Flirting wars! (7)

About 2 months later

(Midoriya's POV)

I woke up in Sho-chan's bed. He had his arms wrapped around my waist, his head on mine, and our legs intertwined. I was hungry so I tried getting up, he didn't let me -_- .

"Shooooo! I'm hungry! Let me go" I whined, knowing he's awake.

"Noooooo, starve" he said clinging onto me tighter.

"What if I made you cold soba?" When I said that he let go immediately. That made me giggle.

"Heh, your giggle is so cute" that made my face go a deep red but I was turned away from him so he couldn't see.

"S-shut up. I can play that way too, just watch! I can be more of a flirt than you!" We both got out of his bed and when I put my hand on his door handle, he put his hand on the door to stop it from opening.

"Challenge accepted" he took his hand off the door. I just stood there, blushing HARD. I finally turned around to face him.

"Then let the games, begin" I said with a devilish smirk. I turned back around, opened the door and headed to the kitchen to make him cold soba like I promised.

"Here you go Sho!" I handed him the bowl of soba. "I didn't know how to make it cold so can you use your quirk?"

"Oh yeah, kinda forgot I have to use my quirk when I make it. Thanks cutie~" I blushed and glared at him.

"This. Is not. Over" I can't let him win just like that.

(Shoto's POV)

"This. Is not. Over" he's cute even when he's glaring at me!

"What was that all about?" Asked Kirishima who was sitting in between me and Bakuhoe.

"He thinks he can be more of a flirt than me" I said smirking. Bakuhoe started laughing.

"HAH! That nerd can't flirt if it would save his life!" Bakuhoe said confidently.

"Who knows, he might surprise you. Mido, Denki, Sero and I did a flirting competition, and he won" me and Bakuhoe were shocked.

"What?! He's too cute to be such a flirt! Or are you guys just terrible at it?" He shrugged.

"Maybe, I dunno. But, watch out for him, he is one for the element of surprise" I finished my soba and put my bowl in the sink.

"I guess I'll have to wait and see" I said to them, walking away. I walked over to Izu who was on the couch watching 'Jumanji: welcome to the jungle' with Oijirou, Mina, and Kaminari.

"Hey Izu~ how you doing?" I asked kissing his forehead from behind the couch.

"I'm good, what about you Sho-chan?" He asked with that cute smile of his.

"Well, I heard from Kirishima that you're a flirt? Is that true, Izu~?" His cute smile turned into a sly smirk.

"I don't know, maybe they were just bad at it." Even though he said that, he kept his smirk. "Or" he sat up, still on the couch but his body was facing me. He leaned towards my ear, "Maybe I really am a flirt" he gave me a quick kiss and went back to smiling all cute and shit. I didn't really know what to think. My face was hot so I used my right hand to cool it down.

"Wanna maybe go to the park? We could go on a picnic" I asked hoping for a yes since I have the picnic basket ready.

"Of course! We can go tonight if you'd like, we can have dessert in the sunset!"

"Okay, how about we watch some movies in my room in the meantime?

"Okay!" We headed towards my room, hand in hand. We cuddled while watching a couple movies. Then we ate some lunch and worked out together. We hung out with Tsu, Uraraka, Iida, and Momo for a while and ate dinner with them.

"Hey Izu, wanna go on that picnic now?" He looked at me excitedly.

"Yea!" He gave me his million dollar smile.

"Okay I just have to get the picnic basket. Meet you at the entrance?"

"Yep!" He said. I went to the kitchen to grab the basket from the fridge while Izu skipped towards the door. It's hard to believe he's such a flirt when he's all cute like this.

(Midoriy's POV)

I skipped towards the entrance, purposely trying to up my cuteness factor. Truth is, I can flirt really well and during this picnic I'm gonna dedicate my time to flirting with Sho-chan. Although I would rather be flirted with, I would definitely toy with Sho. My plan is to flirt with him all day today, then completely stop tomorrow. Oh, I see Sho-chan walking towards me now, let's have some fun shall we?

"Ready Izu?"

"Yeah, but, before we go" he looked at me. "Would you mind holding this for me?" I held my hand out to him.

"Izu, there's nothing there. That's just your hand" I winked at him, he blushed.

"I know" he blushed a deep red and grabbed my hand. "You're so sweet Sho-chan" I gave him one of my signature smiles. We started walking.

"You're too kind, Izu. Don't worry, you're kind, I'm sweet" he looked at me with a smug look, I smirked back, then he looked kinda confused.

"Oh, I was talking about when I kiss you, you taste sweet" I said, looking right at him. He stopped dead in his tracks, I watched as he blushed even redder than before.

"I- I- what? What did y-you say?" I giggled and shrugged my shoulders. "H-hey! What did you s-say to m-me?!" I turned to him and gave him a kiss.

"See? Sweet" I started walking with his hand in mine. He didn't start walking until I pulled his arm a bit. But even while walking he held his hand to his mouth and had his eyes wide open. "Still shocked? Well get used to it. I'm gonna be doing this all day. Would you look at that? I think I might be winning, heh" he shot his head towards me and playfully glared at me.

"Oh? You really think you're gonna win that easily? Well think again, I-zu-ku~" damn that was hawt. "Oh? What was that?"

"D-did I say that out loud?!" He smirked.

"Maybe, maybe not"

"This is still NOT over" we arrived at the park and set up the picnic. In the picnic basket there was chocolate dip, strawberries without the leaf, and two slices of cheesecake. I had the perfect idea for the strawberries.

"Hey Sho, I was thinking we could share the strawberries, in a romantic way" I said, looking at him lightly blishing.

"Of course, Izu~" he dipped a strawberry in the chocolate and held it up to me to bite it. I bit it while smiling and giggled a bit, making him blush a bit.

"My turn~" I dipped one of the small strawberries in the chocolate, popped it in my mouth, bit half of it, and leaned in for a kiss. I passed half of the strawberry to Sho-chan. When I pulled away he had his eyes wide open and mouth barely agape. And of course, a deep red face. "I think I've won" I said with a sly smirk. When he snapped back to reality (A/N: "Snapped back to reality OOP there goes gravity" sorry I had to 😂) we ate our cheesecake and the rest of the strawberries.

I turned away to look at the sunset, it was beautiful. I looked over at Sho, he had is eyes softly closed shut, his face lit up in the sunset. He looked over to me and we both leaned into a kiss. After a few seconds we pulled away and pressed our foreheads together.

"I love you Sho"

"I love you too Izu" we sat there for what seemed like forever. "We should probably head back since there's school tomorrow, you can spend the night at my dorm" I smiled at him.

"Anything you want"

We cleaned up and walked back to the dorms. We went to Sho's dorm and he gave me some clothes to change into. I went into the bathroom to change. He gave me and over-sized white sweater and black shorts.

I walked out, Sho-chan saw me and blushed. I giggled at that. "You look, adorable"

"Aww thanks Sho-chan!" I gave him a kiss and we crawled in bed, holding eachother. And soon enough, we fell asleep.