26. Making plans

---This is an original book written by JennyS. Please support me by reading it at W. e. b. n. o. v. e. l. s. com. If you read it anywhere else it means it's copied without my consent. Thank you in advance :) ---

When Jocelyn Gale left the officer became serious. "Tell me the truth..."

The real truth is impossible to tell so she lied. "Actually, my father mislead my mother to believe that we are safe in the shelter. More or less he was right, but what's the point of safety if we have no food. We got a chance to escape and followed a group of people. One of them had a uniform and was wounded. As they found us slow and him too big of a threat as they feared zombies might smell his blood, they abandoned us. But we are really far away from you and even if we wanted we wouldn't go back. He gave us a map he carried and your number as we told him when our parents are. What we realize was that zombies hate noise. They dislike it so much that they will gather there to destroy the noise. Rain is strangely something they dislike. I don't want to know the reason why. I have full hands with surviving with two five-year-olds. We plan to hide on sunny days and plan to travel on rainy days. I heard there are towns on the north that have the most time of the year rainy days so we will head there. I will try to call you from time to time and report to you. Sir, are there other bases that still accept people? "

He sighed. "I would like to say yes, but some bases had to self-destruct as they had too many zombies. Be careful and call whenever you can."

He couldn't even tell them to come back as this city was not safe at all. Last few years the drought burned half of the surroundings and having rainy days is a wonder.

And looking at both of their parents, they definitely are better in any other base.

"Where are they? " An older man in general's uniform entered the room.

"Sir, she isn't sure as they just headed north." Officer gave the phone to him.

"Hello, this is General Lewis. Can you tell us your position? I can call nearby bases to go and save you." His deep voice made her almost chuckle.

She saw this solemn man on television a few times and wondered a bit how is he here and not in the capital. "Sir, I don't know. We are on some farm at the moment and will stay here to rest only. We are days of walk away from the city. First, we went a bit east, then north, then we had to go a bit back as we saw a large horde and now we are hiding here. Unfortunately, those people took all the food so we will gather the rest of the fruits and vegetables we find and continue going. It's an old house and won't hold them if they come."

He sighed. A small girl with two even smaller kids in mids of the apocalypse.

"When you find a way to call again, let us know." He couldn't send anyone to search for three kids wildly as long he doesn't know their position.

It seems cruel but the world already is like this.

He can't afford to lose his men for a lost cause.

Anna Gale calmly waved her hand and connection was lost as the last seconds of one hour were gone.

"Sigh. Tomorrow we can open three gates. I think that is good enough. I anyway plan to travel to the next city. Let's eat something nice." She had to open a map of two cities to get an approach to her storage area.

*Map of your world is unopened as well. But as your world is much more dangerous, you will have the option to open towns, villages and any settlement you see with the option of escape even if the gate is not open."

She saw both maps opening and both maps had only opened over the places she already knew.

"First let me open the two cities in this world so I can reach storage. I plan to gather more things in cities that have no people." Some towns and cities probably won't be raided for years as they are far away from bases and survival camps.

By then most of the food will be unusable and wasted. She planned to help survivors by trading food with them for things she might need.

Like weapons, medicine, or knowledge...

"Sister, what about storing books?" Alice had a similar idea when she heard her talking. "We need to learn. Even if gate promised us to become stronger, he wants to do so once a year and by then we can learn few things from books."

Anna Gale nodded. These two girls learned reading when they were three. Reading was not a big deal for them.

Anna Gale closed the map with a wave of the hand and glanced at the things they brought. "Let us rearrange things we need. Rest of things we might not be able to use I plan to leave near the base so when they go to gather food, they find enough fresh food."

She was not selfish to believe she can eat it all. And she knew it would be weird if they suddenly appear in the market with all these fruits and vegetables.

Especially as they just came and had neither donkey, mule not carriage to drive it.

Alice was still small and even if she had some basic knowledge of cooking, she was still too small to do bigger things.

So what they did was to put all the vegetables in boxes and leave them in one of the stores near the base.

"Sister, we can keep apples?" Michelle loved apples.

"Yes. Apples can stay long fresh. We just gonna send things that rot fast like cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and such." She indeed planned to put up solar panels on their house and use the drying machine that her mother had.

But first, she must find a big enough solar panel and the whole equipment with it.

She thought about it and gave up the idea to tell that general about this ability.

There is still time to do so.

Maybe later or when she finds the time appropriate...

It's just started...

---This is an original book written by JennyS. Please support me by reading it at W. e. b. n. o. v. e. l. s. com. If you read it anywhere else it means it's copied without my consent. Thank you in advance :) ---