11. Again opened

"I don't know. We had two sets but had to exchange it for food." Anna Gale definitely won't say the truth and walked up. "I'll change my clothes and pack yours."

Not long after she came back with a bundle.

"Here are your clothes. I have only some dry meat and some dry nuts to give you to snack on your way. Hurry. The rain is now gone, but it's a fall. The wind can always turn around and rain will start falling again."

She made a small bundle that she gave him as his food reserve and he stood up to leave.

The shoes he wore were strangely comfortable and warm so he looked down. "Your father has small feet."

"Shoes belong to our mother. Place where we come form don't make difference between females and males. We wear same clothes and shoes and so we can reuse our clothes over and over again." Well, equality between females and males was a big thing, but only on paper.

Even if she was little she knew that many men didn't take that seriously.

The best example is her own father.

He was stunned and just then realized that not one girl wore skirt or dress and still looked cute.

"I see. Be careful and don't go anywhere next one month. After one month I will ask... I mean after a month go to the castle." His eyes reddened and he rushed out.

The horse neighed as he jumped recklessly on him and he rushed straight into the forest.

Anna Gale calmly took a wooden stick to clean up the biggest pieces of mud form her rain boots and brought them in front of the fire.

Suddenly a window to the other world opened up with a warning.

"Zombies changed direction and won't get near your street for next two hours. You have one hour to go to your world out of precaution."

She jumped and smiled brightly. "It was about time. Let's get more things we need. Shoes, quickly."

She luckily already changed clothes and rushed up to take other shoes so she could run.

The two girls happily clapped their hands. "Sister. I want to take the books from Mrs. Stevens house."

She realized that they must be bored and agreed. "I anyway wanted to go to their yard. Can you open gate near the third house to the left?"

"Request accepted."

The visual changed and they appeared straight in mid of living room of Mrs. Stevens.

While the two girls rushed to the nearby shelves and started wildly just throwing books inside the gate, Anna Gale rushed towards the table and took the table cloth.

With it she rushed out and started grabbing all vegetables she could see.

With full cloth she rushed back and saw that she already spent twenty minutes. "Stop gathering books. Go to the kitchen and gather anything edible. "

They saw her bringing the bundle into the gate and rushed towards the kitchen.

But two small children couldn't reach upper cabinets so they just made loud noise.

She rubbed her head and went inside.

"Take the bowl sets, cutlery and plastic bottles. I'll get the food." She pushed the chair and started bringing down anything she could reach.

Rice, noodles, few smaller bags of flour, bunch of various cereals, again some canned food, instant food and soups. She came down and just grabbed again table cloth from the big table and gathered everything inside and rushed towards the gate.

This time she was faster and it passed only fifteen minutes.

They still had twenty five minutes so she grabbed all knives she found, two large pots and suddenly had an idea.

"I'm going to the basement."

They glanced at her in wonder as they pushed the big pot with all kind of messy things into the gate.

Anna Gale calmly went down as was not surprised. If they had vegetables they probably had pickled food as well.

And basement was perfect place to place it.

She saw a row of shelves by the wall filled with all kind of pickled food and yelled. "Bring me two plastic buckets down.

They found plastic buckets that will be a big help in the future.

The two girls just heard plastic buckets and both rushed down with two in each hand.

Anna Gale didn't comment and filled on bucket with potatoes, one with onions and brought it on top of stairs. "You two bring this in while I go to get pickled vegetables."

She packed from each vegetable one glass can and slowly took it up.

The two girls rushed to take the bucket between them and brought her the two buckets

The time was still enough.

Ten more minutes.

She could bring up one more time the buckets and fill them up one last time.

She rushed down the stairs and almost chocked as she slipped and almost fell.

Luckily she became steady fast and started filling the two buckets again with potatoes and onions and added garlic amongst it.

With the two heavy buckets she went up and saw the time.

Five more minutes. "Well this gonna be a hell of a second run."

She rushed down, grabbed the pots wildly and just rushed up.

One more minute.

With last strength she brought last two buckets straight inside and saw the girls just gasping for air as they sat on ground next to the two buckets of vegetables.

The small house was again messy, but she didn't care and plopped on ground as well.

*Zombies show obvious interest to the military base. It might be possible to go to the other world more often if they leave.*

This was intresting.

Well it said they could go one hour at time, but not how often she could use gate in that one hour.
