Bringing everyone to visit

"All right, that's everyone, your energy will be under control now that you have the spirits managing it for you." I say to the kids when they're finished. Chloe, whose still next to me, pulls me sleeve, so I kneel down in front of her. I saw a few notifications from my system, but I ignored them for now.

She hugs me, "Thank you for saving us." All the other kids run up and hug me as well saying the same thing.

"Alright, alright, go thank Shizu too, she's the one who asked me for help." They all nod and run to her, tackling her into a hug. I stand and turn to see Rimuru walking up to me with a big smile on her face. She bows to me, "Thank you so much for saving them!"

I sigh and pull her up, "Stop, you don't need to thank me for this. Did you think about what I said?"

She nods, "Yes, and I think I will go with you, as long as I can return from time to time and see Tiss, I don't mind."

"Sure, she can come and visit as well, maybe she can stay when the kids get out for summer or whatever the equivalent to that is here."

She nods back to me and we both look over at the kids. Shizu looks up to me and nods, "Hey kids, we were wondering if you wanted to move to Kai's country with us? I will continue to teach you there, just like I used to, but you won't be at freedom academy anymore."

They look excited, but then Gale speaks up, "What about Ms. Rimuru?" They all look over at her when he says that.

"Don't worry kids, I'm coming too, both Shizu and I will be teaching you." She says, smiling at them.

Hearing her, the kids all erupt in excitement and keep saying, "Yes! Yes!"

"Alright kids, calm down, while the trip here and back will only take a day, we took you out for a week, so we are going to go visit my country for a while so you can see if you want to stay or not." I say to the kids, holding back my laugh from their excitement.

Ramiris decided to speak up, "Well Kai, you said I'd get a reward, now what is it!" She said impatiently.

"*sigh* Come here." She flew over to me, floating in front of me. I hold my hand up and pat her head with my index finger.

She looks at me annoyed, thinking I'm only giving her head pats, though she doesn't pull away and closes her eyes.

"Calm down Ramiris, I'm not just giving you a head pat." As I say this, I Channel time magic around her body, and it starts to grow, large and large, until finally, she is about the same size, if not a little bigger than Milim.

I pull my hand back, which is now fully on top of her head, "Alright done."

She opens here eyes, and they go wide. She looks down to see she's now much bigger than she was.

"What did you do! I wasn't supposed to be this big for another few hundred years!"

"Not much, I sped your body up in time, while keeping your mind from speeding up. Thus your body aged, but you wouldn't have noticed. Now you're back to your full size, plus some of your power should be coming back as well."

She lands on the ground and hugs me, "Thank you so much Kai!"

I chuckle and pat her head once again. She pulls away, and I continue, "Don't mention it, you helped the kids, also you're a friend of Milim, thus a friend of mine."

Her eyes open wide, "You know Milim?"

"Yes, she's staying in my city as of right now. We are going back now if you want to come as well. I rule over the great forest of Jura now."

She looked at me weirdly, "Doesn't Veldora have an issue with that?"

I shake my head, "Veldora is gone, even if he wasn't he wouldn't care."

"What! Veldora is gone! Since when?" She yelled.

"It's been a few months."

"Ohh. Umm. Sure, I'll come with you."

I nod to her and we walk over to the others, who have finished their own conversation and were looking at me.

"Alright, everyone ready?" I ask them, and they all nod in response.

We head out of the labyrinth, once we arrive outside everyone stands back, much to Ramiris's confusion, but she follow nonetheless. I transform into my dragon form, and much like everyone else that saw it for the first time, Ramiris is dumbfounded.

Here eyes then widen in realization and she flies up in front of me, looking at me seriously, "Did you kill Veldora?"

"No? I got rid of his imprisonment. Though he is still sealed for now, he's in a different place, and won't die there."

She sighed in relief, "Okay, I was just curious. I didn't know you were a dragon, though that does explain your pupils."

I nod to her and lift everyone else on my back. "Get on my back Ramiris, I'll be flying at full speed, and I doubt you can keep up."

"I can keep up no sweat!" She says with a proud look on her face. I roll my eyes, "Get on anyways."

"Fine." She smiles though, thinking she won. Once I see everyone on, I coat them with limitless and take off, flying towards the northeast, where the Great Forest of Jura is.

I decided to check and see what the notifications I got were.

[ Shizu's affection has reached 99 ]


Side Objective Complete - Shizu's Students

Save Shizu's Students. (Completed)

Reward: 2 Credits, 2 Summoning Tickets, Zanpakuto

( A/N: I don't really know much about Bleach, I've watched it but only once and never read any of it. So most of the information and anything about the Zanpakuto will come directly from the wiki.)


The trip was uneventful as always, and after hours of flying, we arrived. 'I really need to learn spatial magic so I can teleport.'

As we approached the city, I let out a loud roar, alerting everyone on my back. "We're here." I said after. Flying down to the ground, I land in an open area, where the orcs have started laying a road.

Letting everyone down, I turn back into my human form and lead everyone into town. Since I let out a roar, I alerted everyone that I was here, and I could see the girls that stayed back walking up with Benimaru.

"Hey girls. Brother-in-law."

"""Hey Dear.""" The girls said while Benimaru gave me a slight bow. Milim ran up to Ramiris and gave her a hug.

I was slightly surprised by her actions, but I heard her say, "Ramiris! You got your old body back! I missed you, how'd you get it back?"

"Well let me start off, kids, these are three of my wives, Scathach, Shuna and Shion. Then this is Benimaru, Shuna's older brother and also the leader of my country's military. And that one, whose hugging Ramiris is the Demon Lord Milim Nava."

The kids all bowed and said hello to everyone, then I looked at the others, "These are Chloe, Alice, Kenya, Ryota, and Gale. Then this is Rimuru, and the woman Milim is hugging is the queen of spirits and the demon lord of the labyrinth Ramiris."

After introductions, we all made our way back to the town hall, since it was bigger than my house, while I asked Benimaru to get houses for the kids set up, as well as a classroom in the school that was built not too long ago for Shizu and Rimuru to teach them in.

"Kai, I thought you said you would be gone for like a week?" Scathach asked me.

"Well, I was originally going to be gone the whole week, but I figured if the kids were going to stay here, they might want to see what it's like. During the few days we are here though, I'm going to hang out with the kids and Shizu. First, Shizu and I need to head back to Ingrassia and ask to keep the kids here. So, while we are gone, will the two of you keep the kids busy and show them around, while Shuna keeps an eye on things." I say the last part to Scathach and Shion.

They nod and I stand up, "We should hurry up Shizu, the sooner we leave, the sooner we'll get back."

She nods and follows me out, "We'll be back tomorrow kids, be good for Lady Scathach and Shion."

Scathach rolls her eyes, "Shizu, I told you already, just Scathach is fine." Shizu smiles and turns, following me out. Instead of transforming, since it was just me and Shizu, I grab her in a princess carry and take off. She wraps her arms around my neck with a blush. "Why are you carrying me like this?" I smile at her and continue flying.


Okay! There's a few questions I wanna ask. I know what one of the summons will be, but what should the next one be? Also the Zanpakuto name? Vote on them in the Paragraph comments below. I will write the next chapter on Tuesday so you have until then.

Vote for:

(Who/What to Summon)

(Zanpakuto Name)