GUANG AI LI wear the black cloak and cover her hair using its hood. She glance at Mei Hui who's still sleeping soundly on her bed.

'She must be really tired.'

The sky is already pitch black without stars and the people must already asleep at this time. Guang Ai Li silently walked outside her room.

"That dragon is mine. Fufufu." She devilishly laughed before jumping up to the roof.

She jumped roof by roof until she finally see the entrance of the forest called 'The Holy Forest'. The Holy Forest. There are a lot of people who are afraid to enter this forest because there are different Wild Beasts or Demonic Beasts inside.

Some also says that there's a beast who can use illusions and it can controlled your mind using your own emotions. She read it from the book this morning and it's not easy to tame that beast because aside from being so tiny it can also make itself invisible.

That's why lots of people wanted to have one of those beast. The Grim, That's what they called it. And she have to admit.. she also want to have one of those tiny beast too.

Guang Ai Li jumped in to the forest and land on one of the tree branch. She doesn't want to encounter any beast tonight because her main target is the Heavenly Dragon.

She stopped jumping when she saw a light coming from the center of the forest.

'That is...'

A grin form from her lips and jumped faster on the tree branches. As soon as she arrived at the center of the forest her eyes shined and her face beam at what she's seeing.

'It's a gorgeous white dragon!!'

It has a big red horn at the center of its forehead. She jumped down and approached the dragon.

She was more amazed when she saw it's golden eyes when it open its eyes.

'Wow!! This is my first time to see an actual dragon and I didn't expect it to be this beautiful.'

She do read some research about dragons online as Lerian, but their description about dragon is far different from this dragon in front of me.

She step backwards when the dragon is slowly standing up.

She close her eyes when it's horn shine brightly.

[Sfx: tsssh.. (breath)]

Guang Ai Li blinked twice when the light desappear. 'This dragon... Why do I feel like it will not dare to hurt me.'

She leisurely approached the dragon again but it suddenly growl louder like it was pain. She frown and observe the dragon.

"Are you hurt?" She asked and walked closer to it fearlessly.

"ROOOAR!" The dragon growl.

She jumped up to its head.

'Its forehead...'

The horn's color isn't red, it's a blood. The dragon's forehead is bleeding that the blood covered its horn.

'Did someone tried to kill the dragon?'

She gently position her palm on the dragon's wound and place a fire. Base on what she have read from the book.. Fire can heal an injured beasts, but it's only effective if you used an harmless fire or a blue fire.

The blue fire can't be use to people because it will only burned their skins. Healing using the blue fire to a human can harm their life. That's why it's only effective to beasts.

"There, there.." She mumbled.

She noticed that the dragon is slowly calming down when she heard footsteps approaching to their direction.

'They must have heard the dragon's growl.'

She was about to release her hand from touching the dragon's forehead when she scathed her hand on its hard skin.

"Ah! Shit!" She hissed and immediately jumped down.

'How unfortunate of me!'

Guang Ai Li closed her eyes because of the blinding light coming from the dragon. She actually did not do it on purpose, but it looks like she drop a blood on the dragon.

'The blood contract...'

"Hey, you!" A small voice shouted.

Sge open her eyes only to see a- 'Huh? Where's the dragon? I only see a very cute small dragon.'

The small dragon was looking at her like its mad at her.

"Where's the dragon?" She confusedly ask.

The cute dragon glared at her with a raging eyes. "I am the dragon! How dare you make a blood contract with me without my consent?!" It angrily shouted at her.

Her lips wry and pinch its cheek. "Are you playing games with me?"

The dragon struggle from her hold. "I'm the Heavenly Dragon Beast! How dare a mere human like you disrespect-"

"Alright, alright. Whatever you say. But you're so big just now so how come you suddenly became so small?"

The dragon breath before answering her. "I made myself small so I can easily follow you around. The contract says, 'We shall follow our summoner everywhere they go.' and you are now my master." It explained

Guang Ai Li nodded but frown afterwards when she remembered something. She looked at the dragon again.

"Didn't you already have your own master? I mean.. you and the Divine beast?" She asked.

"Master, the Divine Beast doesn't want to do a blood contract. He wants me to be free because he wanted me to find my own master." Guang Ai Li saw the sadness and longing on the dragon's face while mentioning the Divine Beast Lord.

'So that's how it is. But what kind of person, beast or Lord is that Divine Beast Lord?'


"Shit!" She hissed.

She grab the dragon. "Hide inside the space ring for now and rest. You're safe in there." She said as she put the dragon inside her ring.

She wear her hood again that was remove when she's forming a contract with the dragon before jumping up to the tree again.

"Where's the dragon?!"


"Father, where's the dragon?!"

Guang Ai Li secretly glance down when she heard a familiar voice. Guang Chu Bei. She smirked when she saw Guang Chu Bei's looking around the area.

'So you're planning to have the Heavenly Dragon, huh? Too bad, I was the one who saw it first.'

She continued leaving the place and she saw some noble families running towards the center of the forest.

'Hmph! thanks for coming late, suckers!'

"SO YOU were attacked by higher ranked summoners?" Guang Ai Li asked the dragon.

They are inside of her space ring right now since it'll be dangerous if someone saw the dragon. It might ruin her plans. The rings inside is spacious afterall.

There is also a small house inside. Maybe the previous Guang Ai Li's mother made it since she's the first one to own this ring before giving it to her daughter.

"Yes. I was too weak to fight them because of the poison I inhaled."

Guang Ai Li nodded. 'Maybe it's the reason why he didn't attacked me.'

"I don't have any plan on attacking you even if I'm not under that poison."

She raised her head because of what the dragon said. It haughtily flew and turn its back to her.

'Huh? Did I hear it right?'

"When I feel your presence my horn started to glow.. And I didn't feel threaten when you came closer."-sabi nito.

I tilt my head out of confusion. "So you mean to say.....?" Her brow arc as she waited for him to answer.

"My horn acknowledge you as it's master!" The dragon explain. "S-so do I, since you saved me... I should also acknowledge you as master too." He shyly said.

Guang Ai Li chuckle and pinch its cheeks. "Then I shall train you hard. Fufufu!!" She laughed with a devilish look on her face.

She stand up and take the purse that she used to store some cherries before entering the space ring awhile ago. "Here. You must be tired. Eat this before you rest." She said and put the cherries down.

'Who would do that to him? And why do they want to kill the heavenly dragon?'