23. Danger

The store became empty as she saw that even the things from other stores in mall started to dissapear and slowly turned to her two flabergasted sisters. "We still have the things in Mrs Stevenson house. Let's check all fruits and vegetables we can use. Eggs we will check like before. After all, I can use those bad eggs as lure for those wild pigs. I definitely plan to make big trap go them to fall inside. After all, we don't want our garden to be destroyed by them."

The two girls glanced with flabergasted expressions at their sister and went trough gate to unpack few carts as literally everything was summoned to the other place.

Luckily this was just second gate and they chose to go slowly now.

Eggs, fruits and vegetables were slowly transported straight to their house.

Anna glanced at the big freezer behind the counter and opened the latch.

Of course, it's been almost three weeks so all the food was spoiled. The smell of rotting flesh hit her and she closed the gate right away while retching.

"This... was... disgusting." Anna Gale patted her chest as she tried not to puke.

"Sister, don't open those freezers. It smells really bad." Michelle held her little nose and waved hand in front of her while Alice agreed to it.

"Let's leave the mall. We can leave few things in house of Mrs Stevenson and some food we can take with us. To open three cities will take some time." She was not foolish to believe that next city is just few hours away.

Strangely, as soon she went onto the city, the map opened up in surroundings showing ten villages, two castles, city and large river.

Over the river was big bridge and she could see guards stopping people to make them pay the tax as they traveled over the bridge.

Well, such a thing was normal.

Even in her city they had to pay all kind of things like bridges or speedway. After all, the money to build bridge has to be paid back early or later.

For a child of her age to understand this much was unusual, but she found it normal.

Since she was little she as as always a bit different than other children and realized that her sisters are like that as well.

"I will go alone over the bridge. No need to pay for all three of us. And the travel will be harsh. I rather see you two safe here." Anna Gale pointed at the bridge. "I want to see what is there. I'm slowly getting curious."

Even the two girls were excited.

"We can follow you over the map. This is intresting."

"I will let you two come as well as soon I'm in the other city. It is much safer for me to travel alone. Maybe cutting hair and looking like a boy wouldn't be a bad idea." She took scissors and glanced at small mirror she put on the wall. "Look, boys in this world have simple hairstyle. Just cut until shoulders and then make small low tail. You see?"

She enlarged the other city and indeed all boys have such low ponytails.

She already wore pants and shoes and never skirt so she could pass as boy in no time.

The only difference was that she was cleaner than them, but she saw that city children were cleaner as well so she let it be.

With sigh she took backpack and thought about it. "I have some money. I will see in the other city what is needed and will take later with me. For now I'll take few knives. These big ones we can bundle into old cloth and I might be able to sell them."

She had more teas, but she wanted to keep these for the Fall celebration in the Solis town.

She had really too many knives. And looking at various cutlery she chose to take fifty spoons to sell.

These were metal spoons people could use for years. Definitely better than wooden spoons.

The backpack became heavier and she just added few apples and change of clothes.

The streets were muddy so she chose neutral looking brown rain boots and brown rain jacket.

With brown winter hat made out of wool she was similar to the children living here and took off the clothes. "I will leave tomorrow. Let's open gate to Mrs Stevenson house one more time and transport rest of things into the storage area. By the way, where are chicks?"

The two girls got stunned. "The chicks!"

All three of them rushed out and to their surprise the chicks were fine. They already picked all the grass under them and were probably thirsty and hungry as they were really loud.

She knew it makes no sense to bring chicks to underground shelter so she just moved slowly the mosquito net and pushed the chicks on another part of grass.

"Bring the flat bowl and fill with water. I will go and make simple chicken scoop." Her mind was working on high speed and she already had an idea what to use to keep chicks safe.

She saw pallets just outside the mall and planned to use that. "Open gate outside the mall next to the unload zone."

The gate opened and suddenly a warning appeared. "Zombie group will approach this part of town in approximately twenty five minutes. Please be cautious."

Anna Gale saw bunch of pallets leaned on one wall and just dragged one by one towards the gate. Two pallets for ground and six for sides. On top she planned putting plastic cover and their house will be two styrofoam boxes she found outside.

With girls help she pulled the heavy things into her house and the two girls got the two boxes and took rest of them as well as the could use it in summer to keep things colder.

Just as she pulled last one inside the gate started flashing and pulsating.

*Danger! Danger! Danger!*

Her dragging her as obviously loud in quiet street so the creatures rushed towards the sound. They waved with their hands and jumped towards the gate that just dissapeard.

The two girls shook in fear as they realized how dangerous life in other world is.

Well, this world is not less dangerous...