Meeting Inko (12)

(Midoriya's POV)

Me and Sho-chan sat in the bus that went to the street where my house was. I was really nervous, I want mom to like Sho. I told her we were together while I was on the phone with her and I couldn't tell if she was surprised or disappointed. I guess we'll see, but one thing's for sure, nobody is gonna tear us apart.

We were having random conversations while on the bus to keep us busy. Soon enough, we reached our stop. It was only a three minute walk from there so we got there fairly quickly.

"Okay, here we go" I said nervously. I walked in with Sho-chan behind me.

"Izuku!" My mom came up to me and gave me a big hug. "I've missed you"

"I missed you too mom" I pulled away and looked at Sho-chan. "Sho-chan, this is my mom. Mom, this is my Sho-chan- w-wait! I-I-I meant-" I was so embarrassed so I just went into the other room.

(Shoto's POV)

"Sho-chan, this is my mom. Mom, this is my Sho-chan- w-wait! I-I-I meant-" so cute.

"Hi, I'm his Sho-chan" I said while chuckling and shaking her hand.

"SHO!" Me and Ms.Midoriya laughed a bit while Izu was curled in a ball of embarrassment. We both walked over to the living room where Izu ran off to "So embarrassing" he said. I sat next to him while his mother sat across from us.

"Let's cut to the chase" she had a serious look on her face that made me nervous "if you break Izuku's heart, just know that my quirk is to attract small items. That means I can RIP apart every skin cell from your body until there's none of you left" she stated at me for a few seconds before we both looked at Izu, he was at loss for words just like I was.

"O-okay mom, t-that's enough s-scaring him" her look softened.

"Okay! Are you guys staying for dinner?" She asked.

"No, it's our turn to make dinner at the dorms so we were only planning on staying for like an hour" Izu said.


"Okay, how about we get to know eachother better Shoto?" She asked.

"S-sure Ms.Midoriya"

"Call me Inko"

"Okay, Inko" after that we all chatted for like an hour, getting to know eachother, but then we had to leave.

"Bye mom! Love you!"

"Hope to see you guys soon!" She said while waving at the door.

We headed back to the bus stop, waiting a few minutes for the bus to arrive. While we waited we talked a bit.

"Wow Izu, your mom can be really scary" I said.

"Yeah, last week she went to the place All For One was being held and he was scared of her by the end of their visit" I looked at him shocked.

"All For One?! As in the most powerful villain out there?!" I asked in disbelief.

"Yup, I was with her so I would know" he said.

"Why didn't she become a hero?" I asked.

"She said she didn't want to be involved with villains. Plus she wanted to follow her dream of becoming a fashion designer" he said.

"Oh, that's cool" right as I said the we saw the bus coming towards us. We hopped on and talked until we got to the dorms. When we walked into the dorms everyone was in the common room and they were glaring at us.

"What? What did we do this time" Izu asked.

"We've been starving for an HOUR! Where were you guys?!" Kaminari asked.

"We were visiting Izu's mother" I said.

"Auntie? How's she doing?" Bakuhoe asked. Izu already told me about his childhood so I knew why he called her auntie.

"Auntie?! You guys are related?!" Mina asked.

"No! I just call her that dumbass!" He yelled.

"Wow, you care about someone other than Kiri?" Jirou asked.

"WAS THAT AN INSULT?!" He screamed.

"Woah, woah, that's enough you guys" Kirishima said while grabbing Bakubitch's arm and pulling him back on the couch.

"Whatever" he scoffed.

"You two, dinner, I'm starving" Uraraka said.

"Okay, okay fine" I said. We all agreed on curry on rice.

Me and Izu finished dinner and served it to everyone. We all ate in the common room.

"So how'd it go with you and Mido's mom?" Denki asked.

"She's really nice but can be really scary" I said while scratching the back of my neck nervously.

"You think that's bad? When I meet Shin's parents i have to meet my teachers!" He said while taking a bite of his food.

"So you admit to liking Shinsou?" Izu asked. He started choking on his food. Once got the food to go down his throat he finally spoke.

"W-wait! I- I- I didn't mean it l-like that! I s-swear!" He said between coughs.

"Sureeeee" Izu said with a sly smirk. We all continued talking and finishing our dinner. It was about 7 at night so we decided to watch a movie before bed.

The movie ended and everyone went to their dorms to go to bed early since we have to wake up early the next morning.

"Izu, wanna sleep in my dorm again?" I asked.

"Sure Sho-chan! Let me get some pajamas first" he said.

"I can just give you one of my hoodies" I said. Izu looks so cute in my hoodies.

"Okay! Let's go then!" He grabbed my hand and we went to my dorm. When we got there he plopped down on my bed. I gave him one of my hoodies and he went to the bathroom to put it on.

I was laying on my bed, in my pajamas, when he walked back in and he looked adorable as hell. He had my hoodie and boxers on, nothing else. But the hoodie was long enough to cover his boxers. It was so cute that I almost got a nosebleed.

I held my arms out for him and he gladly walked up to me and snuggled into my arms.

"I love you Sho"

"I love you too Izu" I kissed the top of his head and we both fell asleep.