when you left, since you trusted her to look over the village while you were gone it went up to 99. As for after that, I'm assuming it was due to the talk she and her brother had just now. }

Hearing that I look over where Benimaru had pulled his sister and sure enough, Shuna was walking over to me with a bright smile on her face, and her brother was watching her walk away with a smile as well.

When she got to me, Shuna threw her arms around be and hugged me tightly, burrowing her face into my chest. I smiled at her and wrapped my hands around her back and looked down at her. "Hey Shuna, No welcome home kiss?" I teased.

"Her face was now red, but she looked up and into my eyes before closing the distance between us. As our lips met, I move one of my hands up and hold her chin, and lower the other to her ass. After a minute or two, we break the kiss away and I ask, "So, ready to be my wife as well yet?"

"Isn't that obvious?" She asks in a matter of fact voice.

"Even if it wasn't I would've considered you mine either way so it doesn't really matter." I respond in a slightly possessive tone, but she doesn't stop smiling.

"All right you four, I want to sleep some." I say to the four girls.

They all nod and we make our way back to the house. On the way I say, 'Harem' in my head.


Harem Members:

Sarlyn: Affection - 1000 (Completely Over Obsessive)

Scathach: Affection - 150 (Loving Wife)

Shizue: Affection - 70 (Decently Intrigued)

Shuna: Affection - 110 (Loving Wife)

Shion: Affection - 90 (Extremely Intrigued)

Souka: Affection - 50 (Greatful and Awed By)

Milim: Affection - 20 (Amused)


'Milim? I guess she was watching through the crystal ball again. Whatever, I'll deal with her when she gets here tomorrow.'


So I was once again going to post the Status, because there was some massive changes in the last few chapters, so I'm posting it now. Here ya go for those who want it! Also his stats look high, yes that's because they are. I've added all the bonus stats and what not, plus what he gets from unsealing his dragon bloodline.


Name: Kai Kasani

Titles: Husband of the Primordial Goddess of Creation and Reality

Race: Dragon God (25% unsealed), Royal Incubus

Job: Draconian Dual Swordsman (65/100)

Job History: Apprentice Martial Artist, Apprentice Swordsman, intermediate Swordsman, Draconian Swordsman, Advanced Draconian Swordsman, Draconian Swordmaster

Level: 103 (0%)

HP: 8260 (Constitution x 10)

Mana: 8860 (Arcana x 10)


Strength: 836

Agility: 846

Constitution: 826

Arcana: 886

Defense: 816

Charm: 4,180 (836)

Credits: 7


Limitless (Passive): Gives the host access to manipulate the concept of infinity.

Blue (Active): Can manipulate limitless to make a ball of extreme attractive force. Drains 10 mana per ball the size of a marble.

Red (Active): Can manipulate limitless to make a ball of extreme repulsion force. Drains 20 mana per ball the size of a marble.

Hallow Purple (Active): Can manipulate limitless to a ball of complete destruction that erases anything it touches. Drains 100 mana per ball the size of a marble.

Six Eyes Technique (Passive): Gives the host the Six Eyes which allows them to see the flow of mana, allows the user to see anything even atoms, immense brain processing power, and can see what skills a person is using immediately after seeing it.

Domain Expansion (Active): Traps the target inside the concept of infinity. While inside the Limitless, the target is inundated with an endless stream of information, overloading their brains and leaving them in a catatonic state. Costs 200 mana per second.

Predator (Active): Allows the host to consume creatures and gain their skills and abilities for himself.

Blessing of Sarlyn (Unique): A blessing from the dragon goddess Sarlyn that extends to all partners of the host.

-Draconic protection (Passive): The host is coated by the Divine Draconic aura of Sarlyn which protects them from a lethal attack and sending out a pulse of divinity, killing anything within a 15m radius around the host that is not protected by the same passive.

-Draconic Tongue (Passive): The host can understand and speak almost any language spoken by intelligent beings.

(A/N: This means he can't understand wolves howling or bears growling, only actual languages.)

- Ageless (Passive): The host cannot age and cannot be aged magically.

-Shapeshift (Active): The host can choose to look however they wish, body type, facial features, etc.

(End of blessing)

Creation magic (Passive): Gives the host access to creation magic.

Beguiling(Passive): Increases the users charm by 5x.

Dragon Transformation (25% unsealed): The host can transform into their draconic form, while in this form the host gains 5x Strength, 2x Agility, 3x Constitution, 4x Defense and 2x Arcana, but they cannot use weapons or skills related to weapons other than claws.

Lover's Bond (Passive): Allows the host to put a mark on any woman they have sex with and it will allow them to sense when they are in danger, and vise versa, but the most important thing about 'Lover's Bond' is that any time the host levels up, they also get stronger, but at half the speed. This mark makes it where they would never think of betraying the host.

Attractive Scent (Passive): Makes the host smell like whatever the favorite smell of any woman who is near the host.

Sexual Mastery (Passive): Increases the pleasure of anyone the host preform sexual acts with by four fold.

Degenerate (Active): Allows the host to create new skills by fusing two or more other skills together.

Black Flame (Active): The host can create a flame and manipulate it without fail based on their desire.

Sword Mastery(Passive) - (40/100): The host's expertise with a sword. Any wound inflicted will have a 4% chance to penetrate almost any defense. Opponents significantly weaker than the host instead have a 40% chance to be instantly killed.

Elemental Blade(Passive): Whenever the host coats their weapon in the element aligned with their draconic nature, they gain a passive 30% strength increase.

Blade Dance(Active): The host gains 5x agility for 20 seconds, and the skill 'Elemental Blade' is effective, regardless if the element aligns with the host's draconic nature.

Sword Intent (Active): The host is able to manipulate their dragon aura into blades that slash along the path of a sword stroke. Their travel distance is based off the level of the 'Sword Mastery' skill.

Dual Wielding (Passive) - (30/100): When the host is using two one-handed weapons, the user gains a 15% increase to agility. (This increases attack speed, movement speed and reaction time)

Various other skills from subordinates (A/N: I'm not naming every fucking skill he gets for both my mental health and your convenience sake.)

Dragon Form Skills:

Dragon's Breath (Active): The host can breath out a wave of their respective element. In this case, either Blue, Red, or Hallow Purple. Each of which is stronger than the other. Blue: 100mp/sec, Red: 200mp/sec, Hallow Purple: 500mp/sec

Tempered Scales (Passive): Any opponent with a strength less than your defense won't cause any damage to host unless they have skills that say otherwise.

Dominating Aura (Passive): Allies near the host gain a 25% bonus to all stats, while weaker enemies receive a -25% to all stats.


Fire Magic

Lightning Magic

Shadow Magic

Demonic Magic
