04. Like a gameplay

 ---This is an original book written by JennyS. Please support me by reading it at W. e. b. n. o. v. e. l. s. com. If you read it anywhere else it means it's copied without my consent. Thank you in advance :) ---

The door was open slightly for air circulation and she could hear the growls of now really large amount of zombies nearing their street.

In the silence the steps were heavy and growls scary, so she gave up on keeping the gate open and closed it.

The light of one lamp shone in the darkness and she slowly took out the rest of the food behind the girls and placed it on the nearby table.

A dozen cans of food can last them for a few days, but she had as well brought noodles, rice and other things from the fridge.

"When they pass, I'll go and turn off all their electric appliances so the energy could go only to us."

"Sister, you must be careful." The two girls held each one glass of now warm milk in their hands and looked at their older sister in worry.

She brought the induction cooktop she found in the other house and cooked some milk for them to drink.

She prepared as well milk rice that could be eaten cold. The big can of milk had to be eaten before it turns bad.

"Sister, what will we do in the future?" Michelle was scared as she knew it was impossible for them to live a normal life like before.

Yes, she was just a little girl, but even she realized this much.

Abandoned by parents, zombie apocalypse and three small girls.

Just then suddenly loud sounds and screeches could be heard even through the thick door they had. The light slowly faded and then went out completely.

She waited for a bit and then slowly, very slowly opened the door and listened. Nothing.

No sound of steps or growls or any other sound.

Not even birds could be heard that usually chirped even if it's the zombie apocalypse.

She pressed her finger on her lips and slowly closed the door, leaving the two petrified girls alone.

But when she went to the window and sneaked a peak, she got stunned.

What was this?

All zombies were lying on the ground, headless and burned. A strange thing floated in the air and scanned surroundings.

Suddenly it spotted her and before she could jump back, it literally appeared inside the room without going through door or window... or wall...

It scanned her and a strange voice could be heard. "Life form: Living human. Female. Opening door to another realm."

"Wait, my sister's, I have sisters. And I need things." She screamed.

"Request accepted. Gate to other realms will be open for one hour." The thing spoke.

"Can I see the other realm? What do I need to survive? Are there other humans?" She had to know everything and anything that could help them.

Staying here is impossible as early or later they won't have anymore food to gather and zombies won't die as easily as this group.

Suddenly a screen opened and she saw a beautiful valley with lots of flowers, a small river next to the wooden house and a small plot of land.

She rubbed her temples. "Where is this?"

"This is Alfa realm. Earth planet but continents are not the same. This house belonged to one family that moved after getting another child. They couldn't live off this small plot of land. You can get a bigger plot from a noble that owns this land. The gate won't be open for much longer. You have fifty-five minutes."

"Zombies... how long until next group of zombies come?" She was worried mostly about that.

"Zombie horde arrival in fifty-six minutes." The creature announced it and saw her running downstairs.

"Michelle, Alice, come out..." She knocked on the door and they came out. "Go upstairs and wait for me."

"Sister, can we help somehow?" Michelle saw her sweaty forehead.

"Take your clothes and shoes and hurry up. I'll take the rest of the clothes and beddings. We must hurry up." She already had an idea what to do so she rushed to open the door widely and gathered food in her backpack, all clothes she found she placed in the big blanket and pulled up.

When she came up she saw the two girls staring at the gate with open mouths and the countdown already on forty-two minutes.

"Go inside, hurry. Bring these things into the house. I'm going to gather anything useful from neighbors' house." She just pushed the bundle and backpack into the gate and was about to leave when she saw the two girls just throwing bundles and following her.

With a sigh, she opened the door and rushed towards the next house.

The door was closed, but she opened it and made such a noise that she got frightened. She completely forgot about the pans and pots she put here.

"Let's hurry up. Michelle, take those two big pots and pans and bring them right back. Alice, come with me." She opened the fridge and took a nearby bag and started putting inside the few vegetables that were not rotten and the few eggs in one basket.

"Go back and when you come back tell me how much time is left." Their mother already taught them numbers so she could ask that.

Just then Michelle rushed back and spoke. "Thirty-eight was when I left. We must hurry." Even she knew that this was it.

Their last chance of survival.

Anna Gale calmly went to the next room and picked up thick beddings and gave her. "We will need these. And pillows. I'll put them outside so the two of you can just throw them inside. "

She literally dragged while thing out in front of the door and went right back. The plot of land?

She knew the neighbor loved her flowers and had a whole set of supplies of various items so she went to small outside storage and found everything.

Literally everything. Including small and big ax, hoe, shovel, spade, rake and the same thing but much smaller for flower.

She took grabbed it and literally sprinted as fast she could to her house. The girls stepped aside as they saw her stepping into the gate, throwing everything on the ground and staring at the clock that showed twenty-eight minutes.

"Let's hurry up." She now only had to gather food and hope for the best.

Food in this house was only this much and she rushed to another house across the street and entered the pantry.

Luckily here she found potatoes, rice, noodles, various things she could use to eat and just stuffed them into one cloth.

Michelle and Alice grabbed a few more pots she gave them, a few plates and a whole set of cutlery they need to cook and eat.

Luckily she used only eight more minutes and rushed back to gather more beddings, clothes candles, soaps and a firestarter she found.

With just five more minutes left, she went to her own yard, grabbed the grill they owned and pulled it through the gate just in time before she started to hear and feel the incoming zombie horde.

And this time it seems it's literally bigger.

With last strength, she pushed that thing inside, grabbed her sisters and jumped into the gate.

From the other side, the gate closed and the thing appeared in front of her. "I didn't finish as you had not enough time. This realm is not as peaceful as you think. They as well have wars, crazy people and such. As you are all not strong enough to survive on your own, I will give you three things."

Famous words from the game plays.

Anna Gale was now even more certain, this is gonna be more interesting.

 ---This is an original book written by JennyS. Please support me by reading it at W. e. b. n. o. v. e. l. s. com. If you read it anywhere else it means it's copied without my consent. Thank you in advance :) ---