Chapter - 22

Dong Hyun said "Mother ? how can a gangster become a normal mom ?". Kwan said, "love for the beloved one can make anything change". Dong Hyun said, "What is the name ?". Kwan said "Eun Ae". Dong Hyun said "Mother ?". Kwan said "Mother ?". Dong Hyun said, "Eun Ae is my mother. Ryan is my grandfather. Baram is my aunt. Jae-jin is my uncle !". Kwan said, "Wait-you are Eun Ae's son ....what was the name....Dong Hyun !". Dong Hyun said "Yes". Kwan said, "Where id you sister ?". Dong Hyun said, "Where is your sister ?". Dong Hyun said, "I have a sister ?". Kwan said, "Yes she is with your father. Forgwte that why are you here ?". Dong Hyun said, "They kidnapped me". Dong Hyun said, "So it was their plan to get all the important people of the Boss jin. And blackmail Boss Jin using us. It will not happen. Hear when I fight you should escape threw the dong hole. Ok ?".

Ryan called Byeol and said what happened. Byeol called Segun. Ara woke up saying "Father. I want to see mother. Everyone has a mother who styles their hair. But my hair is styled by maids. Don't you think it is fair ?". Segun sighed said, "Leave that . Now answer me. Why did you hit your friend ?". Ara said, "He wasn't my friend !". Segun sighed. Segun got a call. Byeol said everything that happened. Segun was shouted, "Where did Eun Ae go all these days ? Why did you say her address ? Are you playing with me ? What happened to my son ? How is Eun Ae ?". Byeol said "You are talking too much. You were the one who got separated from Eun Ae. So I am sending you an address I think my bodyguards said "your son is there". Segun said "Ok". Call ended. Segusan di "Ara. Stay home I am going to go". Ara said "ok".

Eun Ae got a thread message from an opened boss. Eun Ae called him saying "Idiot ! I left the group long back why are you doing this ?". That guy said "You already broke my son's arm while fighting. Still my son's arm is not back to normal. So I want to just break your son's arm. Then I will leave him" gave an evil smile. Call ended. Eun Ae said "That old fat jerk Boss cha!". Eun Ae took a taxi to their location.

Dong Hyun said, "If you know how to fight. Why did you fight earlier ?". Kwan said, "I waited so that I can sober". Dong Hyun sighed. Dong Hyun started to hit the person who came to give food and escaped outside the basement. But it the floor. There were many people. So Kwan couldn't help Dong Hyun. One guy was going to hit Dong Hyun. Eun Ae came running and kicked that guy. Eun Ae hugged Dong Hyun saying "Are you alright ?". Dong Hyun nodded. Someone kicked Eun Ae. Eun Ae rolled over while hugging Dong Hyun. Eun Ae shouted, "Stop !". Boss cha said, "so you love this son too much even if his father left you ?". Eun Ae said, "Don't believe him, Dong Hyun". Boss cha said, "What are you talking about ? that is the truth. You can't cover the truth with the lies. You are the same as your mother".

Kwan was on the ground with the lips bleeding. Eun Ae said, "I just planned to talk about peace. But I think you don't want peace. So...Dong Hyun wait for me outside. Don't look back". Boss cha shouted, "You think you two can beat these 50 men?". Eun Ae smiled saying "Don't forget that I am also a boss for 50 men".Eun Ae tore her skirt into small. And said, "Kwan long time no see. What to fight ?". Eun Ae gave her hand to help him get up Kwan wiped his lips saying "I thought you won't fight for Segun. But you are fighting ?". Eun Ae said, "My son is in danger why can't I fight right now ?".

Someone chased Dong Hyun. So Dong Hyun started to run. Jae-jin came to help him. Dong Hyun said, "Why are you are uncle ?". Jae-Jin said, "Your father shouted at us to help you". Dong Hyun said "Father ?". Jae-jin tied that guy to the tree and took Dong Hyun. While going Boss Cha came after them. Jae-jin blocked Boss cha. Segun's car stopped. Jae-jin saw Segun and said "Segun. Take one Hyun to your home and be safe". Segun gave a death glare at him. Jae-jin said, "Dude I saved your son. Why are you giving me chills ?". Segun took Dong Hyun and went home.

Eun Ae couldn't fight them so Eun Ae whispered Kwan to run. Eun Ae and Kwan started to run. They took the bus and ran away. Jae-hin saw this and said, "Did they just now took a bus to escape ?". Jae-jin sighed and ran to his bike and went away from that place. Boss Cha said, "You are 50 men. But they ran away. You all didn't stop them ? Are you all idiots ? I want to break that Dong Hyun's arms !".

After 2 hours. In Baram's home. Eun Ae said, "What the hell ? why Dong Hyun is in Segun's place ? Why did you tell this to Segun ?". Byeol said, " I was the one who that this to Segun. Don't scold them. I called him. Segun said you to come over to his home".Eun Ae sighed saying "Brother- hear clear. Segun has his life. Don't disturb him".

Kyung said, "Bro. Is he your son ?". Segun said "Yes". Dong Hyun said, "Are you Segun ?". Segusna di "Yes I am" in a cold voice. Dong Hyun said, "You have a big home. Then why did you left your mother ?". Kyung said "What a great question ". Ara looked from above saying "Who are you ?". Segun said, "He is your brother". Ara said, "I heard all the story from Byeol uncle". Ara ran and hugged him saying "Bro ~ how about changing our parents ?". Dong Hyun said, "I think it is a great idea. I want money and father. And you ?". Ara said, "I want time and mother. Deal ?". Dong Hyun said "Deal". Kyung said, "I am 100 % sure they both are your kid. They are even talking like you. They have blue eyes like you but who has that hair color".

Segun said, "Eun Ae has black hair". Ara said "Mother has a nice name". Dong Hyun said, "You never heard about mother ?". Ara said "No". Dong Hyun said, "I also don't know about dad. Can we share information ?". Ara said "Yes !". They both started to chat. One maid said "Ma'am is here". Segun said, "Let her in".

Eun Ae came in. Segun saw Eun Ae's skirt torn. Segun said, "Did you fight ?". Eun Ae said, "Where is my son ?". Segun said, "Did you fight ? answer my question !". Eun Ae aid "Yes I did. Now gives me back my son. Wait- you" pointing at Kyung. Kyung said, "You are that woman in the hospital !". Eun Ae said, "Are you married. Where is that kid ?".Kyung pointed at Ara. Eun Ae said "Ara?". tears fall from her eyes. Eun Ae wiped it saying "I think it is raining". Kyung said, "Is it raining inside my home ?". Segun said, "Isn't Boss cha your enemy ? Did you hit him".Eun Ae said, "I.....If I answer will you leave me alone as before ?".

Segun said "Answer". Eun Ae said, "I think I can't". Segun went to her holding her hands tightly said "You are still the same. I won't send Dong Hyun back with you". Eun Ae didn't say anything. Eun Ae said, "I am sorry. Dong Hyun come with me".