Two Summons

Shizu and I made our way to Ingrassia once again, which like always, was uneventful. The discussion with Yuuki went pretty quickly, and we made it back the same day, which was faster than I was expecting. I thought it would take a little longer to convince him, but all Shizu had to do was ask, and he agreed.

Thus we made our way back and arrived the same night we left. We arrived back and rendezvoused with everyone spending some time together. After a few hours, I stood up, "All right, I'm going to go summon some more people."

They all nod and go back to their conversation. Before I walk out, Scathach walks up, "Mind if I come with you? I'm was summoned by you before, so I want to come too."

"Sure thing, lets go." I pull her along with me and head to our training ground. Once there, I focused on my system. 'Summons'


Summons Available: 2

1. Summon a Retainer

2. Summon a Mythical Beast


'Hmm, first lets summon a retainer.'

Like before, a medium sized summon circle appeared that started to glow in a purple light. After a few seconds, the light dimmed and on the floor was a cat, with two, glowing yellow eyes. It looked around curiously, not really sure where it was. 'A cat? I thought I said Retainer, does this count?'

{ Don't be so quick dear, think about who it could be for like two seconds. }

'Cat... Kuroka, Yoruichi... those are the only two I can really think of.'

Finally I decided to just figure it out while talking.

"Well, I guess I should be the first to do introductions, I'm Kai Kasani, this is my wife Scathach. You are?" I started.

The cat cocked its head before sighing, "My name is Yoruichi Shihouin. Now can you tell me where I am and why I'm here." It spoke out with a male voice.

My eyes lit up when I heard her, "Ohh good, so you're a Shinigami correct?"

Her body stiffened and she tensed, "How do you know that."

I just sighed, "It's complicated, anyways, It's good you were the one who got summoned, I actually need your help. I got this Zanpakuto, but I'm not entirely sure what happens. Also, you were just summoned by chance really, or from what I know it's by chance, and as for what you do, that's up to you. Though this is a completely different world, there's no such thing as soul society and getting back to your previous world is nigh impossible, at least alone."

Her stiffness faded, but she was still tense, "What do you mean different world?"

"I mean different universe, like completely, so unless you have dimensional magic, and reality warping magic, getting back alone is a pipe dream."

"Then how'd you summon me?" She said looking at me, to which I just smiled in return.

"Ohh here, take these for now, I'll get Shuna to make you some clothes of your own." I say to her, throwing her a pair of jogging shirts and a tank top, which I made of magic.

She looks at me weirdly, "What, I know you can take a human form, just like me, so you'll need clothes."

Her eyes widen, hearing me say that and her tense visibly lessened. "You can transform too?"

"Well, not exactly, I'm not human, I can just take on that appearance, see I have tails and fox ears as well, I just hide them most of the time." I say releasing my tails, which slowly swing side to side.

She walks over to the clothes and transforms into her human form, not bothering to hide herself, so her nude body appears in front of me. She had long purple hair, dark skin and had slightly larger curves than Scathach, especially her ass, which was much bigger. She looks at my face to see a reaction, but other than me clearly checking her body out, there's no surprise. She pouts, which looks very cute, and grabs the clothes, putting them on. "You don't look surprised I'm female."

"I'm not. I knew you were. Well, sit back, there's one more person I'm summoning."

"Ohh, who is it?" Yoruichi asked.

"I'm not sure, I told you it's random." I say back, knowing she was testing to see if I was lying earlier.

'Use my last summons to summon another retainer.'

Like before, there was a medium sized magic circle in front of me that glowed purple for a few seconds before dying down. In the middle of the circle was a younger girl, with long black hair, red eyes and a black and red dress. On top of her head was a large black and red ribbon and in her hands was a large halberd, with a snake coiling around the handle up to the forked top.

She looked around calmly, before her eyes landed on me and the other two who were behind me. "Hello, my name is Rory Mercury, I am an apostle of the dark god Emroy."

'So what type of god is Emroy again?' I ask Sarlyn.

{ Ehh he's a minor god. Which is a step above Veldanava, who was a godling. Though the power difference in that one step is massive, he's about twice as strong as Veldanava. Also he's a subordinate of my sister Nera. }

'Alright.' "My name is Kai Kasani, this is Scathach, one of my wives, and this is Yoruichi."

Rory doesn't seem too phased and nods, "Nice to meet you." And she walks up and pets my tails, which I forgot were out. "Soft" I hear her whisper under her breath to herself.

I shake my head, and pat hers, causing her to look up, but not try to stop me. "Well, do you have any questions Rory?"

She thinks for a minute, still being pat by me, before nodding, "I can't feel a connection with Emroy here, where are we?"

"Ahh that, we are in a different universe than your previous one, so Emroy doesn't have any power, faith or rule over this universe. Actually this universe doesn't really have a god per se. That doesn't mean you still aren't his apostle and don't have access to your powers, you most certainly do." I say to her.

At first she looks very troubled, but between my head pats and her thinking over what I said, she nods and looks at me again, "Okay. How can I get back? My god will need his apostle there."

"Well for now you can't, as for your statement, I don't know if that's the case."

'Sarlyn, how does the summoning work, does it summon a copy or take them out.'

{ It summons a copy, and the original will be taken while the copy continues on it's way, but as soon as you and the summoned being enter their original world, the copy will be erased for good. } I nod at her answer.

Rory looks at me confused, "What do you mean?"

"Well, when you get summoned, a copy of you takes your place in your old world, so it would do any actions you would normally do in that situation if you weren't summoned. So you're still technically there preforming your duties, but you are also here, doing what you want." She looks a little less confused, but still not completely reassured.

"Well, there's no use dwelling on it, come on, I'll introduce you all to the others. " I say and everyone nods. I lead them back into the house where we left everyone spending time together to introduce the two newest residents.


A little short chapter, but I didn't want to add anything that would end up going nowhere. Yoruichi was the character I was planning to have summoned, and then the most liked suggestion from last chapter was Rory, so she got this summons. Next time I will also be taking suggestions from fate once again.

A few things that I have questions on.

A). Do Zanpakutos have their appearance from the start, or does it only change after they bond?


B). Suggestions for the Zanpakuto powers. I already have some ideas, but if anyone else has some suggestions go ahead and I'll see if they fit better than what I have. Also the name will be Yokubo (Desire in Japanese), which was the top rated suggestion and also my most liked one.