First Mission (2)

The night had already come when a young man made his way through the roads and streets. Instead of heading towards the urban regions of the city however as most people would, they took their way through roads less travelled.

This young man was an Exorcist after all.

It was through sheer hard work and determination that Asahi Yamagami ended up at his location at last. The young man panted for a bit and wished he had brought water. He wiped the sweat off his brow and let out a heavy sigh, "What kind of Branch Manager doesn't even have their own personal service for this kind of missions?"

He had heard that other Yamagami Branches had more high-tech gear that allowed them to travel wherever they wished or had people who were able to travel at speeds akin to the wind.

And yet that wasn't the case for theirs.

Except for the distributed Exor watches that were given to all Exorcists, he had close to nothing.

Ryuusei offered him a ride on his motorcycle but he declined it, they would just end up staying for the entire duration of the mission. It would have been suspicious and embarrassing for him to take his bus and so he had to make do.

Finding a nearby pole for him to chain his bike in, he found himself ready at last to take on the world—well probably not the world, but a ghost actually. He tapped his watch.

[ You have reached your location. Detecting levels of spiritual energy within the area, analyzing and separating multiple energies into separate categories... Threat Level: Medium ]

Well, he wouldn't have wanted the mission if it was easy anyway. He glanced up at the premise in front of him… he had travelled all the way here and found that the entire place was truly deserted. The Taylors Manor laid before him and he felt a shudder run down his spine. The presence of it alone was enough to make him nervous, he couldn't exactly see it that clearly but a terrible thick fog surrounded the entire area. "Why wasn't this taken down after all these years?"

All around him was mostly the property of the long deceased Taylors family and yet nobody had come to replace it.

"A Poltergeist huh?" Asahi Yamagami let out a sigh. "How many of them would be here? Or is it just one?" His gaze flitted towards the description.

[ Poltergeist: A ghost type that is usually tied to a specific location. Commonly the cause for disturbances in houses and old buildings, they can cause great terror to the inhabitants.

Threat: Mild - Medium Difficulty ]

Once he left the premises, they wouldn't be able to chase after him or anything. Although from the old man's words, it wasn't the entire landscape but was instead focused on the Manor solely. In that particular way—something came flying right at him.

Asahi froze up for a moment before he dodged and he tapped his watch again, "Ghost talisman." The watch dispelled a piece of the talisman as he ripped it out and he tore his gaze to meet the opponent before blinking, "Oh, it's just a Wisp."

The little guy buzzed at him with an angry vibration.

Or at least he thought it was that. Asahi sighed and held the talisman in his hand, it would have to come to use later. There were chances for multiple types of ghosts and spiritual creatures to exist as their surroundings became more inhabitable to them and less inhabitable to humans… the lowest of them was the Wisp.

And it wasn't usually dangerous at all. Asahi raised a brow, "Where did you come from little guy?"

The Wisp simply glowed blue before him one last time and then dashed away from him.

"Well, I suppose it wouldn't have exactly answered me if they knew where the Poltergeist—oh crap." Asahi crouched down as a horde of Wisps flew above him and followed after the first one. It wasn't that strange of a phenomenon wasn't it?

Asahi glanced once more at the Wisps that disappeared within the fog before he made his way towards the Taylors Manor. The pathway that led to the premises were still in good quality as he passed but all the plants in the surrounding area were completely dried up and devoid of life.

He furtively glanced around before he tapped his watch and it emitted a brighter blue glow than it already did earlier. He wasn't actually all that familiar with its full capabilities, but it seemed like he'd have to deal with it later. Asahi had already taken note of the key functions thanks to Ryuusei and Hanako showing off theirs before.

The exquisite and towering double doors of the mansion lay before him as he gulped at its height. "Laser please."

[ Activating Laser Function ]

Right before the familiar sizzle of blue energy appeared from his watch, the two doors slammed opened on their own and revealed the empty interior in front of him. Asahi Yamagami blinked and felt the blood drain a bit in his face before he managed a laugh, "Ah, I didn't know that Poltergeists were that welcoming."

Taking one last gulp and throwing a look behind him, the fog surrounding the area seemed to have thickened up some more. He couldn't see his bike at all anymore.

[ Exorcist's Heartbeat is Elevating, Detecting Fear... ]

"I-I'm fine, shut up." As Asahi Yamagami stepped inside the Taylors Manor, the doors snapped shut as well.