Harpy Kingdom Fulbrosia

The flight there was very uneventful, it took a few hours to fly there, and any monsters, wildlife or anything else did everything they could to avoid getting in my way, much less fight me. That was until I got to the border between the forest and the Harpy Kingdom.

I flew for a while once I got closer to the mountain range that was the majority of the country, I was approached by a squad of about thirty armed and armored harpy soldiers. I slowed down and started flying in place, before they could speak I decided to speak out first.

"I'm here to see Frey, take me to her, I'm not taking no for an answer." I say while narrowing my eyes.

"Apologies my lord, but she-"

"I don't care if she's worried about Charybdis, take me to her."

The harpy who spoke up, who I assumed to be the leader of this squadron, tensed and said, "V-very well, please follow us."

'It appears my dragon form is a tad bit more intimidating than my human form, well, I'm not surprised considering my roar sounds like Godzilla's, so I'm assuming my voice is just as intimidating.'

The harpy's lead me to the capital, which I don't actually know exactly where it is, but they are much slower than I am, so it takes about an hour to get there. On top of that, we were almost stopped on the way there multiple times by other squadrons, but every time one would approach, one of the harpies would break off and meet them.

As we were flying, I started seeing more and more houses, and other buildings on the peaks and extending from them throughout the mountainside. In the center of all these buildings, on the tallest mountain there was a slightly bigger building, which was where Frey lived.

As we got close to it, the leader stopped and turned to me, "I'm sorry my lord, I am not allowed to approach the castle any more without permission, you will have to continue from this point forward.

I just growl in return and fly closer to the castle, I was once again approached, this time by what would be Frey's "Royal Guards," which were still scared, but much less so than the basic soldiers that escorted me here.

"My lord, what brings you here? Lady Frey is very busy?"

"I'm here to meet with her, take me there, I don't care if she's busy or not."

"We cannot do that my lord, we will have to send a re-" The captain says hesitantly, but before she finishes, I roar to interrupt her, shaking the entire mountain, as well as unrestricting my aura.

"I'm going in. Move."

"M-my lord... I-"

"It's fine, let him in." Someone cuts in.

The guard captain turns around, and sees Demon Lord Frey approaching. My roar got her attention pretty well, which was the plan.

"Please come with me, I would be happy to receive you." She said to me cordially. In response, I look at her and restrict my aura again, following her back.

We fly next to each other as we approach, when we get closer, I can see a landing pad type of entrance. Flying over to it and mid-air, transform back into my human form and release my wings in my human form, floating down to the pad. My wings are still demon wings, but they have scales all over them and spikes at the tips.

I land on the pad and look to my left, where Frey landed and looked over at me, and she made a surprised face when she looked into my eyes, but quickly went back to her stoic expression. We walk into the building without a word until we get to what looks like a small meeting room.

She turns to me and gives me a fake smile, and starts, "Apologies, but we are currently working on a way to combat Charybdis, you came at a bad time I'm afraid. Since you came here, I assume you already know who I am, but while I know who you are, I don't know your name."

"Forgive me, I didn't introduce myself did I? I'm Kai Kasani, Ruler of the Great forest of Jura. Might I say, you are much more beautiful in person than I was expecting."

"Ah, thank you Kai, may I ask why you are here?" She gives me a genuine smile this time while asking.

"Well firstly, Charybdis isn't really an issue, I'm more concerned what to do with you after Charybdis is dealt with."

She looks confused when I said that, so I continued, "I don't really mean you personally, but more what Clayman will do with you. You see Clayman has, somehow, obtained a certain Orb of Domination. I'm assuming you know what that is correct?"

She looks surprised at my words, frightened almost, but then she calms down quickly are replies, "What about it? Now that I know about it, I just won't touch it and he won't be able to control me."

I look at her like she's an idiot. "Frey... I'm not talking about him using it directly on you. He's going to use it on Milim, whom you cannot hope to beat. So I came here to give you an alternative."

She tenses a little when I say that he was planning to use it on Milim, but she still doesn't loose her stoic expression, "What is this alternative you suggest?"

"It's simple, join me. Rather than being forced to server under Clayman and Milim, come serve under me. While you will still have to serve someone, I assure you it's much more favorable than that megalomaniac Clayman. So, what do you say?"

A mix of emotions break through her stoic face. First is anger, which quickly gives way to confusion, to resolution. Finally, her stoic expression comes back on her face and she looks back up at me. "While I agree, almost anything would be better than serving under Clayman, I can't just take your words at face value."

"Frey. We both know I could easily force you to serve under me. I have no reason to trick you, it's pointless. If I really, really wanted to force you to serve under me, I would just do it."

She sighs, mostly because she knows I'm right, the other reason I released my aura earlier was to show how easily I could force whatever I wanted if I really needed to. "Yeah, you're right. Okay, I'll serve under you, my lord." She said and went to bow but I stopped her.

"Stop, Kai is fine, unless we are in a formal setting, I dislike honorifics. Just because you will serve under me doesn't mean it will really change anything, I'm not a tyrant. Besides, I'm not the type of a person to make a beautiful woman's life a living hell."

"Thank you Kai, if you need anything feel free to ask." She said with a bright smile and a slight blush.

'How did I make her blush so easily?'

{ Dear, did you forget how much your charm has improved since you last flirted with anyone new? It's gone up by almost two thousand points. Souka got added to your harem list just from you giving her a name, you've practically ignored her since then and she's still on there. Also just so you know, Frey's affection is already at 50. }

My eyes widen in surprise and I say to my wife, 'What? Already holy shit? Is it because even with the power difference I still show some concern and respect for her position?'

{ Ha, Imagine a man being chivalrous and a woman appreciating it. It's almost like that's a good way to not be single for ever. (Yes that was a shot at all you lonely virgins saying that a person being respectful to a woman, even if he doesn't have to, is a beta.) }

'Haha, fantasy world or not I guess so.'

Frey looked at me and said, "Is something wrong Kai? Your eyes widened for some reason?" She even showed slight worry.

I looked at her and gave her a smile, "No I'm fine, I just found something out and it surprised me, nothing else. I'm going to stay here for the night, I flew all the way here, do you have a place for me to stay?"

"Ah, no not really, I don't have a big castle or anything and no one other than the guards and servants stay here, but they all have their own houses on the lower part of the mountain. This building is a meeting room, kitchen, bathroom, living room, and my bedroom. You can stay in my room, I can stay in the living room for the night." She offers me.

I roll my eyes at her, "I'm not going to force you out of your room, you can stay there, I'll stay in the living room." I say back to her. We go back and forth for a little bit about it until she says, "Then we can just share the room. I'm not letting the lord I now serve sleep on a couch."

I look at her blankly, not because she was so stubborn, but because my life is starting to feel like I have the 'Lucky Pervert' skill. (You do it's called being the MC of a harem fan-fic, it's an innate skill.)

"Alright fine. Well it's still like late-afternoon, we got a few hours until sun-down, why don't we spend the time getting to know each other more since from now on you'll be serving under me. Got any alcohol?"

She looked at me and smiled since we finally reached a middle ground, "Sounds good to me, and yes I have wine, I'll get a few bottles."

"Alright, I'll meet you in the living room."

We spend the next few hours, going much later than we were originally planning getting to know each other, and Frey got much drunker than she was expecting. She ended up passing out and lying on my shoulder. I smiled wryly and shook my head, and picked her up in bridal style and carried her out of the house, while she rested her head on my chest, still asleep.

I found a guard who was standing outside of the door and asked her to show me where the bedroom was, she just bowed and asked me to follow her. She led me to the bedroom, when we got there, I laid Frey down and was about to turn around and walk out of the room when I felt someone's arms wrap around my neck and pull me back onto the bed.

I turn to see Frey, now awake, but clearly very drunk. "You agreed to shtay in here tonight." She said half asleep and in a drunk voice. I sigh and give up, "Alright, alright." I unwrap her arms from around my neck and slide up to the top of the bed, laying back. Frey crawls next to me and I grab her arms and pull her to me.

She lightly smiles and cuddles against my chest as I wrap my tails around her waist and caress her wings. She looks up at me, still smiling and said, "Thank you Kai, I know you could've forced me to do anything, or taken advantage of my overly drunk state but you didn't, so thank you." She says and closes her eyes and goes to sleep once again.

I shake my head and kiss her forehead, laying my head back and falling asleep.


This was a slightly long chapter, kind of to make up for the past, but also just because that's how it ended up getting written. Also yes Frey's affection moved up quickly. It should be expected though, considering his Charm stat is getting extremely high, extremely quickly. It isn't like an automatic charm that makes the people instantly fall in love with him, but more like his actions that the person appreciates or likes naturally to have a much higher effect.

ALSO, I want to explain a bit more about Kai's power at the moment, because I realized it was kind of confusing at where exactly he is right now because I've never defined his power level. So in terms of Tensura, he's on par with Milim in his human form, or he's between an Ultimate Class and Satan Class in DxD terms.