
Eun Ae said, "When I gave birth to Dong Hyun and Ara. I was just 21 years old. Segun was just 24 years old. But now we having a kid. Live a real mess". After 6 years, Jae-jin came inside Eun Ae's house and sat on the sofa relaxing. Eun Ae said, "Why are you here ?". Jae-jins aid "Just want to see you". Eun Ae smiled saying "Don't lie ". Jae-jins aid "I came here to take my niece to his last day of school before the holidays". Eun Ae said, "He is getting ready . I heard Ella is getting married to someone". Baram came inside laughing. Baram said, "You didn't know this? Ella was forced to marry someone 5 times. In all the 5 times. This idiot got into the church and stopped the wedding by running with the bride. Now, this the 6 time". Eun Ae smiled and said, "It is time to go to school. So take him to school".

In the class, students made fun of Dong Hyun for not having a father and also they called him poor. Which made him angry. Dong cha was bullied all day. He never reported to the teachers. Dong Hyun's only friend was Edward. Edward tried his best to help Bong Hyun but he couldn't. Dong Hyun stormed into his room. Eun Ae noticed the scars on his face and shouted "What happened to you ?". Dong Hyun said "Nothing. I fell off the stairs". Eun Ae said, "Don't use that trick on me. Just say the truth". Edward came and said everything. Eun Ae sighed and said, "Then why don't you hit them back ?".

Dong Hyun said, "Do you even know to fight? All you know is how to cook and avoid trouble. Do you think hitting someone is easy? If you didn't leave father. Right now I won't be like this. It is all your mistake! I hate you !". Eun Ae smirked saying "You also? Just let grandpa in. Father treats his wounds. I will be back". Eun Ae went inside the storeroom".Edward went to his home after talking with Dong Hyun.

Dong Hyun ate his dinner and went to sleep. Ryan also went to sleep after saying Eun Ae to eat. Eun Ae came out of the room and took the beer she hid long back. And started to drink it outside her home under a tree. Dong Hyun came out for the restroom. Dong Hyun saw Eun Ae drinking down. Dong Hyun went down and went close to her and listened to her. Eun Ae took a photo which placed behind the photo of Dong Hyun from her wallet and said "You! if you didn't come to my life. I won't have given birth to his kids. I won't have fallen in love with you and suffer like this. You heard you kid ? he said he hates me. He is 100 % like you. Those words are the words you said to me. I am also a human. I can't do this anymore. My life is a mess! .....mother I miss you if I didn't come to you at that time at the right time. This all won't have happened ! ".

Eun Ae heard Dong Hyun's steps. When Eun Ae turned someone tried to kidnap Eun Ae. Eun Ae gave a flying to that person. Dong Hyun was amazed. Another person came from behind and hit Eun Ae's head. Eun Ae lost conscious. But she saw the vehicle's number plate. Eun Ae's eyes closed. Even she woke up see-saw Ryan holding her hands. Eun Ae said, "Where is Dong Hyun ?". Ryan said, "We still didn't find him. There is no CCTV so there are no clues". Eun Ae said, "I think I know the number plate". Eun Ae wrote 5 number plates which she remembers. Ryan said, "What is this ?". Eun Ae said, "I think kidnapper's number plate is one among these number plates we need to find". After sometimes. Ryan said, "Police said you lost conscious and also you were drunk so it is possible you might be wrong. So they are searching using the other sources". Eun Ae said, "But it is getting late".

After 1 week. Police found that the car went to the city area. Eun Ae heard this news and said "I am going to deal with it by myself . It is getting late". In the early mourning. Eun Ae packed her things and recorded a voice message for Ryan saying "Father. It is getting late. I am 100% sure this a doing of someone I know. I will be back with Dong Hyun. You know I don't trust anyone than myself". Ryan grin saying "She still didn't get mature....Hello....Byeol...".

Dong Hyun was kidnapped and was a place in a basement for 3 days. Dong Hyun noticed the activity which those people do and notes all the timing. On the 4 days. Another man was thrown inside the basement along with him. That man was drunk. It was Kwan. Kwan saw Dong Hyun's eyes and hair. Eyes were in light blue clour. Hair was in black clour Kwan said, "You look like someone I know". Kwan held that boy his face and said "You !". Dong Hyun said, "Dude leave my face. It hurts". Kwan let go of his hands and said: "Your eyes look like a devil I know. And your hair's colour looks like an angel I know. Is it a coincidence?". Kwan fell asleep.

Kwan suddenly woke up saying "Do you know someone named Segun ?". Dong Hyun said "No". Kwan said, "You are not the one I was looking for". Kwan stood up saying " Can I say a story of my life ?". Dong Hyun said, "Anyway just say right now I am bored". Kwan said, "Choose one finger. Do you want my story or my ex-girlfriend's story?". Dong Hyun said "Ex !". Kwan grinned. Kwan said "I cheated one here ith my wife. But she didn't know it at all. She was a gangster-like me. We both worked for the same boss. She took all the beatings for me. But I was selfish. We broke up without saying that I cheated on her. After a month. I saw her with a guy. I wasn't sad I was grateful that she got a happy life. But now it turns out to be a hell way. After that, I said all the truth to her. She was just amazed and went out. That was the last time I saw her. She used to come to my home but not to see me. She comes to see my wife".

Dong Hyun said, "Then what happened to your ex ?". Kwan smiled saying "You want to know ?". Dong Hyun said "Yes ~". Kwan grinned saying "Ok. She and that guy named Segun loved each other but I heard that because of misunderstanding. They both separated. She disappeared as thin air. She followed Segun all the time with any shame. But Segun always turned her down due to misunderstanding. Now I heard that she lives a normal mother". Dong Hyun said "Mother?