GUANG AI LI immediately put everything she bought out from her ring as soon as she entered her room.

She touched the pot and slid her finger on it. It's dusty and muddy that it makes it looked so old.

She grab a rag and wiped the mud off the pot. Slowly, the pot's form is revealed as she continue to clean it up.

Her eyes widened and her lips curve a smile when she remembered something from the previous Guang Ai Li's memory. 'This pot is actually The Legendary Pot that the previous Guang Ai Li read before! But how am I able to use this?'

She close her eyes and search for Guang Ai Li's memory of how to use the pot. She smile and grab the hairpin on her hair and using it's sharpness, she gently pierce her index finger but enough to make a small wound and blood.

She wipe the blood on the pot and it made a blinding light. Guang Ai Li smile when she saw how the pot changes it's form and it's true form is slowly appearing.

'I marked it, so it's mine now.'

Guang Ai Li heave a sighed and put the pot and the herbs back in her ring.

'I'll just go to the library tomorrow. Why did I forget that I don't know to use this pot?'

She walked outside her room and went to the garden inside her manor. She take the golden light energy out and sit.

She took a deep breath and started to concentrate. At that moment, She feel like she's floating and so light. She absorb the energy from the water, trees and plants.

She opened her eyes when she already had enough. And again, she breakthrough to Rank 9. 'I didn't expect this spiritual energy to be that strong.'

She stood up and was about to walked back to her room when she felt someone's presence. She immediately take out her hairpin from her sleeve and was on her defensive mode.

She throw it to the tree on the side but nobody's there or anything. Her brow crease but she knew someone's there because she felt a strong and heavy presence just now.

"Your quiet good.."

Her body stiffed and sucked her breath when she heard someone whispered on her ears from behind.

"I'll see you soon... My lovely bride."

With all her strength, she forcely move her body to see who's behind her, but to her disappointment she could only see a faint smoke that is slowly disappearing.

'Who the hell was that?!'

GUANG AI LI woke up when she heard a noise outside her room.

"You're disrespecting the princess!" It was Mei Hui's voice.

She stoop up and stepped outside. She saw Guang Chu Bei's servants holding Mei Hui's arm and slapping her.

Her face darkened and slowly walked towards their direction.

"How impudent." She said wearing her emotionless face. They all looked at her. "Four versus one? How dare a mere servants like you enter my territory?"

The four of them exchange look before letting Mei Hui go and laughed at her like she said something funny.

"Your territory? You're just a weak princess with no power to hold on to. Our princess, Guang Chu Bei is more powerful than you who was entitled as first princess." One of the servants said with a mocking tone.

Guang Ai Li's mood worsen and was tempted to kill the four of them because of their attitude.

"How dare a servants like you act like a superior?" She coldly asked, gritting her teeth. "Did you forget whom you're talking to?"

She slapped the servant who answered her with strong force. The servant flew and crash through the wall. Guang Ai Li smirked when she saw the servant bath on her own blood. Dead.

She turned to the other three servants who are shaking in fear. 'You disturbed my sleep and disrespect me early in the morning, you don't deserve my sympathy.'

She was about to walked closer to them when the guards came into the picture. She calmed herself down and looked at the guards.

"Put this three in jail for entering my territory without my permission and beat them to death. And also, clean that up and fix the wall." She pointed the lifeless body of the servant. The guards looked surprise before doing what she said.

"N-no! Fifth Princess!! Please, have mercy!!"

"D-don't!! Fifth Princess!! Don't kill me! Spare my life!"

"Your highness!! I promise I won't do it again! I will do anything you want! I'm willing to be one of your servant! Just don't kill me please!"

Guang Ai Li irritatedly cover her ears while watching them walking away from her manor. She face Mei Hui who's holding her cheek.

She helped her walked inside her room and let her sit on her bed. "You rest for awhile. I'll just get the ointment."


"Rest or I'll throw you outside?"

Mei Hui hurriedly lay down on her bed and close her eyes. Guang Ai Li smile and get the ointment. She slowly put some ointment to Mei Hui's face and wounds on her body.

Mei Hui is a great servant and the previous Guang Ai Li treats her like her own sister since Mei Hui is the only one who helped her.

Guang Ai Li sighed and stand up when she saw Mei Hui sleeping soundly. She went to her wardrobe and grab a simple blue dress and tied her hair up.

I looked at the mirror. 'No one will notice me on this attire, right?'

GUANG AI LI read almost the half of the books in the library and most of them are about Alchemy and how to refine pills.

She put the book after reading it to the shelf and looked for another book to read. She looked up and saw a eye-catching design of the book cover.

She tried to get it but her height is a little lacking that she can't reach and get the book.

She was about to jump when someone grab the book from behind. A handsome guy with a long yellow hair and blue eyes wearing such elegant clothes.

'If I were in my normal world I will mistook him from being a foreigner.'

The man smiled at her and lend her the book. "Here... Little Miss."

Guang Ai Li smile back and take the book. "Thank you."

"The name is Murong Wei Zheng, I saw you reading a book about Alchemist. Do you want to become an Alchemist?" He asked. "And I find your way of reading is  pretty weird. You looked like you're just playing because you turn the pages so fast." He chuckled.

'What do you expect? I've been friends with books since I was young, My classmates even called me a nerd and a book freak.'

"Well... I want to know how to use the pill concocting pot." She awkwardly said.

The man smile. 'Hm.. I wonder which family this girl belong to.'

"If that's so... Good luck then." He said before leaving.

When the man finally disappeared from her sight her attention diverted to the book.

The Legendary Divine Beast Lord

'Huh? Divine Beast?'

She open the book and started reading it.

'The Divine Beast died saving his bride but pledged to come back after 10000 years to find his bride. He sacrifice the half of his soul to find the chosen one who deserve to become his bride.'

Her lips wry and close the book after reading the half of it because she feels like she's reading a romance novel.

'Tsk! Too cheesy.'

"Have you heard the news? Someone said he saw the heavenly dragon beast from the holy forest."

Guang Ai Li stopped when she heard someone chattering on the side.

"Yeah. He's lucky because he manage to escape before the heavenly dragon saw him." The other man answered.

'Heavenly Dragon Beast? I think I heard of that.. Oh! The most powerful beast and as far as I remember the only person he acknowledged as his master is the one and only Divine Beast Lord. Good thing I read it from the book I read just now.'

She smirked and hurriedly leave the library. She wanted to see what's that heavenly dragon beast looked like.

'And I will definitely make it mine.'