Beginnings of a relationship? (6)

(Shoto's POV)

I came back from the bathroom after fixing my face but didn't see Midoriya where he said he would wait. I looked around, standing where I was, confused and worried. I was gonna start walking around to look for him when I heard someone call for help. It was Izu, MY, Izu.

Anger was all I could feel at the moment. My blood was boiling as I ran towards where the scream came from. Once I arrived I saw someone touching MY Izu as if he were some toy. I felt my left side burst in to flames. But I didnt use them, instead I used my right side to freeze the bastard. I wanted to beat him to a pulp but then I heard his voice.

"SHO-CHAN!" He ran towards me and hugged me tight. "I was so scared! He DRUGGED me! I couldn't use my quirk! I'm so sorry!" At this point I wasn't angry anymore. I was happy that he was in my arms. I hugged him back. I left the guy over there to get frostbite. I let Izu over to a bench so I could calm him and myself down.

(Momo's POV)

"Who is that?" Asked Jirou.

"I don't know but I don't like how close he's trying to get to Midoriya" when the stranger backed Midoriya into a place we couldn't see, I started to make weapons to use against the guy. When I started making a weapon we heard him yell for help.

We were about to jump into action when we heard sharp sounds. We peeked around the corner and saw the man in a block of ice and Todo behind him, and he was furious. He looked angry until Midoriya yelled his name. He calmed down and hugged Midoriya, then they walked away.

"Omg.....I can't believe that just happened...." Jirou said, shocked.

"At least he's okay now, let's stay here and see if they come back" I said, putting the one weapon I made in my backpack.

(Shoto's POV)

"How you doing Izu?"


"Ah! Midoriya! Sorry"

"No, I like Izu"

"Izu it is then" I said mockingly.

He scoffed and said, "Two can play at that game. Are you All Might's secret love child or something?" He said, mocking me back.

"You're never gonna let me live that one down are you?" I said while chuckling.

"Nope! I'm taking that one to the grave!" We laughter for a bit before getting back up. "Can we go to the balloon pop stand? There's a prize I wanted to win"

"Sure, Izu, let's go" we headed towards the balloon pop stand and when we got there Izu put down two dollars and started filling the balloon. After what seemed like forever, the balloon popped. He chose a white cat with blue eyes and red spots all over.

"Since you got me something that looks like me, I got you something that looks like you" he said handing me the plush with a huge smile on his face. I took the plush and help it tight and told myself that I would cherish it.

"Hey, Izu?"

"Yeah, Sho-chan?"

"Its around 7 and was wanting to head home"

"Oh you wanna go now?"

"I wanted to do one more thing, can we go on the ferris wheel?"

"Yeah! I wanted to do that last too!"

"Cool, let's go" we walked towards the ferris wheel, pushes in hand.

(Momo's POV)

"They're back! Oh, and they're going to the balloon pop booth" I said to Jirou. About a minute later, Midoriya popped his balloon. He chose the white cat with red spots as a prize.

"Aww that's sweet, a prize for a prize. Plus it looks like Todoroki" Jirou said, watching Todo blush while Midoriya gave him the cat.

"Jirou! They said they were gonna do the ferris wheel then they're going back to the dorms! I'm gonna text the group!" I got my phone out and opened the group chat.

U: Uraraka

Y: Yaoyorozu

T: Tsu

Y: Hey girls, we just had an eventful stop, tell you bout it later. But we just got Intel that they're gonna go on the ferris wheel then go back to the dorms

T: Were gonna head over to the ferris wheel since we went on all the rollercoasters

U: I'll be waiting for you by the merry go round next to the ferris wheel. I hope Deku confesses to Todoroki!

T: Me too

Y: Same!!!

U: Alright, meet me there

"Okay, merry go round, merry go round, merry go round- ah! There it is, let's go Jirou!" I walked towards where Tsu, Uraraka, and Mina already were. Todoroki and Midoriya were already at the front of the line. "Let's watch the magic happen!" They all nodded and watched them climb into the ferris wheel.

(Midoriya's POV)

This is it, were climbing into the ferris wheel. We sat across from eachother. I'm gonna confess my feeling to Sho-chan when we get to the top. I'm extremely nervous. And I think Sho-chan noticed.

"Are you okay Izu? You seem nervous, are you perhaps afraid of heights?" He asked, genuinely concerned which made me blush.

"N-no that's n-not it. Its j-just a bit c-cold y'know" okay, it wasn't really a lie, it actually was, I just didnt want him to get suspicious.

"Let me warn you up" he then stood up, sat next to me and put his left arm around me. It actually calmed me down a bit. Before I knew it, we were at the top, it was time.

"Hey, Sho-chan, there's something I've been meaning to tell you...." he looked at me, confused.

"Is everything alright?"

"Uhm- I- dammit!" Sho-kun was shocked at how distressed I was.

"Are you okay?! What happened?!"


"Izu- I- you don't know how happy this makes me!" Sho-chan said on the brink of tears. "I've liked you ever since the sports festival, when you changed my life, that day you became my hero" he hugged me tight and I hugged back, stupidly grinning while we were hugging.


"Yes, Sho-chan?"

"Can I kiss you?" I nodded in response and as the ferris wheel started going down, we kissed, it was a loving kiss. Right before we pulled away we saw a flash of white. We turned our heads to see Uraraka, Tsu, Mina, Jirou, and Momo with their phones out taking pictures. We quickly jumped away from eachother in embarrassment.

"W-what are you guys doing here? You s-said no one c-could make it!"

"That? Oh yeah, that was a lie" Mina said with a sly look on her face.

"Soooooo are guys together yet?" Asked Momo. We both looked at eachother, smiled, then nodded.

They all started fangirling, jumping up and down. "Operation 'TodoDeku', SUCCESS!" Exclaimed Uraraka.

Me and Todoroki got out of the ferris wheel and went to the group of fangirls. We all walked back to the dorms together. Me and Sho-chan were hand in hand, very happy with our new relationship. It was around 8 since they all stopped at a convenience store to get something to eat. So almost everyone was still in the common room, hanging out.

"OPERATION TODODEKU WAS A SUCCESS!!!" Mina screamed, pointing at our intertwined hands. Everyone looked at us and we quickly pulled away out of embarrassment. Everyone congratulated us, except for Kacchan of course.

"Gay freaks" Kacchan said with his arm wrapped around Kiri-kun.

"Shut up, Bakuhoe. You're even gayer than I am" I couldn't help but laugh at what Sho-chan said.


"You can hear, can't you?" Sho-chan said back.

After a minute or two of arguing I ended up having to hold back Sho-chan while Kiri-kun had to hold back Kacchan. After about one minute of holding back Sho-chan, he finally calmed down and we went into his dorm. Kiri-kun had to hold back Kacchan for another five minutes After me and Sho-chan left.

We walked into his dorm and I flopped down onto his bed. "Can I stay in your dorm so we can cuddle?" Granted, I have stayed at his dorm overnight before but it kinda felt less nerve wracking when in a relationship. He nodded in response and we both climbed in the bed and cuddled till we fell asleep.