Drugged (5)

(Uraraka's POV)

"Look! Todoroki saw Midoriya! Omg hes gushing!" Momo said giggling while Todo was staring at Deku.

"Did Midoriya just call him hot on accident, kero?" Asked Tsu.

"Omg he DID!" Jirou confirmed.

"Todo just called him CUTE!" Commented Mina. "Btw, Ochako, I love the bunny eared jacket you picked out, adorable!"

"I know right! It screamed Deku's name! Uh-oh they're getting suspicious I think I'm gonna send them that text now!" I pulled out my phone and sent the the already written text. "Hopefully they don't ask questions, I couldn't really find a good excuse without telling them the truth"

"It was probably our best option, ribbit"

"Whoah! Is Todo already going for a kiss?! Tbat was fast!" Jirou said. All of us were shocked seeing Todoroki cup Deku's cheek with his hand.

"Wait, what? He just took it off? The hell? Now they're acting like nothing happened?!" Mina said.

"I don't get it....oh shoot they're already inside! Let's roll, operation 'TodoDeku' is a go!" Momo said leading everyone to the entrance. "Alright, let's split up now" we all went our separate ways, waiting for the boys to show up somewhere. We put ourselves in a group chat to keep track of where they are and to take cute pictures. Now we just have to wait for the magic to happen.

(Shoto's POV)

"What do you wanna to first Sho-chan?" He called me Sho-chan, cute.

"Sho-chan? That's a new one" I said smirking, watching his face heat up.

"I- I- I'm sorry it slipped! I won't call you that if you don't like it!" He said with a sad tone on the last part.

"I like Sho-chan, it'll be a name reserved for you, which means only you get to call me Sho-chan" I said, waiting for a response.

"O-okay! Sho-chan it is!" He said cheerfully. God, he is so cute. "How about we check out those rides?"

"Ooh! Rollercoasters! Good idea Sho-chan!" Everytime he calls me that, it gives me butterflies.

We headed over to a rollercoaster called 'rolling thunder' it looks and sounds intense. We stood in line which was surprisingly short. "Are you excited Sho-chan?"

"Yeah, it looks intense"

"Yeah, makes be a bit nervous"

"Will you be okay? We don't have to go if you don't want to, we can find a different one" I said worried he might get scared.

"I'll be fine Sho-chan, plus I've got you with me!" That made my face turn a light pink knowing he can depend on me. Now we were at the front of the line waiting for I little longer so that the ride could stop. I could see Midoriya shaking a bit, I wanted to hold his hand but I was too nervous.

(Mina's POV)

"Hey! Tsu, there they are! They're in line for 'rolling thunder'. Oh, I thought Midoriya called Todoroki Todo-kun"

"I've never heard Midoriya call Todoroki 'Sho-chan' before. Must be new, kero" Tsu said.

"Aw cute, they're already coming up with nicknames!" I said, gushing.

"They're at the front of the line now. Woah, Midoriya looks kinda scared"

"Oh, yeah he kinda does" I said kinda worried.

(Shoto's POV)

"Its our turn, let's go Midoriya" I looked at him walking behind me and noticed he was shaking a bit more, he was scared. Made me want to give him a hug and say it's alright but I feel like it would be awkward.

We were buckled into our seats, Midoriya sitting next to me. He was shaking really bad now. Right before the ride started, I grabbed his hand "Its okay I'm right here" I said as the ride slowly started.

As it started getting faster, there were more twists and turns. There were a few loops and a lot of hills. Midoriya looked like he was enjoying it and that made me laugh a bit. Then there was the grand finale; a loop that kept going until the cart settled to the bottom. As we started slowing down on the loop, there was a point where we were hanging upside-down for a couple seconds. When that happened, Midoriya grabbed my arm and hugged it. That made me blush, immensely. Once we settled to the bottom completely, Midoriya opened his eyes slowly and then realised he was clinging on to me, he blushed even harder than I did if that's even possible. I couldn't help but smirk as he continuously apologized. Once we were released from the ride, we headed towards the carnival games.

(Mina's POV)

"Looks like it's their turn to go on the rollercoaster, ribbit" Tsu said, kinda worried because of how scared Midoriya looked.

"Yeah, I hope Midoriya will be okay" I said, also worried.

They got buckled in and right before the ride went off, I saw Todo grad Deku's hand. I was completely shocked, and looks like Tsu saw it as well because she was shocked too. As the ride went on, the two still held hands until the last loop came up. We watched as Midoriya hugged Todo's arm, and saw Todoroki's face go beat red. I giggle at that while Tsu smiled widely.

As the ride settled to the bottom of the loop, we saw Midoriya jump off of Todo's arm and watched him apologize several times. Then once they got released from the ride, they headed towards the carnival games, that's when I decided to text the group.

U: Uraraka

Y: Yaoyorozu

M: Mina

J: Jirou

M: Guys! They're headed towards the carnival games so keep a lookout! Were probably gonna ride a few rollercoasters since were right here.

Y: We'll keep a lookout

J: Yup! I really do hope they end the night with the ferris wheel, that would be the perfect time for a kiss!

U: That would be ADORABLE!

Y: Just saw them heading towards the ring toss booth! Gotta go!

(Shoto's POV)

"Can we try the ring toss? I've seen it on TV and have always wanted to try it" I said. I really wanted to win him something.

"Of course we can!" We started walking toward the ring toss. When we got there they guy said to either pay one ticket or two dollars. I put down the two dollars, he handed me the three rings, and told me the rules. My first try at ring toss and I got to choose a big prize. There was a green bunny and it reminded me of midoriya so I got that.

"Here Midoriya, you can have it. It reminded me of you so here." I handed it to him, looking away so that he couldn't see how red my face was.

"Aww thanks Sho-chan! I'll keep it forever!" He giggled and it was so freaking cute. I soon realized how red my face must've looked so I excused myself to go to the bathroom to fix my blushing problem.

"Okay! I'll wait here!"

(Momo's POV)

"Aww how sweet! He won him a prize!" Jirou said in awe.

"Wow, that was his first time playing ring toss" I said, surprised at how good he was at it.

"What?! His first time?! How?!" I shrugged my shoulders in response and we watched as he went towards the restrooms.

Then all of the sudden some guy, around our age walked toward Midoriya.

(Midoriya's POV)

I was waiting for Sho-chan when I heard someone, "Hey! Cute green haired boy!" I turned around to see a guy around my age walking towards me. "You here alone? Wanna hang with me?"

"Actually, I'm waiting for my friend, he went to the bathroom. Thanks for the offer!" He then walked closer to me, I felt uncomfortable so I backed up. He walked even closer so I backed up even more. I backed up to the point where I hit a wall. The the guy pinned me to the wall.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to ask. I meant, come to my place. That was a demand" then he put his hand around my waist. I was about to used my quirk but then he forced something into my mouth. I tried using my quirk but it didnt work.

"Did you just drug me?! Why did you do that?!" He put his hand over my mouth and started rubbing my hips. I tried to break free from his grip but he used his quirk: force, he can use gravity against others. (A/N: Not related to Uraraka) his quirk was strong so I couldn't move. I started to cry as he started rubbing my waist more. When he took his hand off my mouth, I tried screaming for help. He quickly put his hand over my mouth again and glared at me.

"Do that again, and I'll make you regret it. Why don't we go no-" his words were cut short from being trapped in a block of ice. I knew exactly who it was.