Revenge (8)

(Shoto's POV)

I woke up to my alarm. When I opened my eyes I saw a cute little brocolli-headed boy.

"Hey, Izu. Wake up babe" I ran my fingers through his beautiful hair. He fluttered his eyes open. "We need to get ready for school, I can walk you to you dorm if you'd like"

"Okay" he said in a really cute sleepy voice.

"Let's go, babe~" that definitely woke him up. He blushed a bright pink.

"B-babe?" He looked at me with wide eyes and pink cheeks.

"Mhm, now I'll walk you to your dorm" he nodded and we headed towards his dorm.

"See you in the common room, babe~" I smirked at him and headed back to my own dorm.

(At the dorms)

I walked to the dorms and Izu was already there sitting on the couch, talking to Kiri, Mina, and Jirou. So I decided to tease him a bit in front of everybody. "Hey, babe~ how you doing cutie?" He blushed red.

"Sho, not in front of people!" He covered his face in embarrassment.

"Ooh~ spicy!" Mina said, that made Izu even more embarrassed. I sat next to him and leaned towards his face.

"What's wrong babe? Feeling flushed? Well, this is you fault, its payback for yesterday" I said with a devilish smirk.

"What happened yesterday?" Asked Kirishima.

"Well, turns out you were right. He can be a huge flirt, so I'm gonna give him a taste of his own medicine" Mina and Jirou were shocked.

"Midoriya? A flirt? Since when?" Asked Jirou.

"Well, Mido, Sero, Denki and I did a flirting competition about a month ago and he won with flying colors" Kirishima stated.

"Wish I could've seen that" Mina said.

"Oh? I can show you" I went to the kitchen to grab a strawberry. Bakuhoe was eating the strawberries so I nicked one from his bowl, ignoring the yelling. He followed me which was annoying but I ignored him again. I walked over to Izu, popped the strawberry in my mouth, leaned in for a kiss, and passed half of it into his mouth.


"Omg! Omg! Omg! Omg! Mido, you really did that?" Asked Mina.

"Uh- um- y-yea I did" Izu said with a deep red face.

"So manly" Kirishima commented.

"I CAN BE MANLY TOO SHITTY HAIR" Bakuhoe grabbed the collar of Kirishima's shirt and kissed him.


Bakuhoe pulled away and walked in the other direction, he was blushing madly.

"Hey Izu~ wanna walk to school now?" I asked in a flirty way.

"Sure Sho-chan, but you better not be flirting with me during class!"

"No promises. Let's go, babe~" he playfully glared at me.

"Fineeeee" he stood up, held my hand and led me towards the entrance. "You better not get me in trouble during class Sho-chan!"

"Don't worry my little Izu~" we made it to the classroom. The only people in the classroom were Oijirou, Koda, Momo, Bakuhoe, Uraraka, Tsu, and Iida of course.

"Hey guys!" Called out Uraraka.

"Hey Uraraka, Tsu, and Iida!" We talked for a good 5 minutes until I decided to mess with him again. Uraraka conveniently had her sunglasses with her, so I waited for Izu to give one of his million dollar smiles.

"Thanks Tsu!" There was the smile.

"Hey Uraraka, can I borrow you sunglasses real quick?" I asked.

"Sure?" She handed me her sunglasses and put them on.

"Why are you wearing Uraraka's sunglasses Sho-chan?" Izu asked.

"Oh, sorry, your smile was just so bright" I said, smirking.

"S-Sho!" He covered his face in embarrassment.

"Sly mother fucker" Bakuhoe said.

"What? Jealous you don't have the guts to do that with Kirishima?" He blushed a bright pink.

"Shut the fuck up Icy-hot, just watch I can be more of a flirt to shitty hair than you could be to fucking Deku" he said while growling under his breath.

"W-what?" Speak of the devil, there was Kirishima in the doorway with a giggling Mina and an amused Kaminari and Sero. "W-what'd you s-say?" Now he was such a bright red that his hair dye would be jealous.

"WHEN THE FUCK DID YOU GET HERE?!" Screamed Bakuhoe. At this point Mina, Kaminari, and Sero bursted out laughing.

"I- um, I- I-" Kirishima stuttered.

"YOU DIDN'T HEAR ANYTHING SHITTY HAIR! JUST DON'T FUCKING SAY ANYTHING!" Screamed Bakuhoe in embarrassment, now his face was as red as Kirishimas. I put my arm around Izu.

"Gay freaks" I mocked. That made Bakuhoe angry.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, DADDY ISSUES!" That one made everyone laugh. Soon enough we all calmed down and one-by-one everyone was in the classroom. Then class started, it was boring as always. I already knew the material, I looked over at Izu and he looked as bored as I was, so i decided to tease him a bit.

I grabbed a piece of paper and started drawing Izu's eyes. Then when I finished, in the corner I wrote "I drew a map" and then I crumpled it into a ball and threw it to Izu's desk. He saw it, picked it up, uncrumpled it, and looked at it. Then he started writing something on the back. He crumpled it into a ball again and threw it to my desk.

I opened it and read, "but those are just my eyes?" Right next to it I wrote "well I needed this since I always get lost in them" I smirked to myself, crumpled the paper and threw it back at him. He uncrumpled it and read it. All I could see was him putting his head down in embarrassment. That made me chuckle a bit.

"And what's so funny Todoroki? Is *insert subject because I'm too lazy* funny to you? Would you like to explain *insert a question*?"

"Sure" I answered it with ease since I already knew the answer.

"Alright, I'll let it slide since it looks like you know your stuff. What about you Midoriya?" He shot his head up, he still had bright pink blush spread across his face. "Whoah, do you need Recovery Girl? Your face is red" he asked.

"N-no, but can I be excused to the bathroom?" He asked. Mr.Aizawa nodded in response and Izu walked out of the classroom. I smirked to myself knowing that I had won.

"Todoroki. Did you perhaps have anything to do with this? I know about you guys are in a relationship but keep it outside the classroom" now everyone in class was looking at me, then it was my turn to blush.

"S-sorry Aizawa sensei. Won't happen again" I said, extremely embarrassed.

"Good" and at that Izu walked back in with a cute smile on his face and Aizawa sensei continued with the lesson.

After school

(Midoriya's POV)

"Sho-channn! You almost got me in trouble!" He whined while walking up to me.

"Sorry Izu, I just couldn't help myself"

"Okay, I forgive you" he gave me a hug and nuzzled his face into my chest. "I love you Sho-chan"

"I love you too, my cute little Izu"