
What the hell happened. I got so many power stones yesterday. Well we in the top 200 for fan fics now so I guess extra chap this week maybe? I'm not someone who really asks for them since I just do this in my free time for fun but hey I'm not gonna say I hate it.


*3rd Person*

In a dark room, a very beautiful, four armed woman is sitting at a desk. She just received a message from her subordinates saying they've found another decoy world, and it wasn't where Kai was. 'Understood, move to the next one.'

She cut off the communication and leaned back in her chair, rubbing her glabella, 'Ugh, I hope this is over soon so I can go back home and leave this absolute jackass of a person's presence.'

Looking back up, she opened a communication message with another person, 'Lady Sarlyn, your brother's forces are heading to another decoy... I can't keep sending them to decoys or they will know something is up. I'm sorry my lady, but there's at most has another few weeks before I have to "find" the real plane.'

On the other side of the message, Sarlyn can be seen with an annoyed expression on her face. She relaxed a bit and replied, 'It's alright... I can't thank you enough for doing this... I adopted you and then sent you as a spy to my brother... You haven't been home in so long... I'm sorry Kalishka...'

Kalishka had a smile form on her face and replied, 'It's okay mother... I volunteered myself to go undercover... I already expected something like this to happen. I'm coming home soon, don't worry.'

While her words helped a little, they hardly comforted Sarlyn any. Kalishka had been her adopted daughter for tens of thousands of years, after Sarlyn's brother almost destroyed her planet and wiped out her race. She was lucky enough to survive along with a few thousand of her race, called the Ashran, a distance cousin race of the Asura. The Ashran have a similar stature to the Asura, however they are a peaceful race so they are much slimmer and, they focus on crafting and music, unlike their war loving cousins.

(A/N: Ashran is a custom race that I had made for D&D and well now its in here.)

Sarlyn chose to adopt her, and take in her people, because she was just a child at the time, and on top of that she was the princess of her race. Sarlyn raised her as her own daughter for over five thousand years, before Kalishka herself offered to go and spy on Fothos for her mother. Sarlyn initially rejected the thought of it and it took another two thousand years for her to get Sarlyn to agree.

While she was undercover, she slowly made her way up the ranks and has been one of his highest ranking subordinates for the last few hundred years. While he does force her to service him, she has managed to divert his attention from going too far, and decided she would fake her death and go home so that Fothos wouldn't have any suspicions about a spy, since Sarlyn had sent over another of her subordinates to accompany Kalishka, and she plans to have him take over.

'I'll be fine mother. It's only a few more months and I'll fake my death and come home, I promise... I have to go now. I'll keep you updated and let you know when we are going there so your troops can 100% prepare.'

'Sigh alright thanks dear... be careful...' Sarlyn said worriedly.

Cutting the call off, Sarlyn looked over to her side, where a projection of what Kai was doing and smiled lightly. "I hope you get to meet you're daughter soon..."

*Back at the MC, and 3 days after Milim arrived*

I woke up this morning with the two Kijin girls cuddling my arms and Scathach laying on top of me. Sighing I snake my arms out of Shuna and Shion's embraces and replace them with pillows, then gently lay Scathach down on the bed. I went to the kitchen and decided to cook a basic breakfast for everyone.

Yesterday, the captain of the Pegasus Knights, and about twenty other knights, returned and brought with them a few crates of goods to show what they would be trading. In them were eggs, different parts of pork, chicken and beef. There were also potatoes that are apparently popular in Dwargon. (Idk don't ask it was something else to add.) In return, I sent back a few items made in our country which were: Magicule infused silk clothing, and crafted weapons, armor, and accessories with them.

I took a few eggs and some of the bacon that came with the pork and made some basic eggs and bacon. We ended up finding a few plants that could be made into seasonings that were close enough to previous ones of my past life, so making a decent breakfast wasn't too hard.

I finished making the breakfast and went and woke up the girls, including Milim and Shizu. The girls all woke up and made their way into the dining room and got their food. While we were eating I figured it was good time to mention I was leaving soon.

"Hey girls, I'm going to head to Frey's country soon. I want to meet up with her before Clayman makes his move. So I will be gone for a few days, I don't think I'm going to take anyone with me, and once I get back, there's a few things we will do and then I'll deal with some things here, then Shizu and I will be going to Ingrassia for a few weeks. I will probably leave today."

All the girls looked kind of upset that I said I'd be leaving so soon, especially Milim, who wanted to go with me because she assumed I was doing something fun.

"Milim, It's not anything fun, it's business related. Stay here and hang out with the girls, it will be a lot more fun than what I'm doing. I'll be back in a few days."

"Fine... But if I find out you did something fun without me (I kill you a hundred times! Sorry had to.) I'll never forgive you!"

I spent the rest of the time with the girls before I left for the sky queen's country, which consisted of training(sparring) with Scathach, Milim and Shion, cuddling with Shuna and spending time with Shizu about the USA, where I grew up in my previous life. Before I left, I made sure to inform the others that help run the country, like Rigurd and Benimaru, so they could take care of everything while I'm away.

I got to the edge of town and transformed into my dragon form. Before I left, I took a look at my new tails, which now had purple illusionary flames coming off the back of them. I looked towards the north and took off flying as fast as I could towards the Harpy Kingdom Fulbrosia.


This is a short chapter, but I didn't want to start the whole Harpy Kingdom Mini-Arc in the middle of this chapter. So I'll just start this arc starting next chapter.