GUANG AI LI was enjoying herself bathing on the hot spring inside the Moon Palace, the water was filled with rose petals that gives fragrance to the water.

This is actually where the previous Guang Ai Li and her mother stayed when she was a kid, before her mother got poisoned. When her mother died the royal council forbid everyone to enter Moon Palace except to Guang Ai Li.

But Guang Ai Li never tried to open the palace because she couldn't bear the pain of losing her mother.

The current Guang Ai Li, Lerian Zeri know why the council forbid everyone to enter this place.. because they hid the Royal seal and the documents here.

Guang Ai Li can only sit on the throne when she finally reach the age of 18.

'Geez! This body is only 14 years old and the real me is 20 years old already!'


Guang Ai Li lean back on the rock behind her making herself comfortable.

'This hot spring is relaxing and it can even increase one's spiritual energy. No wonder why this is called the Guang's treasure.'

She blinked twice when she felt her eyes slowly closing. She felt so comfortable that she wanted to sleep. She wanted to take a quick nap since she's the only one in the place, no one will see her naked body so she's safe.

She close her eyes and was about to enter to dreamland when she suddenly felt someone's arms embraced her from behind.

"Xiao Li.. My bride."

She froze when a husky and low voice filled her ears.

'Why does his voice sounds so familiar? And bride? Who? Me?'

She tightly close her eyes and forcibly turn to face him. Somehow, everything went into slow-mo when she completely saw the owner of that voice.

'His white hair is shining because of the light from the moon, and his daring red and dragon like eyes were looking straight at me.. and oh! His pinkish lips that looks so tasty—.'

Guang Ai Li mentally slapped herself because of the thoughts in her mind but the red symbol on the man's forehead got her attention.

'Who is he anyway?'

"Who.. who are you?" She asked.

She felt something weird about his presence.. It's so strong and dangerous, but she don't feel threaten at all.

'Wait! I remember feeling this same presence before— in my pavilion!'

He gently caressed her back and pull her closer to him. She sucked her breath when she felt his warm body against her while they are still in the water.

"You..." He lean closer to her ears. "..Are my bride."

She gasped and come back to her own sense when she realize something. They're both naked! And he's hugging her! With full force, she pushed him away and hid her body under the water.

"You–.. You! Pervert!!" She scream.

His eyes were just staring at her, and it was full of longing and sadness. It gives confusion to Guang Ai Li.

'But why? Why is he calling me his bride?'

Her eyes narrow down to his body and her eyes widen and lips parted when she saw a big X scar on his chest.


"Wait 'til we see each other again, my dear bride." He said cutting her off before he disappear.

She unbelievably cover her mouth because of what happened.

'Who is he?! Why can't I see–not a single bit of information of him in Guang Ai Li's memory?'

AI LI was bathing on her own sweat while concentrating on refining pills using the Legendary pot inside her space ring. She already made few grade 5 tier 2 pills and the rest is grade 3 tier 1 pills. She was having a hard time on controlling the fire of the pot at first but she manage to learn it after awhile.

"Señorita, you already made a lot of pills and most of them is high quality and improvise version of high grades and tier pills. What are you planning to do?" She heard Tianshang, the heavenly dragon asked.

She gave him a name because his previous master never gave him one. And instead of calling her 'Master' she prefer to be called 'Señorita'.

He didn't asked her the meaning though questions are written on his face. That word never exist in this world anyway.

She open her eyes and was panting while taking the pills out from the pot. She grin when she successfully make the grade 6 tier 3 pills. She's not planning to eat it but sell them to the auction.

It will help her save money to buy some steels and weapons. She needs a personal guard made from metal and woods so she won't be worrying for someone's life.

'..And besides I don't want to see my companion's suffer.'

She stood up and looked at Long Tianshang who's lying on the table and looking at her.

"I will sell them to the auction, little Tian.. and I will take you with me." She said and walked towards him.

"What?! You can make golds! Isn't that enough to make money!?" He unbelievably hissed to her.

"Aiya~! Xiao Tianshang.." She sweetly called him. "I know I can make golds but.. picking up stones from the ground is so tiring." She said with a pout on her lips.

Tianshang stared at her for a minute.

'Why does she even have to be my master?!–But she rarely summon me though and this will be the first time.'

He let out a sigh and fly. Guang Ai Li smile and kissed his cheek.

"Haha.. Xiao Tian is the best!" She enthusiastically said before leaving the space ring.

When they finally out it was already night time. She heard from the servants yesterday that the emperor and Guang Ai Li's siblings will go to the auction tonight.

There's a rumour spreading about the Four Drops of the Divine Beast's tears is in the auction tonight. It can help someone brokethrough by just drinking one drop of the tears and help someone's spiritual energy stronger.

'But I don't need that, because my spiritual energy is quiet stronger than that tear drops.'

She grab the black cloak and cover herself with it before leaving the room.

"Transforming here will be troublesome, Tianshang." She said and put on the hood.

Tianshang nodded. "Indeed."

She smile and jumped on the roofs, heading towards the forest so that no one will suspect that the owner of the Heavenly Dragon is living in QingYi City. Knowing Guang Chu Bei.. She will surely do something just to get what she wants.

Tianshang transform into his original form as soon as they arrive to the forest. Tianshang glow as he transform. His mini form doesn't have a horn but as he grows bigger his horn is slowly appearing.

She looked at her long hair when it slowly changing color as Tianshang transform... The original color of her hair–No. This isn't her real body but her hair turned into green.

Her hair color when she's still Lerian Zeri. She wryly smile.

'How I miss this hair color.'

"Eh? Señorita? Why did your eyes and hair turned green?" Tianshang asked in confusion while looking at her.

"I have no idea either. Maybe because of your power." She said but grin afterwards. "Hmm.. It's a good thing tho. Atleast no one will be able to recognize me with this. If someone finds out that I am riding you as the real me.. I could be in danger."

Tianshang nodded and his lips curve up a little. "Yeah. It is indeed a good thing, señorita."

Guang Ai Li jumped on his back and Tianshang immediately depart and fly.

'Hehehe!! Money here I come!'

"ISN'T THAT THE HEAVENLY DRAGON BEAST?!!" Someone shouted from below.

The people of the city started making a commotion as they looked up to the Heavenly Dragon.

"Look! Someone is on its back!"

"That person doesn't looked like someone's living here."

"What is he doing here?"

"Maybe he heard the rumour about the Four Drops of the Divine Beast's tears?"

Tianshang's landing in front of the Auction House caught everyone's attention. She immediately put him inside the ring. He can stay inside even with his original form.

Her face remain firm when four old mens approach her. They are smiling widely as they walked closer to her.

"What can we do for you, Mister?" One of the old men asked.

'Mister? Oh! Maybe I misheard him.'

"I want to sell some pills." She simply answered.

"What kind of pills?" The old man with white hair said.

She take the three small bottles out from her sleeve and give it to them.

"This–!" They all looked surprised when they saw the quality of the pills.

"Higher grades pills!" The one with long beard continue.

They all looked at me and grin widely. The man with red clothing walked towards her.

"Mister. May I know your name?" He asked.

She was about to say 'Guang Ai Li' when she remember that she can't reveal her identity as a princess.

"..Zeri. Just call me Zeri." She answered.

"Then you can rest assure that this pills will be sold in high price, Lord Zeri." The old man who first greeted her said.

She secretly smile. This was the first time she heard someone called her from her surname again.

'But why do they keep on calling me, Mister?!'

She glance on her clothes and finally understand the reason why they mistook her as a man. Her body was cover by the cloak she's wearing. She shook her head and grin.

'Great! It's a good thing because they won't suspect me as a girl.'