
"Hajime will you hug me?"

"Hajime, I'll be waiting for you just like always"


"I love you"

The ringing sound of my alarm clock woke me up. As usual, I wake up with this heavy feeling in my chest. I've been hearing a voice in my dreams lately, the voice was so gentle yet so sad, a voice so familiar yet unknown to me.

I checked the time and it was still early, my movements were sluggish as my body was beaten up the other day.

Our home was as usual, quiet. Father already left and his wife was out shopping for necessities. On the dining table was a small breakfast meal left for me by his wife and like the other ones this has a note attached to the lid.

"Hope you like the breakfast I prepared for you, have fun at school" It reads.

I crumpled the paper and threw it away and quietly proceeded with breakfast.

Like always, I don't want to admit it but breakfast was good.

I keep recalling what happened the other day when I was out with Iris. It wasn't a pleasant memory but I can't stop thinking about it. The way she cried as she was calling out to me sounded and felt genuine, but who am I to say that maybe I'm just thinking about it too much.

With only thirty minutes left before classes start I proceeded to take a bath.


As I exit our home I saw Chika next door saying goodbyes to her parents. While standing there looking at her she noticed me.

"Good morning Hajime" She greeted me while running towards me.

"You seem in high spirits today" I replied

"I couldn't believe it but the blogs and memes I posted online suddenly became popular" She stated with a smile on her face as we walked

"Hm is that so, good for you, so you're famous now huh?"

"You bet" She replied while flashing a peace sign

I smiled at her and we continued walking.

We walked silently for a while

But then Chika suddenly asked,

"Hey, Hajime I heard the president is coming back, did you know?"

"Hm? not really, why do you ask?"

"Well, we all know her personality right and she might go after you next based on the past events that have occurred"

"Don't worry Chika I'll be fine. I'm not scared of her" I replied while laughing.

"I hope so" She whispered.

While Hajime and Chika were walking to school, Iris who was already at school is a little bit confused.

"Why does everyone feel uneasy today?" She thought.

Iris looked around and noticed that people were talking about the president of the school. She suddenly became curious but she was shy to ask others about it so she ignored it for now.

Not long after Chika and Hajime arrived.

"Hey, Are you alright now? Iris whispered to Hajime

"Hm? oh yeah, don't worry Iris" He replied

"I see, that's good to know"

"Ah yeah, thanks for your concern" Hajime seemed flustered as he replied.

It was now 7:30 and classes are about to begin, the teacher entered the room and the representative ordered everyone to stand and bow.

"Let's begin" The teacher said.


Time went on and classes continued and everyone was either focused, distracted, or basically just asleep. Everyone wanted the class to end as soon as possible as they were getting hungry.

After a while.

"Okay that's it for now, Everyone you can eat now" The teacher announced

The class representative shouted "Stand" and paused for a bit and said "Bow" in continuation.

Chika immediately approached Iris and asked

"Iris wanna eat together?"

Iris was startled a bit but eventually agreed to come with her.

While on their way to the school cafeteria Iris asked Chika about the school president out of curiosity.

"Well you study here now so you're bound to hear about it someday" Chika replied

"What kind of person is the president? Everyone seemed cautious about him" Iris replied back

"Her" Chika whispered

Iris with a hint of confusion on her face asked


Chika nodded and replied

"The president of our school is the granddaughter of the school principal, she's an elite compared to us. She already became student council president during her first year and she's always first in exams ranks"

"She sounds amazing" Iris replied in awe

"Well everyone would agree to that but the problem is her personality"

"Is there something wrong about her personality?" Iris continued asking

"Hm well you see, she's an elite right? so she thinks highly of herself and just does whatever she wants" Chika replied with a look of worry

"Did she do something to you Chika?"

"Ah no it's not like that, I'm just worried if she'll pass judgement to him"

"What do you mean Chika?"

"Eh? Oh nothing don't worry about it, let's just eat now okay" Replied Chika while laughing nervously

And just like that lunchtime was over.

Iris silently wondered about the things she heard from Chika.

"Judgement, What do you mean Chika?" She thought

While she was dozing off she could faintly hear a voice calling to her,


"Hey Iris"

"Look up front"


Iris was shocked and replied

"Oui qu'est ce que c'est?"

(Yes, What is it?)

Naturally, Hajime had a puzzled look on his face as it was the first time he heard French.

"Ah yes, what is it Hajime?" Iris replied again in panic

"Well the teacher was calling to you"



Iris realizing she was dozing off in class felt really flustered and let out a loud


The teacher wasn't really that angry so everyone was shocked when she shouted and everyone shared a laugh.

Iris was bright red the whole time as she was too embarrassed.

"Iris I told you it's fine the teacher wasn't that mad" Hajime whispered

"Shut up Hajime, if only you didn't startle me" Iris protested

"I wasn't really shouting or anything you know" Hajime calmly replied

"Shut up, hmph" Iris replied while pouting.

Throughout the rest of the day, Iris was filled with curiosity about the president.

She didn't realize that classes were over already. Chika approached her and touched her shoulder to tell her that it's time to go.

On her way home, she thought,

"I wish I could meet her soon".


On the other hand, while Hajime and Chika were walking home together, Chika was as usual talkative.

"Hey Hajime, Iris was acting weird earlier right?"

"Huh? dunno I never pay that much attention to her"

"Eh? But aren't you guys friends?"

"No, we just sit next to each other"

"Isn't that the same thing?"

"No, I'm not like you Chika"

"Hm, well you are shy"

'I'm not shy"

Chika glanced over Hajime and paused

After a good second of silence, Chika suddenly blurted out

"You just think that human relationships aren't that important anymore so you don't try to interact with others"

Hajime was silent

Chika continued

"If so does that mean this friendship is nothing to you too? am I just an annoying person to you?"

"Chika" Hajime replied in a cold tone

Chika suddenly regained her thoughts and realized she just said some pretty stupid things.

"I- I'm sorry Hajime, I didn't mean to"

"It's fine, don't worry about it"


Hajime nodded and replied

"You're not just a friend Chika, you're special"

"Hajime" I softly replied while turning red

"What's up with you? You suddenly look red"

"Eh!? It's nothing stupid, don't look!"

I pouted as Hajime just laughed while I embarrass myself.

"We're here now Chika" Hajime whispered

I didn't realize but we are already in front of our homes, it was time for us to call it a day

"See you tomorrow, Chika" Hajime said softly as if he was reassuring me that everything is fine and I shouldn't worry

"Yeah, bye Hajime"

I said bye to him even though we just live next to each other, there was a reason. It was because once Hajime enters their home he becomes distant from everyone even his own family.

Before I entered our home I heard his mom greet him, but as always he ignored it.

I feel sorry for her cause she's trying her best to connect with him but Hajime just brushes her off.

How cold.


The next day arrived and Iris couldn't sleep that well last night as curiosity about the president filled her mind.

"You look tired" Mother commented on my sluggish movements

"Ah, Don't worry mom I just didn't get much sleep last night" I replied

As I drowned my body in the warm water inside the tub I descended a little bit more, now only my hair up to my eyes was above water.

"What kind of person are you president" I mumbled

After finishing my bath I proceeded to eat and prepared to depart.

"Bye mom, I'll be back later"

"Take care, and have fun"

Both Iris and her mom stated as they wave each other goodbye.

On her way to school, Iris ran into Hajime

"Hajime?" I called out to him

Hajime removed one of his earphone and responded


"Nothing just wanted to greet you, hmph" I replied, sulking, because I received that rude reply

"Is that so?"

Before he could put his earphone back on I asked

"What do you know about the president?"

He looked surprised and puzzled


"Nothing I'm just curious"

"You know that the president is a girl right?" He added

"Yeah I heard"

Hajime suddenly paused and thought for a second before looking at me again

He had a stupid look on his face

"What?" I asked

"You're into that?" He replied with a look of confusion

"Into what?"

"You know Yuri" He added

I couldn't comprehend what he was saying so I just looked at him

We just looked at each other for a while before I asked

"What's this yuri you're talking about?"

"Oh yeah you ain't from here so you don't know about that" He replied

I nodded

"Yuri is girl x girl"

"I see, you really are stupid Hajime"

Hajime looked shocked

"What do you mean stupid?"

"Hajime, just because I'm interested to know about her doesn't mean I like her"


"Asking you was a mistake" I said as I let out a short sigh

"Tch well sorry" Hajime replied in a pissed manner

While talking, we arrived at school without noticing it.

"Get away from me now, I don't want people thinking I'm acquainted with an idiot like you" I told Hajime as I moved my wheelchair away from him

"Sure whatever" Hajime replied as he walked away

As I was moving I bumped into someone without noticing it

"Ah, my bad are you alright?" The stranger asked in a calm manner

I just nodded as I looked up to her, she was beautiful and had this graceful and intimidating aura around her

"Good to know, now may I ask you a question Ms?"

"Iris, Iris Laurent"

"Hm, what a nice name, now Ms. Iris do you know where I could find a man named Hajime?"

"Hajime?" I thought

"I need to see him as soon as possible" She continued with a sinister look in her eyes.

I froze up because of her intimidating aura and couldn't say anything

"Looks like you don't, anyway hurry now classes are about to start dear Iris" She said while stroking her fingers in my cheeks, and then she left

After staring at nothing for five seconds I hurried inside.

Who was that girl?

That was scary, the aura she had.


The whole time while classes were ongoing Iris was dozing off again. She didn't even realize it was lunchtime already.

"Iris, you alright?" Asked Chika while they were eating

Iris now back to her senses started to eat and replied

"Yeah, sorry about that I was just thinking about something"

"Hm is that so?"

"I met someone earlier"

"Eh!!? was it a guy? is he hot?" Chika asked excitedly

"Eh? No, it was a girl"

"Hm is that so? what a shame, so what's up with this girl? you like her?"

"Geez Chika no, I'm not into yuri okay"

Chika laughed and replied

"I'm just messing with you"

"She was looking for Hajime" I continued

Chika was staring at me as if she was waiting for me to continue, and so I did

"She was pretty and had this intimidating aura around her. She also said she needed to meet Hajime as soon as possible"

Chika suddenly stood up and mumbled

"I knew it, I need to tell Hajime as soon as possible" and then she ran off

"Chika where are you going?" I asked before I let out a sigh

While eating I felt a chill up my spine which I thought was something I would never feel again, behind me someone whispered.

"That's bad dear Iris, you shouldn't lie you know if you knew where Hajime was, you should've told me earlier"

It was her again and like before I'm freezing up from the intimidating aura she emitted

"I'll find you soon enough Hajime" She continued

I wanted to ask her about her business with Hajime but before I could she already left.

While Iris was eating alone Chika was looking for Hajime.

"Geez why is it so hard to find Hajime" Chika mumbled while sprinting

Chika would momentarily stop whenever she sees a classmate to ask if they saw Hajime but all of them said the same thing.

Chika was starting to worry as she now thinks maybe she was already too late and they got to him first.

She didn't want the president to have her way with Hajime as the two of them meeting would cause an absolute disaster, Hajime who was still beaten up and covered with bandages, and the president which had the wrong sense of authority.

Who knows what she will do with him, Chika was praying that Hajime was somewhere safe.

While sprinting someone stood in front of Chika forcing her to stop as continuing would cause a collision that could injure both of them.

The person spoke coldly and the atmosphere suddenly changed around them, Chika started to feel scared and more worried. The word that came out of the person's mouth was

"Miyamoto Chika"

Chika gulped down in nervousness and asked

"What do you want, President?"


While Chika was being confronted by the person she called president, Hajime, the person of their interests was lazing off in the library.

"I'm glad that our next subject was self-study as the teacher was not present"

Despite his looks and thug-like attitude, Hajime enjoyed reading books as reading can also make someone feel anticipation so he reads in hopes of feeling that someday.

Salmonella Men On Planet Porno by Yasutaka Tsutsui was the book Hajime was currently reading.

While reading Hajime suddenly recalled a distant memory, a memory where he got his first book.

And once again in the memory, the gentle voice was present

"Hajime look it's a storybook I got you"

"Hajime did you know reading can help stimulate the mind and help you broaden your imagination"

"Really Hajime? You like it? I'm glad"

"Hajime I'll get you more books in the future okay?"

Hajime opened his eyes again after recalling the memory

"That voice again, it seems to be bothering more lately" Hajime whispered as he let out a sigh

I wonder if I forgot about that voice or I purposely forgot about it, whichever the case might be I think that's for the best as we need to forget things as we grow up so that we won't chain ourselves in our past.

And so Hajime continued to read in silence surrounded by books and the cool breeze of the library.


Let's get back to Chika and her confrontation.

"No need to be hostile Ms. Miyamoto"

"What do you want with Hajime? I asked aggressively

"Oh my, you really get roused up whenever Hajime is involved huh?" The person said as if she was mocking me

"So what? let me tell you something, I won't let you do anything to Hajime as long as I'm around"

"My my what a brave proclamation, I commend your bravery. But let's get back to my business shall we?"

I was starting to feel nauseous and scared

"Can you join me for a drink? I heard you guys have free time right now" The president proposed to me

"Why should I?" I retaliated as if showing I wasn't fazed by her

But Chika's efforts were futile, the president wasn't flinching. She could see through Chika, she knows that Chika was just putting up a facade in an attempt to intimidate her.

"I won't pull anything funny, believe me, I just want to talk to you" The president insisted

"I don't have much of a choice do I?" Chika replied

The president smiled at her and said

"Mm, I like you. You're easy to talk to" As she reached for Chika's face

Chika cautiously avoided contact with her and just proceeded to follow her.

The president obviously took her to the office, inside the office was the members of the council gathered together and they greeted her in unison.

"President, welcome back" Said the vice president while lowering his head

"Prepare some tea for me and my guest here and bring them to my office"

The vice president glanced over Chika with a look of doubt

"Come on now, don't look at my guest like that" The president told him off

"As you wish" He then proceeded to prepare tea and snacks.

The student council office was a big room, inside it was another smaller room which served as the president's private office. Only other members and persons of interest are allowed to enter the room.

"Quite the office you have here" Chika stated

"I'm glad you like it" The president replied with a smile on her face

"Your smile is annoying" Chika replied

The president just laughed it off

"So what do you want?"

"Let's wait for the tea before we begin shall we?"

Both of them stayed silent while the president stared at Chika not directing her attention anywhere. Naturally, Chika was now feeling uneasy as she was starting to get weirded out.

Minutes later the vice president entered with a tray, on top of the tray was a teapot and a plate of macaroons. The president offered it to Chika.

Chika who was hesitant at first accepted it anyway.

While Chika was drinking tea the president suddenly spoke

"I'm going to pass judgement to Hajime"

"What??" Chika replied emphatically

"Bad deeds must be punished accordingly" She stated

"Bad deeds?" Chika thought to herself

"You see our dear student Hajime assaulted innocent students from other school the other day"

"The other day?" Chika once again thought

The president continued

"Some students just wanted to talk with a girl in the park but then suddenly Hajime out of nowhere beat them up"

"Are you sure they weren't harassing her" Chika protested

"But why should he punch them? He didn't even know them" The president objected

"And why would they involve the school regarding their personal strife. This is stupid" Chika now pissed protested again

"No matter how stupid it might seem they still approached the school about it and of course we wouldn't want a fight with another school so we have to entertain their request to be fair"

"Hajime was beaten up, Have you seen his state? Why is he still the suspect here?"

"Of course he would be, three people defended themselves against his barbaric actions. I could say that was fitting"

"FITTING?" Chika shouted out of anger

The president just looked at her with a smile on her face

Chika who had enough of this decided to leave. Before she could exit the president told her

"If Hajime knows that you met with me, he'll think you sold him off and you wouldn't want that right? So let's keep this to ourselves okay?"

"Why would he believe you?" Chika asked

"The truth can be whatever I want dear Chika keep that in mind"


As Chika closed the door she could see the sinister smile the president had between the gaps of the door.

Truly she was terrifying.


The next day came and Chika felt something bad was about to happen.

"Chika where did you go yesterday?" Asked Iris

"Oh sorry about that Iris I just had to do something"

"Hm, is that so?"

Both of them stayed quiet but Iris wanted to bring up the topic about the president once again.


"What is it, Iris?"

"I personally asked the principal about the president"

Chika was of course shocked

"But why?"

"I was just curious, and it turns out she was the person I met yesterday"

Chika suddenly remembered their encounter yesterday felt pissed.



"What did the principal tell you?"

During this time Hajime who was about to enter the school premises was intercepted by the student council members.

"What is it? I'm going to be late"

They kept silent

"This isn't funny, move out of the way or else"

"Or else what?" Whispered by an unknown voice behind Hajime

Hajime felt a chill for a second but decided to ignore it and turned around to confront it

"You wouldn't like it" Hajime stated

But as he turned around the sinister smile that put Chika on edge yesterday welcomed him

"H A J I M E" The president whispered

Hajime was shocked and frozen for a moment

"What do you want?" He asked

"It's time" The president added

"For what?"

She looked up to Hajime and whispered



Did you like the story? If yes then please let me know.

For a really long time, I've always wanted to write a story and finally I had the determination to do so. I really hope you would like this story and I hope you'll be interested in what's to come.

So if you liked it, I'll be glad to continue this story for you guys.

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