27. The bridge

---This is an original book written by JennyS. Please support me by reading it at W. e. b. n. o. v. e. l. s. com. If you read it anywhere else it means it's copied without my consent. Thank you in advance :) ---

The next morning was rarely sunny.

Since they arrived in this world all they saw was rain and stormy weather.

Today on the other hand whole surrounding even on the map showed sunny weather and not even one tiny cloud in the sky.

Droplets of water glistened on green leaves and flowers that used seemingly last chance to bloom vigorously and made an enchanting picture.

"Leave doors and windows open so everything gets aired. When I come back I'll wash the whole house as it needs a good wash and we can go and look for nice beds tomorrow." She had no intention of staying on the ground even if she had a mattress now.

But both girls refused. "It's easy to move mattress away and wash the ground. And if we have to leave this house early or later, we better not have many things to move."

Listening to their words Anna Gale knew they were right. "Then maybe finding those beds that are easy to move? The guest beds? No?"

"Rather find hanging beds so we have some air in summer." Alice saw hanging beds and always wanted to try.

"I saw on television that some tribes sleep their whole life in hanging beds and are still healthy. But in winter mattress really makes sense." Michelle added.

Anna Gale gave up her idea about the bed as she came to the same conclusion. The mattress is easier to move and clean and they could go and find other options in other houses or furniture stores.

For now, this was good enough.

At least better than sleeping directly on the ground.

The two girls finally made her give up that idea and sighed in relief. "Everything is still too wet. We will wash upper room and put up the mattress to air a bit so when you come you can help us gather the rose hips."

She actually wanted them to rest, but thinking that she will be back in a few hours, she agreed.


She had no wish to travel for six hours by foot so she planned to travel only as long the gates are open.

"Sister, we can open three gates at the same time. We can clean up a bit here and then go and bring the rest of the bags to repack and see what we need and what we can bring down to tej storage." Alice added

But Anna refused. "No, zombies are strolling now and might arrive near the street as well."

"Gate will warn us on time." Michelle added.

"No. Without me you are not going to the other world as it's too dangerous. Now it's time. Gate, these two can't pass without my permission into the other world." She didn't want the two to get in danger no matter what.

*Your request has been approved.*

The two girls pouted and earned a stern gaze from their sister.

No matter how smart they are, they were after all still just two small girls that didn't realize how dangerous their proposal is.

If they were older she might have accepted it as then they would be able to run faster and close the gate to shelter fast.

But the stairs down were so steep even she almost broke her neck running down.

The two might kill themselves even before the zombies reach them. She definitely won't let them go there.

These two are way too playful, so she rather has them play around in a bit safer environment than in a world of man-eating monsters.

While deep in thought Anna slowly walked towards the gate of the bridge and calmly waited behind a few people heading over it.

No questions were asked.

Just pay and go.

"Five Ceresa." She could hear it even before she arrived and took out her small pouch she made out of an old piece of brown cloth.

She calmly just opened her hand and the guard took it and waved with his hand.

She realized that by now many people arrived behind her and was happy that she came out the gate before they arrived.

A carriage could be heard behind her and she saw a few people sitting in it. With curious eyes, she glanced at the driver and asked. "How much is it to the next city?"

He looked at the thin kid and then at back and sighed. "Sit next to me. Twenty Ceresa."

Anna slowly counted the money and sat next to him while holding her backpack between her legs.

The bridge was surprisingly quite large and made out of huge stone blocks. How they made it was a wonder, but she agreed that people should pay to travel over it.

Just looking at the perfectly cut stones, she knew it probably cost huge amounts of money.

Swing the kid curiously looking at the bridge the driver was a tiny bit amused. "First time over the bridge?"

"Yes." Anna Gale glanced at him and then at the brown mass of water that visibly rose because of recent rains. "Water rose..."

His smile vanished and worry was shown directly on his face. "Yes. If it doesn't rain next few days nothing will happen, but if we get again the rain as last few weeks, we will have a huge problem with floods."

Anna sighed. "Flood will harm people, animals and land. The problem is water after a flood. Will it have time to dry out before spring?"

The few people behind silently glanced at the river and were worried as well.

Flood in modern times gave huge problems to their surroundings and these were ancient times.

There is no helicopter to help you escape, there is no army to come to support you.

The moment flood comes it's literally life or death.

Thinking about the small stream that changes into a raging river in just these couple days, Anna Gale could only sigh.

It seems they really better keep their food in many different spots just in case something bad happens.

They crossed the bridge fast and the travel went on. Suddenly a notification appeared in front of her and stunned her, but she realized that no one else could see it.

This is good as well.

She has really had no wish to see screaming people that are jumping of the carriage...

---This is an original book written by JennyS. Please support me by reading it at W. e. b. n. o. v. e. l. s. com. If you read it anywhere else it means it's copied without my consent. Thank you in advance :) ---