Amusement park date(4)

A/N: Btw it's a Saturday

(Midoriya's POV)

Amusement park? Sounds fun, I hope Todo-kun is going. Maybe I should confess to him? Depends on how embarrassed I'll be. I should do it soon though, I can't keep these feelings bottled up for too much longer, I just hope he doesn't reject me. Maybe I should get him a little gift. What does he like? He likes cats, maybe get him a cat plushie? Yea, that's a good idea. But for now I'll sleep.

The next morning

(Uraraka's POV)

I walked down to the common room to talk to the girls. "Girls! I have an idea!" I said getting their attention.

"What is it Uraraka?" Asked Jirou.

"Me and Momo should take Deku and Todo shopping for clothes! We could tell them that everyone is dressing up in cool clothes! I saw this outfit online and it's perfect for Deku!" I said.

"That's a great idea! Momo do you have any idea what Todoroki could wear?" Asked Mina.

"I might have an outfit or two in mind" she said with a sly smirk that made the girls and herself giggle.

"Okay me and Momo will get Deku and Todo for clothes and then we'll meet up in my dorm room to discuss who will be where when spying on them" I said and they all agreed. Then me and Momo split up with the group to find Todo and Deku.

I found Deku coming out of his room. "Hey Deku! I was just looking for you"

"Oh hey Uraraka? What did you need me for?"

"Wellllll, turns out everyone is gonna dress up a tiny bit so I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me. There was an outfit I saw that would look GREAT on you!"

"O-oh um okay, sure! When?"

"Right now?"

"Okay let me change my clothes first"


(Momo's POV)

I found Todo in the kitchen eating cold soba, AGAIN. "Hello Todo, eating cold soba again are you?"

"Its the reason I live"

"What about Midoriya?" I teased. He blushed and glared at me. "Anyway, everyone's gonna dress well, wanna go get an outfit with me? I have an outfit for you in mind"

"Okay, when?"

"Are you free right now?"

"After my soba"

"Right, I forgot you like soba more than me" I said playfully being sad.

"Yup" he said with his straight face.

At the mall

(Uraraka's POV)

"Alright, the outfit is supposed to be in this store, let's go find it!" I said excitedly.

"Okay, it's not anything embarrassing is it?"

"No, its really cute!"


"I found the shirt! Now let me find the pants real quick!" I ran around the store trying to find those damn Jean's. After about five minutes, I finally found them "Found them! Come try on the outfit Deku!"

"Okay, coming" He walked over to me,  took the outfit, and walked into one of the fitting rooms. After about three minutes, he walked out and I looked at him in awe. "Does it look good? I feel like I look stupid"

"OMG DEKU YOU LOOK SO CUTE!" Todoroki is gonna love this.

"Thanks, is Todo-kun gonna be there?" He asked and I just smirked to myself.

"Who? Your boyfriend?" I said teasingly. He turned all kids of shades of pink and red.

"Depends on if he says yes" he said quietly but loud enough for me to hear him. I started fangirling, jumping up and down.

"Your gonna confess?! Omg your gonna confess! You're gonna confesssss!" I said, my words echoing through the store.

"SSSSSHHHHH! Uraraka! I don't want the whole world to know!" I covered my mouth in embarrassment realizing how much attention I could've drawn.

"Oops sorry! But are you really gonna do it?" He nodded "Finally! God, what took you so long?"

"Whatever, I just hope he says yes"

"Don't worry Deku, he's definitely gonna say yes!"

"Yea.... arent you gonna get an outfit?" I panicked trying to think of an easy excuse.

"Ah-uhm I- I already have an outfit at the dorms, so don't worry!" Ugh, I hope he doesn't get suspicious.

"Uhm, okay?" Whew, I'm good. We argued on who was gonna pay for it, he ended up winning. The we headed back to the dorms and I parted ways with him to meet up with team TodoDeku.

(Momo's POV)

"Alright, you finished your soba, now let's go!" I said impatiently.

"Fine, fine, let's go"

(At the mall, again)

"Okay what store?" He asked.

"I think it's in this one, yeah this one!" We walked in and I immediately saw the shirt and sweatshirt I wanted him to wear. We walked over there and picked out his size then found some pants to go with it.

"Alright, try it on!" I said, super excited.

"Okay. But don't make me look stupid, I heard Midoriya's gonna be there" I started to giggle and I could tell he knew what was coming next.

"Oh? You mean you future husband? Yeah, he's going" he blushed hard, and I just laughed. He walked into the dressing room while glaring at me. He walked out and I swear, he looked like I different person.

"Alright, how is it? Do I look bad?"

"Wow, your future husband is gonna love it!"

"S-shut up!" We paid for the outfit and went back to the dorms. Surprisingly, he didn't ask if I was gonna get an outfit. Now I gotta meet up with the team.

At Uraraka's dorm

(Uraraka's POV)

We all met up and we assigned spying places. Me: ferris wheel area, Tsu and Mina: rollercoasters, and finally Momo and Jirou: carnival games.

"Okay, okay! I have something EXTREMELY important" everyone looked at me confused "Okay, Deku, is gonna CONFESS!" Everyone was ecstatic especially Momo.


"Its 5:00, maybe we should tell them to get ready, ribbit" Tsu said.

"Oh! Yea I'll text them!" I said

U: Uraraka

D: Deku

S: Shoto

'🥦 Boi'

U: Hey Deku! Just wanted to remind you that you should start getting ready so you're not late! Make sure to wear the outfit you got.

D: On it! See you in like an hour

U: See ya!


U: Hey Todo! Wanted to remind you to start getting ready so you aren't late!

S: Okay

"Okay, they're both getting ready. We should probably head out in like 15 minutes, sound good?" They all nodded in agreement.

Around 15 minutes we all exited the dorms and started walking to the amusement park. We hid around the entrance so that we could see when they walk in.

(Deku's POV)

Is this it? Oh it is they said meet up at the entrance but I don't see anybody yet, maybe I got the time wrong. Oh well, I can just go on my phone.

(Shoto's POV)

They said meet at the front but I don't see anybod- .... omg, Midoriya looks so cute. Oh no I'm staring, I can't help it! Oh crap he noticed me! Just walk up to him, not that hard.

(Midoriya's POV)

I look up from my phone and see Todo.... and damn he looks HAWT! We look at eachother for a couple seconds before he started walking towards me and my face instantly started to heat up.

"H-hey Todo-kun, you look ho- GOOD I meant good" crap crap crap crap crap I messed up!


"T-thanks...." we looked at eachother for a good minute before realizing what we were doing, the we both looked away with red faces. (A/N: "Are we awkwardly staring at eachother or are we checking eachother out" -A life story)

(This is what they look like btw: Deku's wearing jeans and a green jacket that has a hood with a bit of fur on it and bunny ears. Shoto is wearing a baby blue turtleneck and a

white jacket with a bit of fur on the hood.)

"Where is everyone? Didn't they say everyone was coming?" I asked.

"Yeah, they did....." and just like that we both got a text message. We looked at eachother in confusion because our phones buzzed at the same time. We took out our phones and we both got a message from Uraraka that said, "hey, um this might sound weird but no one is going except for you two. But since you're already there, the two of you migh as well have fun! No questions! Just have fun!" We finished reading and compared the messages, they were the exact same.

"I guess...let's go have fun? Although this is confusing, at least you're here" I said trying not to blush more than I already was.

"Hold on, your face is red, let me cool it down"

"What?" Before I could say anything else, he put his right hand of my cheek. I was flustered at first but quickly remembered why he was doing it. He took his hand off.

"Let's go have fun, Midoriya"

"Yeah, let's go"