Beach day (13)

(Midoriya's POV)

I woke up to Sho-chan's alarm and opened one of my eyes just barely. I saw Sho-chan looking at me with a smile.

I moved towards him and gave him a kiss with my eyes closed. I parted and gave him a big, sleepy, smile.

"Morning, baby" He said, I blushed at that.

"Morning love" I said back.

"We have to get ready to go" He said.

"Nuuuuuuu I'm sleepy" I said as he got up.

"You can sleep more on the way" I groaned as I got up.

"Finnnne" I went up to him and gave him a quick peck on the lips "See you on the bus" I walked out and headed to my dorm.

[Time skip brought to you by your lazy ass author TvT]

I walked to the bus, still very tired, and saw that Sho-chan was waiting for me "Hi Sho".

"Hi Izu, still sleepy?" He asked.

"Yea" I responded.

"How about we go on the bus and you can sleep on my lap?" I nodded and we stepped onto the bus.

"Hey guys!" An energetic Kirishima said.

"Hi Kiri" I said. Me and Sho put our bags into the back of the bus.

"Izu, come here" Sho patted his lap for me to lay down so I walked over there and played on his lap. I nuzzled my head into his chest and fell asleep almost immediately.

(Shoto's POV)

It only took Izu 10 seconds to fall asleep. He's so cute. I kissed him on the head.

"He's already asleep?" Uraraka whispered.

"Yeah. And you don't have to whisper. He's a pretty heavy sleeper" I said.

About 15 minutes later, everyone except for Mineta was on the bus.

"Alright, the drive is about an hour and a half so if you're still tired then sleep" Aizawa sensei said "Don't wake me up unless it's an emergency. Todoroki"

"Yes?" I answered.

"You're in charge. And Iida, before you say anything, I chose Todoroki because I want you to lighten up a bit"

"Yes sensei" Iida said.

[Another time skip, this time brought to you by Sugamama, asking you to drink some water]

I opened my eyes and saw Momo trying to wake me up. Izu was still in my lap, nuzzled into my chest.

"We're here, wake Midoriya up. We'll be setting up by the water" I nodded and she walked away. I looked at Izu again, he looked so adorable.

I lifted his chin and gave him a kiss. He opened his eyes and melted into the kiss. "We're here, love. Still tired?" I asked.

"No, I'm excited" when he said that, his eyes lit up and he jumped out of my lap. "Let's go! I wanna go in the water!" He said excitedly. We grabbed our bags and got changed in the public bathrooms.

About two minutes we both walked out. When I saw him I couldn't help but stare. He looked so hot but so cute at the same time.

"Beat you to the water!" He said.

"Oh, you're on!" We raced to the water, he ended up winning.

"Hah! I win! What's my prize?" He asked.

I went up to him and gave him a sweet kiss. "That's your prize, Izu~" I saw his face go a bright red.

"T-thats a good p-prize" he stuttered.

"I'm gonna go sit in the shade and watch you, is that okay?" I asked.

"Of course Sho-chan!" He skipped to the water towards the water and I sat under our umbrella. He was splashing around with Denki while he was waiting for Shinsou.

"Hey~ you come here alone?" A random girl asked me.

"No-" I started.

"Well, I think you're cute~" she said while sitting next to me, I felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Um, could you like, move? You're making me uncomfortable" I said.

"Aw, why~? I like sitting next to you~" she said.

"I'm sorry, but I have a boyfr-" I was cut off by Izu sitting in my lap and putting his legs around me. My face went red but I knew exactly what he was doing.

"Hi Sho-chan~! Who's this?" He said while playing with my hair.

"Oh. Sorry, I didnt know" she then got up and walked away. As she was walking back to her friends, she shouted "Dammit! All the hot guys are either taken or gay!" Me and Izu laughed at that.

"Izu~ were you possibly, jelous~?" I asked.

"W-well I t-told you that g-girls would h-hit on you here!" He said.

"Fine. Then if a guy hits on you, you get to sit on my lap again" he blushed a bright red so I gave him a kiss. We kissed for what seemed like forever, but we had to pull away for air.

"I love you Sho"

"I love you too Izu"

We sat there for a few minutes before going into the water. We saw Kirishima and Bakubitch and were about to walk up to them but they looked a bit busy.

[Bakubitch's POV]

Fkn shitty hair used his quirk to throw me in the water. So I used my quirk to try and blast him into the water but that hot bastard just activated his quirk again.


I was about to put my hands at his throat when he said some stupid shit. "Hey, are we fighting or flirting? Cause I'm getting mixed signals" he said, I felt my face heat up but I just ignored it.

"My hands are literally inches away from your throat, dumbass" I said.

"Still doesn't answer my question" he said.

"Wait whAT?!" I was gonna say more but that shitty Deku just HAD to fkn embarrass me.

"KISS HIM ALREADY KACCHAN!" That shitty nerd said.

"Fuck it" I said before kissing him. He was shocked at first but then he kissed back. He put his hands on my waist and I put mine on his shoulders. I didn't really think he could dominate me but here we fucking are.

We pulled away and he gave me that cute ass fucking toothy grin. "How the fuck can you act so goddamn cute after you dominate the fuck outta me?!" I asked.

"Its a talent of mine! So, I guess I'm the dominant one?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"What the fuck does it look like?" He laughed his cute fucking laugh. I realised we were still in the same position, that made me blush like a bitch. "Aw, Katsu you're blushing"

"NO THE FUCK IM NOT" I said pushing him into the water. "Fukn shitty hair"

[Midoriya's POV]

Kacchan just being Kacchan. Kiri and Kacchan are perfect, almost as perfect as me and Sho.

"Hey Sho" I said.

"Yeah Izu-" I pushed him into the water and giggled. He stood back up with a grin on his face.

"So, you wanna play that way huh?"

"Shit" he picked me up by my waist and threw me over his shoulder.

"SHO, WAIT! IM SORRY! PUT ME DOWN! I SAID IM SOR-" I was cut off by him throwing me in the water. As I was thrown I could hear him laughing. I swam back to Sho who was in the shallow part. I sat on the ocean floor in front of him.

"There is a piece of SEAWEED on my head" I said while fake pouting. I threw the piece of seaweed at him but I missed.

"Awww is someone upset?" He asked while leaning down to look at me.

"Yes. I think I deserve a kiss" I said.

"Fair enough" he pulled me up and gave me a kiss. He put his hands on my waist while I put mine around his neck. We kissed for a while before depending the kiss. We pulled away due to lack of air. "How was that?" He asked.

"It was great-" I cut myself off when I notice Mina, Momo, Tsu, Jirou, and Uraraka were all in a group watching us. Mina had her phone out. "M-MINA!"

"Do it again!" She yelled, still having her phone pointed at us.

"Okay" Sho said before pulling me in for another kiss. I could hear the girls quietly squealing but I didn't care, I was focused on Sho and Sho only.

I tangle my fingers in his hair as we deepened the kiss. He licked my lip, asking for entrance, I opened my mouth and we soon shared a french kiss. We pulled away and turned to the girls.

"How was that one?" Sho asked.

"Golden!" Uraraka squealed.

"Alright, alright, let's go eat lunch Sho" I said. We went to our umbrella and ate lunch together.

"So what's for lunch?" I asked.

"Ham & cheese sandwiches, and don't worry, I know you don't like condiments" he said while handing me a sandwich that had my name on it.

"You know me so well" I said while giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Theres some potato chips and blueberries as well" he added.

We finished our lunch and Sho went to the bathroom, I waited for him under the umbrella. I was laying on my back when I heard an unfamiliar voice call my name.

"Midoriya? From the sports festival?" I sat up and the guy calling my name was in front of me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Wow! I'm a fan! I thought you looked so hot when fighting that ice and fire guy!" That comment made me a bit uncomfortable.

"Uhm, thanks?" I said.

"Do you think I can get your number? That's if you like guys" he asked nervously.

"Uhm-" I was cut off by someone picking me up and setting me down on their lap. "H-hey! Who are-" I turned around and saw Sho glaring at the boy. "Oh, hey Sho" I said.

"And who might this be? He's not hitting on you, is he?" He asked while still glaring at the dude.

"Uhm- n-no! I'm just a f-fan! I'll be g-going now" he tossed a piece of paper onto the beach towel we were on and quickly walked away.

[Shoto's POV]

I could see the guy looking at Izu from the corner of my eye. Izu picked up the piece of paper. "His number? Here you take it" he handed me the piece of paper and I burned it.

I lifted Izu and turned him around so that he was facing me in my lap. I looked at the guy and kissed Izu. Izu was a bit shocked and the guy looked angry. But when Izu melted into the kiss, the guy's expression turned sad and then he looked away. I don't care though. We pulled away, a string of saliva parting from our lips.

"Oh, are you jealous now?" Izu asked with a smug look on his face.

"Told you guys would hit on you" I said.

"Yeah, yeah. I guess we were both right" he said.

I looked over at the water and saw Shinsou and Denki kissing. Izu saw it too and his eyes lit up. He took a quick picture and sent it to Uraraka, Mina, Tsu, Jirou, and Momo. I knew those two liked eachother.

[Shinsou's POV]

Denki dragged me into the water even though I'd rather just sit in the shade. When we were in knee deep water the light hit his face perfectly, making his skin glow. I couldn't help myself.

I grabbed the Pikachu idiot and turned him towards me. "Hey Pika?"

"What's up Toshi?" God I love that nickname.

I lifted his chin and kissed him. To my suprise he kissed back. We pulled away and his cheeks were really red.

"You like me?!" He asked.

"Yeah, and I don't plan to take 'no' as an answer" I said.

"I-I really like you too" he said while looking away, probably to cover his beet red face.

"Heh, cute" that just made him blush even harder. I picked him up and threw him over my shoulders.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"You'll see"

I carried him to where my dad was sitting.

"Dad" I said.

"What?" He asked while opening his eyes.

"This is mine now" I said while pointing to Denki.

"What did I say about loud blondes?"

"You're one to talk" I said.

"Whatever. At least Eri likes him, so he can help babysit"

"Kay, I'm gonna throw the Pikachu in the water. Bye" I said while walking back to the water.

"Fine! Throw me in the water! I'll get my revenge!"

"Whatever Pika"

[Shoto's POV]

Me and Izu watched as people were getting thrown in the water. The Bakusquad ended up going surfing. Well, Denki and Sero tried.

Me and Izu sat there for a while talking to eachother before Bakuhoe threw a seashell at my head.

"The fuck do you want?" I asked.

"Change in plans, everyone's staying at the hotel. You and shitty Deku are sharing a room. We leave tomorrow at 3 in the afternoon. Oh, and, Aizawa says no sex" me and Izu both blushed a bright red.

"W-what makes him t-think we w-would do t-that?!" I asked, messing up on almost all of my words.

"Shitty Deku is literally sitting on your lap right now icy-hot!" He quickly jumped off my lap and covered his face. "By the way dumbasses, you guys have been sitting here talking for 2 hours, it's getting dark so hurry the fuck up so you can get in your hotel room, idiots" he said. God I hate him.

"Kay" I said as he started walking away.

"Hey Sho" Izu said.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Just to let you know, I'm not ready for- ehm- you know. I'm sorry" he said with his head down in shame.

I lifted his chin and gave him a quick kiss. "Izu, don't worry about that. I'm not ready either, so don't beat yourself up about it" he smiled at me lightly and stood up. He lifted me up off the ground too.

"Let's put our feet in the water and watch the sunset!" He said while giggling all cute and shit.

"Yeah, let's go" I said. We walked into the water until our ankles were fully covered in the water.

"Hey Sho..."

"Yes love?"

"If we're still together in the future-"

"Sorry to interrupt but, I'm pretty sure you meant to say 'when we're together' am I right?" I said.

"Hehe, yeah....." his smile slowly faded.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Its just, are you sure you wanna be with me? I mean- we're both guys so we could never have a kid. If you we're with a girl you could-"

I turned to him and lightly gripped his shoulders "No. I wanna be with you and you only. You are the man I love. And we could always adopt, give a child in need a brand new home" he lightly smiled at me and blushed.

"Yeah, you're right" he said. He gave me one of his priceless smiles.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you more"

"Oh yeah? I love you more than you love cold soba!" He said with a smirk on his face.

"Really? I love you more than you wanna be a hero!" I said back.

"I love you more than you hate that flaming piece of trash!"

"I love you more than you love All Might!" I said. He grabbed his hand and clenched his heart.

"K.O" Izu said as he dramatically dropped to his knees.

We both laughed for a bit before he got up. We talked a bit more before grabbing our stuff and heading to the hotel. We checked in, got our key, and settled into the hotel room. We both took showers.

"Sho? Do you have a hoodie or something? I left my t-shirt and sweatpants at the dorms" Izu asked from the bathroom.

"Yeah, let me get it" I grabbed my baby blue/red hoodie and slipped it into the bathroom.

"Thanks Sho"

"No problem"

Izu finished and even though I've seen him wear just a hoodie and boxers before, he still looked adorable as hell. We both flopped onto the bed at the same time. "Man I'm tired!" Izu said.

"Me too, cuddle?" I said as I held my arms out to him.

"Hehe, yeah" he crawled into my arms and got comfy.

"Goodnight, love you" I said.

"Love you too" we both quickly fell asleep.