GUANG AI LI was practicing swordsmanship using the sword that she borrowed from the guard.

This is the first time she hold a sword ever since she played the role as Guang Ai Li in this world. She tried to find a store that sells weapons but failed. Thankfully, one of the guards lend her his sword.

But someone told her where she can buy some high quality weapons. The Auction.. though she can make golds but it will took her long and she have to think of something else.


Guang Ai Li stopped from wielding the sword and give it back to the guard before turning her head to the entrance of her manor.

Guang Chu Bei and she's not alone. She with her mother, and the concubines with their childs.

"How dare you beat my servants to death?!" Guang Chu Bei shouted. She looks furious and planning something vicious.

Guang Ai Li acted scared when deep inside her wanted to burst out laughing and break Guang Chu Bei's neck. She look at Guang Chu Bei with fear that made the concubines and their children snicker.

Guang Chu Bei walked closer towards her and pulled her hair. Guang Ai Li hissed in pain.

'Damn! Just you wait bitch! I will surely make you pay! All my life I have never experienced being bullied physically as Lerian Zeri.'

She do experience being bullied even when she's still Lerian Zeri at school but not physically. Since she came from a well-known and influential family, the students are afraid to say goodbye to their luxury life if they bullied her physically.

Guang Ai Li struggle and pushed Guang Chu Bei away and Guang Chu Bei stumbled on the floor.

She thought Guang Chu Bei will burst in anger and stand up to attacked her again but she didn't even budge a bit.

"Why, sister? Tell me it wasn't you!" Guang Chu Bei said in tears.

They are in that situation when the emperor entered the manor together with two eunuch and maids and saw Guang Chu Bei slumped on the floor.

"What is going on here?" He asked frowning while walking towards their direction.

"It's youngest sister, father. She pushed elder sister without a reason." The fourth sister, Guang Chen Yi. Daughter of Concubine Yi Tuo said.

Qi Bung Yu, the emperor glare at Guang Ai Li and she just acted like a scaredy cat. 'So this is what you are planning, huh?'

"F-father.. It was–" Guang Ai Li was cut off by the first brother, Guang Xian Nai. Son of Concubine Nai Feng.

In this life.. Guang Ai Li have Two sisters and two brothers. The first born child of the emperor, Her father is Guang Chu Bei, the first Princess. Second is Guang Xian Nai, the second Prince. Next is Guang Xuan, son of Concubine Bei Ru and the third Prince. And the fourth one is Guang Chen Yi, she follows every steps of Guang Chu Bei like a dog to gain the emperor's favor.

"Chen'Er is telling the truth, father. Elder sister was just asking her if she really told the guards to beat elder sister's servants to death but she suddenly got mad and pushed elder sister away." Xian Nai said.

Guang Ai Li act shocked and looked at them with teary eyes.

'So you're framing me, huh? Such old trick!'

"F-father.. This princess admitted her mistakes. I did pushed elder sister away.." She sob and cover her face. She smirked between my sob. "But father, her servants deserve to be beaten to death!"

Guang Ai Li wipe her tears and walk closer to Chu Bei. "I'm sorry, elder sister. I only do that because.. aside from them entering my Manor without my permission, they also tell me that you... You order them to poison me." And then she cried again.

Guang Ai Li heard them gasped while Guang Chu Bei's face paled.

'What now? Are you still going to argue with me?'

"Do they deserve to live, Sister?" She asked sulking.

Guang Chu Bei secretly grit her teeth. 'Since when this bitch become so smart?'

She slowly stand up and almost lost her balance but her mother immediately hold onto her.

"N-no.. y-you're right." Guang Chu Bei stutter. "How could they bring my name up on their crimes?!"

Guang Ai Li smiled. "That's right! Who would dare to kill me inside this palace, anyway?" She said that made them flinch.

"If I died, you have to leave the palace with nothing but yourselves. All the things inside the palace belongs to Guang family and none of you don't have any Guang family's blood flowing in your body, so if I died none of you doesn't have the rights to hold authority of this palace." She explained.

Guang Ai Li saw how their faces paled after all those explanation. Before the former emperor died he gave the seal and the documents to his most trusted royal council. The documents contains that only who have a Guang bloodline can hold authority to the palace.

And Guang Ai Li is the last who has the Guang bloodline. That's why she should be the one sitting on the throne!

Without saying a word, they all left together with the emperor. Guang Ai Li smile before turning her back and face the guard who lend her a sword. She patted his shoulder as she walked passed him.

In her previous life... She got all the love and attention of her family because she is the youngest. She have two protective older brothers who cares about her so much.

Her brother, Gaudion is the type of person who wouldn't talk unless it's important but when it comes to her... He's always active and attentively talking to her.

And then.. Gaillion her sweet but playboy older brother. Well, he maybe a playboy but for her.. he's the sweetest guy she know. Whenever she cried or sad, he's always there to comfort her. But sometimes he's irritating because he will try to teased and pissed her off everytime her brother Gaudion isn't around. 'But still, I love them both.'

She heaved a sigh. She sat on her bed and cry.

"I miss you both... Brothers." She whispered and silently cried.

GUANG AI LI face darkened while looking at the dishes on the table. It's been four days! But the kitchen who was assigned to cooked her foods always serve the same. And it's all rotten!

She stood up and take the plate with rotten meat before heading towards the kitchen.


Guang Ai Li looked at Mei Hui and smile. "It's fine.. I'll just going to teach them a lesson." She said.

Mei Hui worriedly looked at her and nod. Guang Ai Li continue walking towards the imperial kitchen.

She kicked the door hard that get the servants attention. There are five cook masters in the palace and three average cooks.

"Who was assign to cook for my meal in the past four days?!" She said calmly but with authority.

A fat man stepped forward, Zhi Fang. He's smirking while arrogantly looking at her. He was the one who always assigned to cook Guang Ai Li's food and he sometimes put a worm on Guang Ai Li's food on purpose.

"Why? Are you not satisfied to the food I prepared? Your. High.ness?" He sarcastically said.

Guang Ai Li coldly glare at him at walk closer towards him. "Did you..." She started and raised the plate she's holding. "Make this?"

He stepped back but remain with his smirking face. "A trash like you deserve to eat foods like that." He said and laughed out loud.

The chefs laughed too. There are only chefs here which is good since there are only few people who will witness her doing something brutal.

She pressed the rotten food on the plate on Zhi Fang's face and since he was laughing so loudly his mouth was open he choked the food.

Guang Ai Li smiled viciously as she pushed the plate hard on his mouth. Zhi Fang's eyes rolled back but it didn't made her stopped from pushing all the food on his mouth.

"A pig like you deserves to eat rotten foods! You fat pig!" She angrily shouted.


Guang Ai Li take a deep breath and pushed Zhi Fang harshly. He slumped on the floor shaking in fear while crawling backwards.

She face the rest. It's a good thing that she didn't bring Mei Hui inside the kitchen. Looking at their faces, they all looked surprised and scared at the same time.

"You all better seal your mouth and keep today's event a secret. If I heard someone inside or outside the palace gossiping about what happened today..." She glared at them. "I will not hesitate to kill all of you. Do you understand?"

They all nodded in chorus and continue what they are doing before, trembling. She glance at Zhi Fang for the last time before leaving.

'Tss! Pathetic!'

She pulled Mei Hui's hand and walked outside the palace. The Inn's foods taste better than in the palace.