GUANG AI LI picked up four small stone she saw on the way. She smirked and hid her hand on her sleeve.

When she pull her hand out the stone she was holding becomes gold. 'It worked!'

In this world, one gold cost 1000 silvers one gold cost 1000 silvers. That's why commoners income is only 1-2 gold/s.

"Let's go, Mei Hui." She said before entering inside the pharmacy house.

She looked around and an old, dusty pot caught her attention. Is that what they called pill refining pot?

"Are you going to buy some herbs?" The owner asked.

Guang Ai Li looked at him and his eyes widened in shocked after recognizing who she is.


'Why is the fifth princess here?'

Guang Ai Li smile and pointed the pot.

"How much is that pot? I'll buy it in any price."

"B-But your highness.. That pot isn't working and it's old."

"It's fine. How much?"

"3 silvers, princess."

Guang Ai Li gave him one gold. "Give me different types of herbs as well."

"R-right away, princess." He said and bow before moving.

She face Mei Hui and confusion is is painted on her face. Guang Ai Li just smile at her and grab the bag of herbs.

'Since when the princess study how to refine pills?'

Guang Ai Li wear the space ring that her mother gave to the previous Guang Ai Li before she died. It's a highest rank space ring and it's also known as storage ring.

She put the pot and the herbs she bought inside the ring before leaving the store.

"Princess.. H-how did you–"

"I made it myself, Mei Hui. You know that no one in the palace will give me money, not even father." She simply answered.

Mei Hui didn't talked back and just bow her head down.

'Princess Guang Ai Li is really pitiful.'

The two of them continued walking and looking around the store but Guang Ai Li don't see any store that sells weapons.


Everyone was startled because of the scream and even Guang Ai Li stopped from walking. She and Mei Hui looked at each other before walking towards where the scream came from.

There's a group of people whispering and it seems like they are looking at something. Guang Ai Li walked closer not minding if she bump into anyone until she reach the middle.

Mei Hui was so shock seeing a dead body of a girl while covering her mouth with her hand. Seeing a corpse is normal to her as Lerian Zeri because she often see it when her mom and dad bring her to their missions and her Auntie Han often brings her while operating a patients.

A four guards walk towards the body and was about to touch it when Guang Ai Li stepped forward.

"Stop. Don't touch the body." She stopped them.

The guards was hesitate to bow down when they recognize who she is. They also have a disagreeing look on their face.

"Princess.. What are you trying to do?" Mei Hui nervously ask.

She ignore Mei Hui who's trying to stop her and walk towards the body. She's only a white robe and she only has bruises on her face and body. It's obvious that she was abuse and violated before the culprit kill her.

And base from the smell lingering from the body it looks like she's been here for so long. The place is quite concealed and dim that no one will notice the body sooner.

"She's been here since morning.. what a tragic death." She mumbled.

Guang Ai Li raised her gaze to everyone. "Is there someone recognize this lady?"

A young man raise his hand. "She's Ling Mu, the second young miss of Ling Family. She's a Rank 5 cultivator and has a pure Yang soul spirit."

Guang Ai Li nodded and smirked. As far she remember there's a lot of men who wants to marry someone with pure Yin and Yang soul spirit since it can only be shared through having sexual intercourse.

'I guess that's the main purpose why she was raped before she died.'

"Ling Mu!"

Before the Ling family get near the body Guang Ai Li immediately stop them.

"No one can touch the body. No one's allowed to get near the body as well until the investigation isn't over yet. But you arrive just in time." She looked at them one-by-one.

"W-why? Can you tell us what happened to my daughter?" The mid-age woman ask. Ling Ding, Ling Mu's mother.

"By the smell of the body.. she's been here since morning.. Someone violated her before killing her... And everyone here knew she has a pure Yang soul spirit, am I right?" Guang Ai Li seriously said and everyone nodded. By that everyone got a clue.

"You mean.. the killer's main purpose is to get the shares of Ling Mu's Yang soul spirit?" The lady ask.

Guang Ai Li nodded. "Who is the last person Ling Mu talked to?" She asked.

They exchange look and shook their heads.

"She's been missing since last night and we have no idea where to find her." Ling Mu's mother cried.

Guang Ai Li looked at the ground while bathing her mind in deep thoughts, but her brow crease when she saw something.

'Huh? What's that?'

She shrugged her shoulder and walked towards the corpse again. 'There must be something that the killer's left, if none.. then, the killer is an expert.'

Guang Ai Li stop from walking circle to the corpse when she saw some..... 'Oh! A shoe print!'

It's faint dried blood. But Guang Ai Li knew it was a shoe print.

Her eyes widened when she remember something. She walked towards the Ling family's direction again.

"Can you show me the pair of your shoes?" She asked and they immediately gave it to her.

Her face went firm as she looked at the Head Master of Ling family. 'I know him.. he's Ling Chong, Ling Mu's father.'

"I said pair." She coldly said but he didn't even budge a bit and he looks suspicious.

Guang Ai Li stepped forward that makes him stepped back. She smirked because of his reaction. He's sweating too much that makes me confirm that he's the one who did it.

"Why is that Ling family's head? Afraid that you might get caught? Afraid of being expose? Afraid of letting the people know that you.... raped your own daughter?" She asked him.

"Y-you don't have any evidence! And aren't you the trash princess, Guang Ai Li? How can a trash accuse me of something!?" He angrily hissed and everyone started chattering about her.

'She's the fifth princess?'

'Didn't they say she's dumb?'

'Aren't the rumour say she has a hideous apperance?'

Guang Ai Li stopped and coldly looked at Ling Chong. 'You want to be humiliated, huh?'

"My evidence? It's on your shoe.. it's actually... The blood on your shoe." She said.

"T-this.. This is not a blood—"

"Then what? Lipstick?! You're a man so you don't have that! And please! Don't you dare lie to me because you're only makes the situation worse and embarrass yourself. I can do counter attack, Bastard!" She shouted in frustration.

Everyone become silent and all looked surprise while looking at her.

"I-it's a b-blood of... of.." Ling Chong was obviously looking for answer.

"You just said awhile ago that it's not a blood.. and you just prove yourself being the culprit who killed his own blood and flesh. Guards! Take him away." She said with a sweet smile on her lips.

She walked back to Mei Hui's direction who's looking at her with amusement and winked at her.

"Wait! Princess!"

Guang Ai Li halt and face the one who called her. It was Ling Mu's mother.

"Thank you for giving justice for my daughter's tragic death.. please accept this." She said and hand her the glowing gold stone.

The spiritual energy mineral. The golden light. It's one of the rarest energy mineral. 'But why is she giving such precious thing to me?'


"You, giving justice for my daughter's tragic death is the most important thing for me. I'm really thankful to you, your highness."

Guang Ai Li smile and accept the spirit energy mineral. "Then if you need some help.. you're free to visit me at the palace."

'This spiritual energy mineral is a big help for my cultivation. For sure I'll breakthrough from Rank 4 to Rank 8 or more.'