Milim arrives and another one.

I woke up the next morning, already I could sense the incoming presence of Milim. She was still far away, but she was making her way here none the less. Looking down, Scathach and Shuna were both curled up over my chest. I slid out from in between them and slowly lowered them to not wake them up.

I got ready to meet Milim and made my way to the top of the hill after doing my morning routine. I waited there for a while and after an hour or two, her presence got closer and closer very quickly. Since she got closer, I released my aura so she could find me and covered the ground with limitless so she wouldn't destroy my hill.

Her presence shifted direction and made it straight to me, thirty seconds later, she landed and my limitless actually shook slightly, which surprised me but it didn't compare to the shock Milim had when she was being overpowered and couldn't touch the ground. She looked up at me and her eyes glowed blue slightly. "Wow! Your super strong to be able to overpower me!"

"Ha, maybe, but I'm sure you would break through if you tried Milim."

She frowned for a second but then smiled brightly, "Normally I would only let a Demon Lord address me so casually, but your as strong as me magicule wise so no one could really say you couldn't be one! So I guess it's fine if you call me that, Ahahahaha."

"Actually I already plan on awakening my demon lord seed sometime soon. I already have a trade agreement with Dwargon and I hope to open with Carrion. That will provoke Falmuth and give me plenty of souls to feed it and awaken as a true demon lord... So I already plan on becoming a demon lord."

"Wow you've got this all planned already!"

"Right, so why are you here exactly?" I ask her with genuine curiosity. I figured showing my dragon form would make the demon lords to reconsider coming here.

"Well, I wanted to come and see the new ruler of the forest and see the type of person they are! The other demon lords were very hesitant to come here, I'm not though! Ahahaha!"

"Haha, well I should've guessed that. Well, Hello Milim I hope we become the best of friends, or better."

She tilts her head when I said 'or better' but she lights up with a smile and replied, "Yes! The best of friends!"

"That's good. Come, I will introduce you to the residents. Some of them might not know who you are at first, so if they say anything out of line, let me deal with them."

"Hmm fine. I trust you to punish anyone properly."

I smiled at her and grabbed her hand and pulled her along. Once we got started walking I dropped it and started telling her about some of the residents, and some of the VIPs of the town as well.

"Scathach, Shuna, Shizu and Shion are either my wives or people I'm interested in. Shizu is a human so I'm not entirely sure how she will react to you being a demon lord."

(A/N: Holy fuck I just realized all 5 start with S, when you include Sarlyn! ;_;)

"No problem! I can't wait to see what fun stuff you end up doing!"

As we walked to the town, I explained a few more things about the town and my plans for it. "Hey Milim, Do you mind entering into a non-aggression pact with us? I don't care about the other demon lords really, and I will not enter one with Clayman." I asked a little out of nowhere.

"Hmm... I don't know. I guess I can..."

"Think about it, if we enter a non-aggression pact, we can do more fun things together easily. Plus if you're hesitating because you want to fight me, I don't mind sparring in a few months or so from now."

"DONE! Lets sign it! Lets sign it right now!" She yelled enthusiastically.

"Haha, alright, we can sign it after we introduce you to everyone."

I took her back to town and gathered everyone in the town square. "Thank you all for gathering, this is my good friend Milim Nava, the Demon Lord. We are about to form a non-aggression pact with each other and she will be given permeant access to residency here as well."

Looking over at her, her eyes were sparkling and she yelled, "Yes! We are the best of friends! I will be staying here from now on as well!"

At first everyone gasped, but it was followed by a cheer, for both myself and Milim.

"Come one Milim, let's go sign the non-aggression pact, then we can do some fun stuff."

"Yay! Alright, let's go, let's go!"

'Hah, that felt way to easy.' I sigh to myself.

I led her to the newly built town hall, so far the town has been improved a lot in only a few days. With the number of orcs, things can be worked on around the clock and in just one day, a majority of the roads in the town have been built as well as the town hall, and the hot spring baths.

We took a few minutes to sign the non aggression pact, and when we finished, we left to go to the lake. I created suits for everyone, which included Scathach, Shizu, Shuna, Shion, Milim, Benimaru, Kurobe, and the dwarves.

We ended up going to the same lake that Scathach and I went to for our date. Most of the girls ended up sun bathing, while Milim and Shizu played in the water. I noticed that Shizu like to be around Milim, which I thought was, because it reminded her of the kids back in Ingrassia. I walked up to the two, "Hey Shizu, want to go to Ingrassia for our date? We can go see the kids and then go around the city."

She looked back at me and smiled, "I'd love that. Umm, can I ask you for a favor Kai?"

"Of course you can, what is it?"

"I know our situations are a little different, but do you think you could help save them as well?"

"Easily, we can even do it when we go to visit, we just need to take them out of school for a bit."

"Thank you so much Kai!" She said excitedly and ran up and hugged me.

I smiled and hugged her back, "Of course, you're going to be my wife eventually, I don't mind helping you." I whispered to her with a confident smirk.

She pulled back from the hug and rolled her eyes, turned around and went back to playing in the water with Milim.



Harem Members:

Sarlyn: Affection - 1000 (Completely Over Obsessive)

Scathach: Affection - 150 (Loving Wife)

Shizue: Affection - 90 (Extremely Intrigued)

Shuna: Affection - 110 (Loving Wife)

Shion: Affection - 99 (Extremely Intrigued)

Souka: Affection - 50 (Greatful and Awed By)

Milim: Affection - 40 (Intrigued)


'What the hell do I need to do to get Shion to 100. Do I just need to ask her, I mean, she's a pretty straight up person, and as rude as it sounds she's pretty simple minded. Strength and Kindness = attraction for her. I guess I'll spend more time with her for now.'

I Swam over to Shion, who was doing laps back and forth and grab her hand.

"Ah! Lord Kai, what's wrong?" She asks with a confused face.

"Nothing. Is there anything wrong with this?" I ask as I pull her closer.

"A-ah no, of course not." She replies, a little flustered.

I pull her to the edge of the lake and sit down with her in between my legs, with my arms wrapped around her waist and my chin on her shoulder, "Shion... I want you to be mine."

She turns to me in shock, and her eyes start to mist slightly, "A-are you sure my lord?"

"Of course, and also stop calling me my lord, just call me Kai from now on." I say as I put my hand on her cheek and lean in and kiss her.

I hold her in the kiss for a few minutes before pulling back and smiling at her. "So, do you agree to become my wife as well Shion?"

[ Shion's affection has reached 100. Reward: 1 Credit ]

"Of course I do! I was so jealous, I just didn't think I was worthy enough..."

"Bullshit Shion. Of course you are, not only are you Beautiful, you're also extremely loyal and kindhearted. If you weren't worthy to be no one, 'but Sarlyn', would be worthy to be my wife." I say back to her in a gentle tone and kiss her again.

We stayed there until sundown relaxing, by the time we got back to town, a few more buildings had been finished, and the aqueducts were being worked on. "Alright Milim, if you want you can stay in my house, or we can give you a temporary house, which would you prefer?"

"Hmm, I guess I'll just stay at your house. I don't mind!"

"All right, follow me and the girls. Goodnight to the rest of you, tomorrow I leave to visit Demon Lord Frey, and then Shizu and I have our date."

'System, what type of dragon am I exactly, like what's my affinity?'

[ Spacial. ]

'Okay.... so I should get that magic type soon correct?'

[Yes host, it will be unlocked at 30%]

'Alright. Well now that I have 8 Credits, I can get another good bloodline. Which one though...'


Here's the makeup chapter boys. Next chapter will come out Wednesday, or tomorrow idk. it depends on when I feel like writing more really. Though I probably already know what bloodline I'm going to pick for him next, leave some comments on this paragraph for which you think next. I was picking between 'Primordial Demon Bloodline', and 'Ancestral Angel Bloodline'. If it's a different bloodline I will have to do a bit of research on it and the chapter definitely won't come out until Wednesday at that point.