Beach plans (10)

(Midoriya's POV)

We all walked in a pack, me in the middle so that nobody could see me, to the common room. Once we got there we all stopped.

"Aleight everyone! We now bring you, the new, and improved, cross dressed Izuku Midoriya!" Mina said and all the girls stepped away from me.

(A/N: Its a black skirt that has chains on it with a dark grey turtleneck)

I stood there while everyone was staring at me. I wasn't sure what to think at the time.

"Woah, Izu....." I heard Sho-chan say. Everyone started walking up to me, Sho-chan in front. "Izu you look beautiful"

"T-thanks Sho-cha- EEP! What was that?!" I felt someone touch my- er- you know, and I looked down and saw Mineta in front of me. "M-MINETA?! W-W-WHY'D YOU DO THAT?!"

"Well usually I don't swing the way. But for you Midoriya, I'd smash" I was disgusted. Sho-chan was pissed.

"You...PERVERTED LITTLE GRAPE BITCH!" Sho-chan yelled. "I'LL MAKE YOU PAY!" He tackled Mineta to the ground with ease, picked him up, and threw him at the wall.

"Sho! Stop! I don't want you to get in trouble!" I yelled. I would've beaten Mineta myself if I wouldn't have gotten in trouble for it. "Just stick him somewhere"

"Alright, whatever you want" he looked at Mineta with eyes full of rage the proceeded to grab him by the collar of his shirt and pin him to a wall. He froze him to the wall and left him there. "Don't worry you little pervert, it'll melt soon enough"

"YES! GO TODOROKI" Mina shouted

"About time he gets put in his place" Momo said. Everyone agreed that it's what he deserved and went back to what they were doing. Sho-chan walked back to me.


"Yes Sho?" He gave me a kiss then gently pressed our foreheads together. We stayed there for a few seconds, admiring each others presence. We both pulled away.

"Hey, Izu?"


"Could you change, I don't want anyone looking at you. Especially that son of a bitch" he glared at Mineta who was still looking at me. "You wanna tell me, WHY YOU'RE STILL LOOKING AT HIM?!"

"I'M SORRY! I'LL STOP!" He tightly closed his eyes.

"Good" Sho-chan said with an intimidating look.

"Alright Sho-chan, I'll go give the dress back to Momo"

"W-wait! We can keep it, you look really cute...." he started blushing different shades of red.

"Aw, thanks Sho. I'll go change then" I went to my dorm to change and put away the dress. I was gonna change into regular clothing but all my clothes were in the wash. So I just put on some pj's that almost looked like regular clothing.

"Why did you change into pj's, it's only 4:00?" Sho-chan asked.

"They're all in the wash so I wore the most presentable pajamas I had" I said while scratching the back of my neck.

"I can lend you some of my clothes" he said.

"Really? Thanks Sho!"

"No problem" we walked over to his dorm and he picked out some clothes that might fit me. I went back to my dorm to change while Sho waited in the common area. I walked out to the common room and Uraraka came up to me while smirking.

"So, wearing our boyfriend's clothes are we?" She asked. I blushed a bright pink.

"Oh shut up Uraraka" I said while playfully crossing my arms.

"Ooh~ I think Todo likes it" she said pointing behind me.

"Oh, hi Sho!" I said while we walked up to him.

"What a sight for sore eyes huh Todoroki?" She said while nudging him in the arm.

"Y-yeah, he looks adorable like always"

"You're so sweet Sho" I wrapped my arms around him and he gladly hugged back. We kissed for a few seconds before pulling away. Then I turned around to face Uraraka while Sho still had his hands around my waist.

"Since tomorrow's Saturday, how about all of class 1-A goes somewhere?" Sho asked.

"Ooh! That sounds like fun!" Uraraka said.

"Yeah it does! But this time don't set us up" I playfully glared at Uraraka.

"Fiiiiine. How about we go to the beach? That could be fun!" Uraraka said.

"How about it Sho-chan?" I asked.

"Fine, but if anyone even looks in your direction, I'll have their heads" Sho-chan said while glaring at Mineta who still had his eyes closed shut.

"Hey! I should be saying that to you! You're the pretty boy in this relationship!" I said.

"What are you talking about? You're the cute one, any guy would want you" I looked up at him.

"Yeah, but you're the hot one" I said.

"Don't forget he can be cold too" Uraraka commented.

"Omg, Uraraka pfft-" we both started laughing.

"You guys are real jerks you know that?" Sho said. I turned my head around and gave him a quick kiss.

"I know!" I turned around again to talk to Uraraka. "So, do you think we could rent a bus or something for the trip? I mean, I don't have much money but if everyone pitches in we probably could"

"Sounds like a plan! Although we should probably ask Mr.Aizawa to come since some people like to draw attention to villains, *cough* Deku *cough*"

"I mean she's not wrong TvT" I said. That made Sho-chan chuckle a bit.

"Yeah, let's have one day of relaxation, without almost dying" Sho-chan commented.

"Let's tell the others!" Uraraka said. So she texted everyone to go to the common room. Soon enough everyone was there, even Mineta because the ice eventually melted. But we just threw him back in his room and Todo froze the door closed.

"Okay! So I had the greatest idea! We should go to the beach tomorrow! Deku said that if everyone pitches in, we could rent a bus. The only thing is we should probably ask Mr.Aizawa to come with us since we always end up almost dying whenever we go somewhere" everyone was excited, even Kacchan, though he didn't show it.

"Let's all go shopping for swimsuits! Then we can see how much money it is to rent a bus" Hagakure said.

"Well I could just pay for the bus, I just looked it up and it's only $500 an hour" Yaoyorozu said.

"What do you mean ONLY $500 an hour?! Were never gonna get enough money for that! Dammit I was gonna invite Shinsou!" Denki whined.

"Like I said; I'll pay for it. As long as I get to see TodoDeku, KiriBaku, and ShinKami, I'm happy" Momo stated.


"Wow, such a bratty bottom" Sero said while Denki started giggling.

"W h a t ?" Kacchan said.

"I- I- um- gotta run!" Sero then jumped out of the open window and used his tape to cling on a tree and catch himself.

"GET BACK HERE OVERPRICED FLEX TAPE!" Kacchan then jumped out the window and started to chase Sero.

"I- I- um- I- I- w-why?" Kiri stuttered.

"Kiri-kun, it's obvious you guys like eachother, why don't you confess?" I asked.

"I- it's just- you know how dense he can be" he said while scratching the back of his head with a sad look on his face.

"Look, Kiri, I know he can be dense, but when it comes to the things he wants, he'll either wait for it to come to him, or he'll get it himself. Trust me, I grew up with him" I said as I was walking over to Kiri to comfort him.

"I just don't know what to do" he said with his voice cracking a couple times. He started to cry. "Wow, I'm so weak, heh, so unmanly" at this point he was bawling. Then the front door opened and there was Kacchan holding Sero by the back of his shirt.

"W-what happened to Kiri?" Kacchan asked while dropping Sero. Sero looked up.

"Woah, Kiri bro, I've never seen you cry" Sero said.

"I'm sorry I'm so weak" Kiri said in between sobs.

(Bakubitch's POV)

"I'm sorry I'm so weak" I've never seen him cry before, it made me feel bad. I've never felt bad for someone before.

"Hey. Just cause you're crying doesn't mean you're weak" I sat next to him, almost pushing Deku off the couch. "And you're not unmanly, I know you're thinking that. Crying isn't a weakness, it means you've been strong for a bit too long. Now spit it out" I put my arm around him. I've never tried to comfort anybody so this is the best I could do.

"Bakugou" Kiri said. He turned towards me, grabbed my face, and kissed me. I immediately melted into the kiss "I- I love you"

"I love you too, dumbass"

"So, wanna be my boyfriend?" He asked. I tried not to blush.

"Of course, shitty hair"

We stayed there for a couple seconds before we heard clapping. I forgot these extras were still here.

"I didn't really think you'd be a bottom, Bakugou" earphone bitch said. I didn't really care since I had Kiri with me.

"Tsk, whatever"

(Momo's POV)

"Well now that that's settled, let's go shopping. Then when we get back I'll rent the bus" I said.

"Woah, are you sure Momo? That's a lot of money, I'm sure we can at least help-" Midoriya started before I interrupted him.

"No no, I insist. Now I need to talk to Uraraka, Mina, Jirou, and Denki" I called them over to talk about my plan. "Okay, let's get straight to the point. Mina, you're gonna help Kirishima with his swimsuit since you know what Bakugou likes" she nodded.

"Uraraka, you're gonna help Todo with his swimsuit since you know what Midoriya likes.

"Got it!"

"Denki, you're gonna help Bakugou since you know what Kirishima likes"

"Okay, but isn't this more of like a girl thing? I feel like I don't belong here"

"Just go with it. Okay, Jirou, you're gonna help Denki, well because if you don't help him he's gonna look like an idiot in front of Shinsou" Denki looked shocked.

"W-what?! Who said I like Shinsou?!"

"The blush on your face did. Okay, everyone ready?" They all nodded. "Good, now when everyone's done, lets wait for eachother at the entrance. Now go get your people!" We all separated except for Denki and Jirou. They decided that Bakugou, Jirou, and Denki would go together to make things easier. They all grabbed they're people and told them the plan.

"Hey Mido!" I said.

"Hey Momo, what were you guys talking about?" He asked.

"Oh, nothing. But, I'm gonna help you pick out a swimsuit do you can look good in front of Todo!" I said to him, he blushed a bit.

"O-okay, thanks for the help!"

"Oh! I have to tell everyone something" I turned around to face the others. "Hey guys! Were all gonna meet up at the entrance once you're ready to go!" I yelled. Everyone nodded and everyone (including me and Mido) headed towards the entrance. Except of course the ones who were talking to their 'shopping partners'.

(Kaminari's POV)

"WHO SAYS I NEED HELP?!" Screamed Bakugou.

"I- um, I just know what Kiri likes so, let me help?" I said. Bakugou started at me, contemplating on whether he should accept the help or not.

".....fine, only because I want to know what things he's into" he growled.

"Thanks dude, now let's go to the entrance to wait for the others" We then started to walk to the entrance and wait for the others.

(Uraraka's POV)

"Okay! Todo"


"We're gonna be shopping buddies so that you can look good in front of Deku!" I said, making him blush.

"S-sure, I don't really want to look like a stupid candy cane while he looks like an adorable piece of broccoli" he said.

"Alright then, looks like everyone is waiting for us so let's go!" We arrived at the entrance, where everyone was waiting for us.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, now let's go shopping!" Everyone cheered and we started walking to the mall.