05. The options

---This is an original book written by JennyS. Please support me by reading it at W. e. b. n. o. v. e. l. s. com. If you read it anywhere else it means it's copied without my consent. Thank you in advance :) ---

*Number one, you will get the option to open the gate to the other world if there is no undead in your surrounding. You will get a notification in advance that all three can see, but no one else.*

Anna knew that she probably will need more things from the other world and vigorously nodded. "Of course."

*But, except you three, no one else can pass the gate and only you can open it.*

Anna Gale calmly accepted this condition. "I understand."

*Second is that each of you will get something you will really be good at. Like farming, sewing, cooking, hunting, building things...*

Anna Gale glanced at her two sisters and knew that the two had their own ideas. "First you two chose."

"I want sewing and embroidery. It comes together." Alice always had a good hand and even made small clothes for her own dolls.

Their mother always joked that Alice will become a designer in the future.

*You already own that skill, choose something you don't know.*

All three girls suddenly realized. They could only choose something they didn't know.

"Cooking then." Alice was interested in cooking, but her mother refused to show her as she was too young.

Anna glanced at Michelle that was sitting silently. "Sister? "

"I don't know what to choose." Michelle liked so many things.

"What about medicine? Nature medicine? This new world has so many plants and you love flowers." She knew that her sister loved gathering flowers and making arrangements.

*She has an affinity to wild plants. Herbal medicine makes sense.* The voice spoke.

Michelle glanced around and saw so many flowers that she suddenly found this skill quite interesting. "Then herbal medicine, please."

Anna Gale chuckled as she saw her politely bowing towards the thing. "You are actually smart and I'm sure you will be able to become a good physician."

The round thing finally turned towards Anna Gale. "Your choice?"

"I can make things, but to survive here I need to plant my own food. Farming, please." To help her family survive, she needs this skill.

*That skill will be given to all three of you. Chose something else.*

"Then fighting." Hunting she didn't need as she could just invent traps. But in case of danger, she rather likes to have the skill of defending herself and her siblings.

*You ask for a wide range. Do you want to learn it all? It's going to be painful.*

Hearing this thing's warning she pressed her lips and with a decisive expression, she nodded. "As long I can keep my family safe, I will bear the pain."

She will do anything, absolutely anything humanly possible to keep her sibling safe.

The creature was still for a moment.

*Request accepted.*

Just as he said that excruciating pain started spreading through her bones and she screamed so loud that her two sisters got frightened.

The pain lasted for a long time and while she was rolling on the ground in pain, the two girls wanted to help her, but a barrier stopped them.

*She must continue on her own and she will pass through all of it. She chose the most difficult option and will learn many things. But not only that, her bones will rearrange and in the future, nothing, not even a group of zombies would be dangerous to her.*

The two girls were helpless as they stood there and cried together with her.

To become strong you need strong bones, muscles, marrow, skin.

Like an evolution, her body changed.

She was still the same twelve years old girl, but at the same time, she was different. Much different.

Alice suddenly looked up to the floating thing. "Will my sister become deity?"

*No. She will become strong, very strong. But she won't be indestructible. She still can get wounded, she still can break a bone and she still can get sick. Only not as fast as other humans. In the future you cook her good food and make good clothes for her and your sister should learn how to make tinctures and medicine so she will use them in need.*

Michelle Gale looked at it. "Teach me how."

*You two are still small and will get knowledge with time. For now, I will give you the basic knowledge. When you turn six I will give you more knowledge. Year after year I'll do that. Next ten years you will grow and learn more and more. By the time you both turn fifteen, you will know all that you must know. The rest is on you.*

They suddenly knew literally the basic things they needed. Basic cooking. Basic farming. Basic medicine.

While they dazedly stood there and got basic knowledge, Anna Gale had literally fought in her mind.

All kinds of skills were implanted into her mind.

A fighter had knowledge of all kinds of things. From running, close fighting, use and forge of weapons, climbing, use of various survival skills...

Yep, real fighter knew it... all.

The point is, she got as well only basic knowledge as it was a too large amount of it to press it all into her at the same time.

Basic skills of fighting, escaping, hiding and such. But it was still quite an amount.

She slowly opened her red eyes and felt dizzy.

The whole process lasted a couple of hours and took a toll on her body.

"Sister, you are finally awake." Michelle Gale sat next to her and patted her sweaty forehead. "Your fever is finally down. Sister and I brought the things we could carry into the house. But you and this big thing we couldn't pull. I'm sorry."

Anna Gale weakly rose from the ground and glanced at her two sisters that looked at her with worry.

These two small children did that?

With what strength???

---This is an original book written by JennyS. Please support me by reading it at W. e. b. n. o. v. e. l. s. com. If you read it anywhere else it means it's copied without my consent. Thank you in advance :) ---