
We got back from our trip to Lake Siss in the morning. After a few hours, Souei came to me with a body double, letting me know King Gazel was on his way here with his Pegasus Knights. I tell him to let them be and make my way out to greet them. 'Huh, I was expecting them to come, just not so soon. I guess one of their shadows was watching the fight and left as soon as the fight ended. Whatever, it won't change anything. I also plan on going and killing Clayman immediately after awakening as a true demon lord.'

{ Why not just kill him now dear? }

'I could, but where's the fun in that. I at least want him to think he's getting closer to becoming a demon lord. I plan on having Milim still make Carrion and Frey her subordinates. Then I can take over Eurazania and I will kill Clayman immediately after. I can easily obliterate his castle and free Milim from the Orb of Domination. Before then, I'm going to go over to Frey's domain and have her join me.'

{ Hmm. I guess that makes sense. What if Clayman tries to use the Orb of Domination on you though? }

'Will it even work? I assumed it would but would it actually work on me?'

{ No, if I put it into stats, then it goes off of charm. If you had less than 2,500, Which everyone in this world, besides you does, then it would work. You're stats are already extremely high overall and they are only at 800-900. You only have 4k charm because of your 'beguiling' skill. So this item should realistically be able to work on anyone, you're just overpowered as shit. }

'Thanks to you... Alright that's good to know. So then it doesn't matter if he targets me right? Would I be able to tell if he targets any of my subordinates?'

{ No. However, if they are connected to your Harem meter they will be blocked from it. It would have to contest against your charm, which is obviously higher, so they are all safe. You can specifically let it happen however, and to break Milim free of the mind control all you have to do is will it to happen and it will be overridden. }

'Cool, thanks babe. Ahh they are here now.' I look up from my internal conversation with Sarlyn and see the Pegasus Knights and King Gazel landing in front of me in an open area. Behind me are Scathach, Shizu, all of the ogres, some of the higher up hobgoblins and the dwarves.

King Gazel got off his horse and walked towards me, he stopped a few meters in front of me and stared into my eyes, that no longer had glasses in front of them since they were irrelevant now that I awoke my bloodline.

"Hello King Gazel, welcome to my forest, allow me to properly introduce my self, I'm Kai Kasani, lord of the forest and all the monsters that inhabit it."

"That's boastful isn't it? Either way it's a pleasure to formally meet you. You know me already, but I will introduce myself anyways, I am King Gazel Dwargo, the ruler of Dwargon."

"A pleasure, now, may I ask why you're here? I assume it has something to do with me dealing with the orc lord?" I ask him directly.

He smiled wryly, "One of them, I also came to see whether you would end up being a threat to Dwargon."

"If I was a threat to Dwargon, I would've killed you all the moment you arrived. It's fine, let me guess, you want a fight?" I look at him plainly.

"Haha. You're smart, yes I want to spar, that way I can test your worth." He said as he pulled out his sword.

"Alright, I recommend you not use your main sword, unless you want it broken."

He didn't say anything but narrowed his eyes, thinking I was boasting. I just shrugged at him and pulled out my training swords from my inventory and coated them in Hallow Purple.

The people from my town were surprised, since this is the first time I've used it outside of Veldora's cave, but they could feel the raw destructive force coming from it. Gazel got a bit more serious and got ready to fight, seeing as he was ready I say, "Treyni, be a witness for this won't you?"

Next to me, the wind picks up and the beautiful dryad appears and bows, "Of course my lord." She said and backed up a bit into the middle to start the duel off.

All of those from Dwargon were more than surprised at seeing a dryad, even Gazel. "I guess I should apologize for accusing you of boasting, you really are the lord of the forest if even a dryad calls you their lord." I just shrug at him and prepare to fight.

"Begin!" Treyni declared.

I instantly rush forward and appear in front of Gazel, swinging my main handed sword in a horizontal slash and bringing my off hand sword in a low thrust. He goes to block the slash and dodge the thrust, but he wasn't expecting my sword to cut cleanly through his sword, due to hallow purple, and for it to touch his neck. I made sure to dispel Hallow Purple so I didn't decapitate him and he ended up with my sword in his neck and kidney.

I pull my swords back and give him a wry smile, "I did say your sword would break."

He looks at me oddly and then breaks out in a loud laughter, "Hahahaha, that was amazing! I don't know how that happened but I didn't expect that to happen. You're incredible with a sword!"

"Heh thanks, my wife taught me to fight, she's much better than I, but she prefers a spear." As I nod to Scathach, and give her due credit.

"I admit, you're very ruthless in battle, but judging by the fact you used a wooden weapon and dispelled your power immediately after you cut my sword, I can tell you truly have no bad intentions for Dwargon. Even if you wouldn't have killed me there, you could've hurt me easily and got away with it by saying it was a spar. I wish to talk for a while, is that agreeable?"

"Sure thing, let's go to the town hall, your knights are welcome to relax as well, you won't be attacked here." He nodded and put the knights at ease and followed me into the town with his captain as well.

We went over the discussion for a treaty with Dwargon. We shook on the treaty and Gazel asked me the same question he asked Rimuru, "So, What's the name of your country?" When he asked me this, everyone in the room went silent and looked at me. "The Kasani Kingdom? I guess, and the city will be the city of Sarlyn." What I called the city surprised almost everyone there, but three people, Scathach, Shizu and Shuna all smiled when I said this.

{ I thought you were going to name the city Tempest? } Sarlyn asked me, though she sounded less than upset.

'I was, but ehh fuck it. I don't really care about the original anymore. Rimuru isn't even here, much less with the last name Tempest.'

{...Right...} Sarlyn said in realization, and then a smirk formed on her face, but she didn't continue the conversation.

I looked back up at Gazel and said, "Well, if this concludes our discussions, I'm still a little tired, and I want to go to bed. Thank you for paying a visit. Benimaru, show him and his men to some temporary housing for the night." The king looked at me gratefully as Benimaru nodded and led everyone out.

I look at Shuna, Shizu and Scathach and say, "All right girls, let's go to bed, I'm tired." As I pick up the drunkenly passed out Shion. All three just nodded and followed me back to the house, when we got there Shizu bid us a good night and I carried the unconscious busty Kijin on my back to her room and set her down. I made my way to my own room and laid down with Scathach and Shuna on each side of me as we cuddled and I very quickly fell asleep as the two were having a conversation.

*In a white and gold room & 1st person as well*

'Hehe, I don't know how he will react to this but I'm doing it anyways. There's no harm in it even if I do it.' I think to myself. I just finished having a conversation with Kai about naming the capital after me, and he mentioned how Rimuru wasn't even in the world with him, which is true. 'Time to add Rimuru into the universe, I'm going to make it a she, in both lives, and she will be a teacher at Ingrassia where Shizu's students are, just not their teacher, perfect. I just need to make sure Yuuki doesn't know that she's an otherworlder, at least yet, and done. I hope Kai likes the surprise I have waiting for him on his date later...' I can't help but chuckle at my own actions. 'Never would I have thought I would go this far for a mortal. Hah, love is weird, and I came up with the damn concept.' I shook my head at the thought and went to actually manage the multiverse for a little while Kai slept.