
2. The Empire Army Part 1


The way Nathan response was giving chills down Shiro's spine. It was a very cold response, and it made him both uncomfortable and scared at the same time.

"What am i doing... here..." He asked, with most shivering voice anyone could ever hear.


Shiro looked at Kenshi and Nathan, awaiting the answer from them, gulping loudly. He knew he was at the army looking at Kenshi's clothes when he was asleep, but now that it got confirmed it made him feel somehow uncertain at what's going to happen now. It took like good 10 minutes of silence before the two men's decided to finally answer to Shiro. Surprisingly, it was Kenshi who responded now.

"We brought you here. We found you unconscious some days ago. We took care of you while you were not well. Can you tell us what happened?

Shiro hearing the answer took deep breath in and out, before trying to remember something again. But there was no use, no memories were coming back to him. Apart of the voice inside of him telling him"It's not over. I be back for you." Somehow he didn't want to tell the anything about this voice at all, so he kept that part to himself.

"I don't remember anything. How long I was unconscious for?"

Somehow the answer was not satisfying Kenshi at all, but before he could say anything Nathan stepped in.

"4 days."

He took some clothes out of the box, that Shiro didn't noticed earlier, and placed it next to the boy. It was the military clothing, the same one they were wearing.

"Put it on. We need to show you around before we show you off to our boss."

Shiro was confused to why he needed to put those clothes on, but he did as asked without questioning anyone. Only now when he was putting on the uniform he realised what type of army it was. It was Imperial Military Forcers, one of the best forcers in Tokyo. Somehow, the boy had a very bad feeling about this, but he brushed it off, putting on the clothes still. And when he was ready, Nathan and Kenshi escorted him out of the room.

Reaching out of the room, they been greeted by some other members of the Imperial Military Force. Outside the room wasn't a lot, just mainly a long and quite wide corridor, with tons of different doors to different rooms. As Nathan, Kenshi and Shiro worked along that corridor, he felt the urge to ask them what are those rooms. Would there be more people like him there? If so, he would in a sense gladly meet them, but in other sense not really. He was more of a loner anyway, at least that's how he felt like.

The walk down the corridor, rook them good 5 minutes considering how long it was, but surprisingly they meant to show Shiro around, yet they didn't went through any of those door. It made him even more curious at what was actually inside, but he didn't let himself show it just like that. He just thought that when the time comes he will go to those rooms himself, and see what's inside. Maybe he will find more people like him. Or even better, some secrets. But now he just have to get over what's about to happen.


After a while, Nathan and Kenshi have showed Shiro around places like kitchen, bathrooms and toilets, area for traiting, and lots more, which was too much for Shiro to remember as there was just too many places. There were all fancy somehow, and really advanced in very good technology. But there was a part that interested Shiro, which was Empire School. He wondered if he will be part of it. Or whenever he is part of the Imperial Military Force already as they already given him clothes, ect. But he realised, they are heading to the whoever is controlling this place, so he maybe everything will be answered very soon. This meeting.. can either go very bad or very good at the same time. He just wished for no trouble to come in all this.

They walked into a large room, and ahead of him he could see white haired dude, with his military clothing and hat that looked so much different than everyone else. Most people he noticide to wear black clothing, but he was wearing very dark blue instead, with golden ribbons indicating his power. That made Shiro gulp. He couldn't really see the man's face, as he was faced away from him, but just being in the same room as him, made him feel the strong pressure going over him. As he walked closer to the guy he is about to talk to, he noticed some other inside, that seems to be his people more or less. They were gazing down the Shiro's body, and that made him shiver very badly and uncontrollably. The tension in this room didn't seemed to be falling at all. Shiro just looked everywhere till he finally heard someone talk, and it was Kenshi.

"We brought him here."

Then, the silence for what seemed like hours, until there was a noise of the guy singing deeply. He turned around, gazing at the boy, then looked at Nathan and Kenshi.

"You two are dismissed." He said, with extremely deep and yet somehow violent voice.

Nathan and Kenshi looked at each other, then back at their boss, and bow down to him, to then make their way out of this room. Just as Nathan was close to Shiro he patted his shoulder, looking down to him. Shiro looked back at him, a bit in shock, but then he calmed down, and nodded to Nathan, who nodded back, and finally making his way out. Shiro now, alone with the man, and his comrades, was a bit shaken, wondering what is about to happen, but he kept his cool the entire time, waiting for someone to do something. But the longer he looked at the man, the longer something didn't felt right. He suddenly was going really weak, and everything seemed to be going black. Was he about to faint? No. This can't be. It must be his game. Maybe the guy is testing Shiro on something? He wasn't sure. But he didn't let himself fall like that. He tried to keep standing, while trying to force himself to look still at the tall man. Eventually, getting back to feel a bit better. Then he heard the voice again.

"So, you're the survivor".

Shiro was puzzled. Survivor? Survivor of what?

"Survivor of what... sir?" He asked, trying to not let his voice break in fear.

"So you don't know." The man replied. The tone still deep, and very violent. But that wasn't what concerned Shiro right now. He wanted to know what that guy was talking about.

"What are you talking about?"

The guy runner his gaze up and down the boy, and he could feel it as if it was passing through his body completely.

"The death of your family." He replied.

The boy. Now. Felt like he was about to lose his mind.

To be continued.