
Eun Ae went to the storage room and locked the room. In the room, there was a punching bag. Eun Ae started to punch the bag while she was crying. After 2 weeks, Eun Ae took care of the baby and also started to exercise to lose weight along with Bing cha. So that Eun Ae can go-to restaurant for the work. Bong cha gave birth to a boy. That boy's name was Edward.

Eun Ae always regretted not taking the photo of Ara. That homemade her think too much about Segun so their father decided to change the home. In the small apartment where Bong cha lives. A home above Bong cha was free so Bong cha advised Eun Ae to live there. In that apartment it has 3 follow. On 1floor Bong cha's brother and Rina lives. On 2 floor Bong cha lives. On 3 floors Eun Ae and Ryan live. Rina also joined with Bong cha and Eun Ae's restaurant.

Kyung asked, "Who's baby is that ?".Segun said "Mine". Kyung said, " Who is its's mother ?". Segun said, "Don't act like you don't know. You are the one who sent her to me". Kyung said, "What are you talking about ?". Segun said, "Don't act". Kyung said, "Brother I am not that cheap character. If I want to destroy you. I will send some guys to directly kill you. I will not let you die slowly".Segun was confessed. Segun gave the baby to Kyung saying "Take care of her". Kyngs aid "Aren't you afraid I will kill her ?". Segun said, "I know you want".Kyung said "How do you know ?" Segu said, "It's because you are my brother". Ara held Kyung's finger. Kyng said, "Leave my head". Kyung pulled his hands. Ara started to cry. Kyung said, "Don't cry. You can have my finger".

Everyone was looking at him. Kyung started to get embarrassed. Then one girl came and said, "Can you give me this kid". Kyung said, "Ok here". That girl was Bong cha. Bong cha started to smile at the baby to rocked the baby to sleep". Bong cha whispered "You were holding the baby in the wrong direction. It is not the right way to hold a baby. Watch me. And where is the baby's mother ?". Kyungsa id "I don't know". Bong cha said "You must be a single dad ?". Kyungsa id "No! this kid is my niece". Bong cha said "Oh~ my bad. Here have the baby". Kyungsaid "Can you hold this baby until this baby's father comes ?". Bong cha said "Sorry I can't. My baby is going on a check-up. But I can send one woman to help you. She is also a single mother". Kyungsa d "Ok thank you".

Kyung looked at the baby saying "Isn't that aunt looks beautiful?". Eun Ae came to him saying "Bong cha sent me".Kyung said, "That women's name is Bong cha~". Eun Ae saw Kyung blushing thinking about Bong cha. Eun Ae pinched his ear saying "Don't ever think about it. Give me the baby. What is the baby's name ?".Kyung said, "I think it starts with A ?". Eun Ae sighed. Eun Ae said, "Is it a boy or a girl ?". Kyung said "Girl". Eun Ae said "Where is the father ? ". Kyung said, "He ran away to find someone". Eun Ae said, "Why are you looking so familiar to me ?". Kyung said, "What ? I think it is because I am handsome". Eun Ae sighed.

Eun Ae saw the baby saying "You look like my girl". Kyung said, "Lady what is wrong with you ? Are you planning to run away with this baby ? you look suspicious ". Ara caught Eun Ae's finger. Eun Ae started to cry. Kyunsgaid "You lady why are you crying ? did I say something wrong ?". Eun Ae wiped her tears saying "No. I just got my memory of my daughter". Kyung said, "Did your daughter died ?". Eun Ae said, "No she was taken away by her father". Kyung said "What a father ?". Eun Ae smiled saying "Then. This is how you have to catch the baby. Then if you are ok. May I leave ?". Kyung said, "Ok thank you ". Eun Ae went to Bong cha saying "where is my dong Hyun ?". Bong cha said, "With Rina".Rina said, "Eun Ae you kid is very similar to Segun". Eun Ae siled saying "Is it so ?".

After the check-up. Eun Ae, bong cha, and Rina went home along with the babies. Segun to their old home and checked for them but the neighbors said "They already left this place". Segun searched every place. The one person who knows Eun Ae's location was Byeol.But Eun Ae said not to say her location to anyone because she didn't want anyone to remind her son of his father. So Byeol couldn't say it to Segun. But Eun Ae was still in contact with Baram and Jae-jin. Baram and Jae-jin would come secretly to see Eun ae without saying to Ella and Kwang. Segun didn't ask Jae-jin and Baram because he thought Eun Ae also didn't say to them like the last time.

One day, Jae-jin and Baram secretly went to Eun Ae's restaurants as if they were coming for food. But they sneaked into the kitchen and started to talk with Eun Ae and they went on a path where the home and restaurant were connected. Jae-jin said, "Why did you say the location to Segun ?". Eun Ae said, "I am 100 % sure . There will be no use in saying to him. I ...want to see my daughter".Baram said, "Don't worry. Kwang si taking photos of Ara. I will sneak into his room and get another copy of the photo for you. Ok ?". Eun Ae said, "Thank you ~".

Segun went to his room crying "If I see you again. I will not let you go even for a second. I will follow you around as you did to me". Ara started to cry. Kyung came inside saying "Brother...I think Ara needs food". Segun said, "Call our mother for taking care of the baby". Kyung said, "She is taking care of grandfather, bro". Segun said, "Then search how to feed a baby". Kyung said after searching "We need breastmilk or formula milk". Segun said, "I will go and buy the formula milk". Kyung said, "I will come with you".

Kyung was taking Ara with him along with Segun. One employ misunderstood Kyung and Segun was a gay couple with a kid. Kyung realized it so he said, "Bro! they are misunderstanding our relationship". Segun smiled saying "So what ? come we need to buy more things for Ara". Kyung shouted saying "Bro I am the villian~ ". Segun sighed saying "Shut your mouth and come".

Next year, 11 November. It was Ara and Dong Hyun's birthday. Ara's birthday party was in the mourning and Dong Hyun's birthday party was in the night. Jae-jin and Baram attend Ara's birthday in the mourning. Segun planned a huge party with all the businessmen, Byeol and his co-workers. Byeol took photos of Ar and Segun. In the night, Jae-jin and Baram sneaked into Eun Ae's place and attend a party on the beach. At the party, Eun Ae, Byeol, Ryan, Jae-jin, Baram, Bong cha, Rina and Rina's boyfriend were there. Byeol took photos of Dong Hyun and Eun Ae.