Movies and, dresses? (9)

(Shoto's POV)

It's the weekend so me and Izu are gonna go to the movies to watch 'Jumanji: the next level'. He made me watch the first two movies which were actually really good. And when I saw that a new one was out, I decided it would be nice to go with Izu.

Since we can't drive yet, I asked Fuyumi to take us and bring us back to the dorms afterwards. She happily agreed mostly cause she wanted to meet Izuku. We waited at the entrance of the dorms for Fuyumi. She pulled up beside us and rolled down the window.

"Oh, are you the cutie Shoto always talks about? I'm Fuyumi, his favorite sibling"

"Not for long if you keep that up" I said playfully, that made Izu giggle.

"Nice to meet you Fuyumi, I'm sure you know my name if Sho-chan talks about that much" he walked up to the car and shook Fuyumi's hand through the window. I walked toward the car as well.

"Thanks Fuyumi, now he's never gonna let me live that down" I opened the door for Izu.

"Aw, such a gentleman" Fuyumi said, and Izu giggled at that and sat in the car.

"S-shut up Fuyumi" I got in the car after Izu and she drive off. Once we arrived we said our thanks and went to get our movie tickets.

I bought our tickets while Izu insisted multiple times that he would pay for them. We walked in and Izu excused himself to the restroom.

"Go ahead and buy your snacks while you wait, I'll buy mine when I get back" he said as he walked off. I decided to buy his snacks as well as mine while he was in the bathroom since I knew what he likes.

As I was walking away from the counter after buying the snacks, a girl with dark red hair approached me. "Hey, what's your name?"

"My name is Shoto Todoroki, why?"

"I'm *insert stupid ass name*. Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too?"

"You're hot, can I have your number?"

"Um, sorry, I'm taken"

"I don't see anyone with you" I was gonna say something but then I saw Izu standing behind the girl.

"Then turn around" Izu said with his arms crossed. She turned around. "Now you see them" she scoffed.

"I don't see much" that made my blood boil. "All I see is some pathetic gay boy"

"What did you just say?!" Izuku yelled.

"I said, you're a pathetic little, FAG!" She pushed Izu back as she said the 'f' slur. I wanted to charge at her, and Izu saw that so he looked at me and put his hand up, signaling for me to stop.

"I want you, to leave the both of us alone, or else" I didn't know cut little Izu could be so scary.

"Heh, or what?" The bitch asked with a snarky tone.

"Or..." Izu activates his quirk enough for there to be a red 'x' on his face, and green sparks come from his body. "I'll make you regret it" the girl looked shocked so she backed up a couple of steps and quickly ran away.

As soon as she ran away Izu walked up to me and gave me a tight hug while his face was buried in my chest. He lifted his head up and gave me a deep, passionate kiss.

"You're mine and only mine. Next time I won't just activate my quirk, I'll use it" he said, still hugging me.

"Sure, Izu, now let's watch the movie"

"I'm gonna buy some snacks first, you can go in though"

"I already bought you your snacks"

"You bought the tickets, why can't I buy my own snacks? I have money you know" Izu pouted.

"I know, I know" I said while ruffling his fluffy hair. "Let's go watch the movie now"

"Okay" we walked to the first screen room and sat in the middle of all the seats. After a couple minutes of previews the movie started. I held Izu's hand throughout the movie.

After the movie

"That was a good movie" I said as Izu smiled at me brightly.

"Yeah! It was really funny! Though I didn't understand some of the jokes" I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Save your innocence Izu" he looked at me confused but just shrugged it off. I texted Fuyumi but she said she was already on her way. We waited a couple minutes before Fuyumi pulled up in front of us. We got in the car and had small talk before she dropped us off at the dorms.

We got out of the car. "Am I gonna see you two on Friday?" Oh, I completely forgot to ask Izu.

"What's on Friday?" Asked Izu.

"Sorry, I completely forgot to ask you. Izu, would you like to visit my mother with me and my siblings?" Izu looked excited.

"Of course Sho! I've always wanted to meet your mom!"

"Cool then, see you guys on Friday!"

"Okay! Bye!" Said Izu.

"Bye Fuyumi" she drive off as me and Izu walked into the dorms holding hands.

"Yoyr sister is really nice Sho!"

"Yeah but she can be a real pain sometimes" I said in a joking way. Izu giggled and we walked over to where everyone was.

"Hey guys!" Izu said.

"The hell you want, nerd?!" Bakuhoe yelled.

"S-sorry Kacchan"

"Back off Bakubitch" I snapped back. Before he could charge at me Kirishima put his hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

(A/N: This next part is inspired by a comic called "Sensory Overload" except for my version is different plus its TodoDeku and not Bkudeku, on with the story TvT)

"Okay, so now that you guys are here, me and the girls had an idea" Mina started. "So we thought about how cool it would be if all the boys were a skirt!" All the boys looked shocked but the girls looked excited.

"SKIRTS?! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM?!" Screamed bakuhoe.

"Calm down Bakugou, you don't have to do it if you don't want to. The girls and I want at least one person to do it" all of the boys including me shook their heads no. "Come on guys! It'll be fun! You guys can choose the style and Yaoyorozu will make it!" Nobody spoke up.

"What about you Deku? You're the prettiest guy here!" Uraraka said with big pleading eyes. Then I thought, Izu in a skirt? I don't know if i could handle that.

"I- I don't know guys" Izu said.

"Pleeeeease? I'll make you katsudon! Well i can't really cook but I'm sure i could buy you some!" Mina said.

Izu just looked at them debating on whether he should do it or not. "Hm, fine! But only if you get cold soba for So-chan too"

"Deal!" Mina said. Then she and the girls took Izu into one of their dorms.

"You must be excited, huh Todoroki?" Kaminari said while smirking.

"I- um- I don't know how to feel about it"

(Midoriya's POV)

They led me to Hagakure's dorm since it was the closest. "A-are you guys sure about t-this?" I asked.

"Don't worry Midoriya, were gonna make you look great! Todoroki's gonna love this!" I blushed instantly.

"So what kind of skirt do you want?" Asked Momo.

"Uhm, I- I don't know. Surprise me?" When I said that they all huddled into a circle and started whispering for a minute or two before having Momo make a skirt and a top.

"Okay, go put this on in the bathroom!" Mina said as she handed me the clothing. I went to the bathroom and as I was looking at myself in the mirror, my face heat up thinking how embarrassing this is gonna be.

I walked back to Hagakure's room like they asked me to. I walked in and they're faces lit up. "O.M.G! You look SO cute Midoriya!" Hagakure said and all the girls agreed.

"Let's go show everyone else, ribbit" Tsu said.

"U-uhm okay?" I said, really nervous and embarrassed. Oh God, I hope nobody makes fun of me.

Ha! Cliffhanger 😎