The Black Leopard Fang

Sorry for not posting yesterday, I was playing New World and got lost in the grind. Here's the chapter, but tbh I'm tired as fuck, I pulled two all nighters, yes playing New World, and haven't slept yet other than a few hour nap.

On another note, I think what I'm going to do is if this gets into top 100 fics, I'll post 4 chapters a week, top 25 I'll post 5.


The next morning, Frey and I were flying back towards the Forest of Jura. She decided to come with me, and stay in my town rather than in her own city and is using one of her close friends as a proxy of her, this way she can rule her own territory but from my town.

The flight back was a bit slower, since even though we could've gone faster if Frey rode on my back, I didn't bother since we weren't on a time crunch. It took us closer to 10 hours to fly back compared to the 5 it took me to get there.

When we arrived, the first thing I did was Introduce Frey to everyone. The citizens were all shocked that Frey was now serving under me, but the ones who were better acquainted with me, like the kijin, dwarves and a few of the goblins, weren't as surprised, and more or less expected it to happen.

The one who was shocked the most out of everyone there was by far Milim. I told her I was going on business, but she didn't expect subjugating the Harpy Kingdom was the business I was talking about.

After I finished introducing her to everyone, I pull her aside and ask her where she wants to live, unsurprisingly, she said with me, so I just nodded. 'I'm going to need a bigger house, there's only one more free room...'

Right after I nodded to her, Milim came running up to us and grabbed my shirt and started shaking me, "Kai! Why didn't you let me come! If you were going to go take over a Demon Lord's territory it would've been so much fun to watch!"

I shook my head at her and said, "Milim, don't you have that agreement between the demon lords to not interfere with each other. If you went it could've been taken that way. This is purely between Frey and I, besides it's not like we fought at all, I went over there and talked, that's all."

This caused Milim to look even more confused, since she has never really thought about taking over another kingdom in any way except force. I shook my head at her and pat her head, which was surprising, I never was a head patter to anyone in my past life, not even my kids.

Thinking about the kids makes me realize how much I miss them. Things have been so hectic that I hadn't thought about them since I arrived here, but now that I have it was hard to ignore. { Calm down dear, they are fine. I know you are worried about them, and miss them, and honestly I do too, but let them live out their lives. }

Smiling at Sarlyn's attempt to ease me, I shake me head and look at the woman who is approaching me.

"Hey I need to talk to you later, it's kind of private." She said to me nervously.

"Okay, we can talk later, for now I need to get everyone ready."

As I say this, I see three beast-men walking around with purple armor. I recognize them as the Beastketeers, led by a tanned man, with dark purple hair, amber eyes, fangs and pointed ears. At the moment, they are walking around the town square looking around and talking in a not so low voice. "I can't believe these lowly monsters are able to make this town flourish so easily." Phobio said, very quickly, the monkey beastman, who I can't remember the name of, said back, "They are led by a dragon, Sir Phobio, it's not all that surprising."

They were much more cautious than when Rimuru was leader, though that isn't surprising since news of a new dragon that can easily kill a demon lord wouldn't be hidden information, especially to Carrion's most trusted subordinates.

"So, what can I help you three with? I assume Carrion sent you here for a reason..." I cut in at the middle of their conversation.

The three of them turn to look at me, and when they see me, the two lower ranked ones tense up, while Phobio at first looked pissed that some lowly monster would interrupt him, until he turned and saw me, after which is face also tensed, but for a different reason. Behind me, both Milim and Frey were walking, when Phobio looked up, he saw them both and couldn't guess why not one but two demon lords were here.

He composed himself quickly and looked at me, "Yes, Lord Carrion sent us here for talks about a peace treaty."

I opened my mouth to respond, but Milim suddenly ran up next to me, "Seriously! Carrion couldn't even come here himself, stupid jerk!"

I just laughed lightly and pet her head, "Calm down Milim, don't make a big deal out of it. In all seriousness though, if Carrion wants peace talks, that's fine, but I'm not going to do it with one of his subordinates, even if you are one of his Beastketeers. He's welcome to come at any time."

"Why does Lord Carrion have to come here, if anything it should be your honor to get the opportunity to go to his palace." Phobio scoffed.

I turned to him and narrowed my eyes, released my aura and spoke slowly, "Remember pussy cat, he's the one who wants this agreement, not me. Don't mistake my curtesy for reverence. Leave and pass on the message to Carrion."

I turned and left without waiting for his response, mostly because if I didn't I might actually kill him. 'This is so weird. Are my personality and emotions changing so much?'

[ Yes, your bloodlines are heavily affecting your emotional state, as well as merging certain aspects of races into your personality. For instance, a Dragons pride and vanity will be more apparent in your personality, as well as an Incubus's flirty/seductive nature. The more bloodlines you add, the more your personality will shift. It won't affect it in a major way, but it will affect it nonetheless. ]

'Well that would've been nice to know sooner... Well, as long as I don't drastically shift in personality, there shouldn't be an issue.'

Not minding the thoughts, I look around me and dismiss everyone to do what they want and go back with my girls. When we walked into the house, all the girls grabbed Frey and shoved me and Milim out of the room. Milim was confused but I knew what was happening, and just laughed to myself before looking at Milim, "Want to relax in the hot springs for a little bit? I think they wanted to talk about some personal stuff."

Milim just looked at me and shrugged, "Sure, let's do it!" With that we headed off to the Hot springs, and a few minutes later we were relaxing next to each other in the spring.

"I'm surprised you aren't swimming Milim." I looked over to her and said.

"I don't always want to swim you know. What do you think they are talking about in there?"

"Specifically? I don't know, but I have a bit of an idea of the general context."

She just nods and lays back and closes her eyes. We sit in silence for a while, though it isn't an awkward silence, more of a comfortable, calm silence.

A few minutes later, all the girls walk into the Hot Springs and join us, including Frey. At first she looks shy and embarrassed when she sees me in the spring with everyone, but gets over it rather quickly.

We spend about an hour relaxing in the Hot Spring, before we decide to get out. The girls all head to their own rooms, including Shuna and Shion, who recently have been staying in my room, and I lead Frey to her new room. "Goodnight Frey, see you in the morning." I say with a smile.

She smiles back and says, "Goodnight Kai... Thank you..." She whispers the last part, but I could still hear her. Not commenting on it, I walk away and head to my room. When I enter I find Scathach laying in bed already under the covers.

I strip down to my underwear and lay behind her, pulling her into a hug, and start to stroke her back. She looks up at me and asks something that surprised me, "Do you love me?"

I look down at her with wide eyes and reply, "Of course I do. At first it was more like and attraction, but I have really started to fall in love with you."

She continues, "Do you love the others? Shuna, Shion, Shizu, even Frey?"

I stay silent for a minute before I start, "Do I love them? No, not yet. Is it possible for me to fall in love with them? Absolutely, it is very, very likely, but I haven't completely fallen in love with them yet, Shuna is the exception, I do think I've fallen for her already."

She smiles at my answer and says, "Good answer." She pushes herself up and sits above me, with her legs on each side of my waist and her arms on each side of my head. She leans down and kisses me, it quickly gets heated, and turns into a passionate kiss. I flip her around mid kiss without breaking it, and continue it for a few minutes.

When I pull away I can see her eyes have a slight haze in them as she stares into mine. I move my hand to her cheek and start rubbing it, which she leans her head into. She then looks up at me with resolution and lust in her eyes, "I want to do it tonight."

Mild shock passes over me, but I quickly get ahold of my self and smile warmly at her, "Gladly." I say in response, and my smile quickly turns more seductive. I lean down taking her into a passionate kiss once again.


Okay, Lemon starts off the next chapter. Uhhhhh I don't promise anything, and it probably won't be like a full chapter of lemon, I don't have enough confidence to right a whole lemon chapter and not fuck it up. So I'mma keep it shortish and do it well (hopefully).