Action figures and date plans (14)

(Shoto's POV)

I opened my eyes to see a sleeping Izu. I kissed his forehead and got up slowly so that I don't wake him up. I checked the time and it was almost 9:30. 'Wow' I thought to myself. I got dressed into the clothes I wore yesterday, walked to the elevator, and pressed the button that led to the lobby.

Once I got to the lobby I bought two bowls of biscuits and gravy and some bacon. I went back to me and Izu's room to see that he was sitting on the bed.

"Morning love, I got you some breakfast" I said as he looked at me with his cute sleepy smile.

"Thanks Sho, let me get dressed first" he said.

He came out with the short sleeve shirt and shorts he was wearing yesterday.

"Nope" I said. He looked at me with a confused face. "Its gonna be cold today. Wear this" I said as I handed him my blue hoodie. He nodded and slipped it on.

(After eating)

(A/N: I know y'all have forgotten to eat because you're busy reading BL, so eat, this story isn't going anywhere I promise)

"Soooooo, what do ya wanna do since we aren't leaving till 3?" Izu asked me.

"We could visit the shops" I suggested. Izu looked excited and gave me a huge smile that melted my heart in half a second.

"Yeah! Good idea Sho-chan!" He said as he stood up.

We told Aizawa sensei where we were going and headed to the gift shops. After stopping at a few shops, one of the shop's display caught our eye. There were figurines of Izu. We walked in quickly to take a look. There were several figurines and plushes.

"I'm not even a pro hero! Why do they have this?" He asked while picking one up. The guy working at the register walked over.

"Excuse me but those are off limit-" he cut himself off when he saw Izu's face. "Its you.....the kid who took down Overhaul and saved that little girl!" He said.

"How did you know that?! Does anybody else know?!" Izu said while putting down the figurine. More people started to walk over.

"Omg it's actually you! Izuku Midoriya right?" Said a woman while walking over.

"Izu, how did people find out?" I asked with a worried tone as more and more people gathered around and started taking pictures.

People kept asking questions and I could see that Izu was getting overwhelmed.

"I- um- how-?" He stuttered out.

As he got even more overwhelmed, his eyes started to tear up. I protectively wrapped my arms around him.

"What are you doing to him?!" Asked some random lady.

"Wait, weren't you in the sports festival?" A guy asked me.

"Stop!" I yelled. They all quieted down. "Can't you see you're overwhelming him?!" They all stepped back a bit.

I started whispering things in his ear to calm him down. "It's okay Izu, I'm right here. I'm just gonna ask them a few questions and then we can leave" he nodded softly and I turned my head to the group of people who were still taking pictures.

"Put them away" I growled. They quickly put their phones down. "Now, I would like to know, how did so many people get that information?" I asked, my expression softening a bit. "It was supposed to be a secret"

"What do you mean? The whole thing was recorded by someone" someone in the group said.

"That happened months ago, yet, why only now does everybody know?" I asked.

"The guy who recorded it got hurt in the process so he didn't post it until he recovered a few days ago" someone else in the small crowd said.

"Its only been a couple days? But theres already Deku merch" I stated.

"He's really popular around here"

"Okay, thank you for the Intel. We will take our leave now" I picked up Izu bridal style and carried him through the small crowd. They all looked a bit shocked as I carried him out bridal style.

"Wait! One last question?" Asked a girl from the group.

"Yes?" I asked.

"What are you to him?" I smirked at that and turned around to face them. I planted a kiss on Izu's forehead, he covered his face in embarrassment. There was a group of girls squealing and taking pictures. (A/N: Literally the whole TodoDeku fandom)

"I'm his boyfriend" I said as I turned around and walked out.

"Sho! That was extremely embarrassing!" He said when we were out of sight, still covering his face.

"I think you liked it~" I said teasingly. He rolled his eyes playfully.

"You can put me down now" he said.

"I could" I gave him a quick kiss. "But I really don't wanna" I saw his face go a bright red, it was cute.

"F-fine" he mumbled.

We got back to the dorm lobby and I put him down. We walked over to Aizawa sensei who was in his sleeping bag.

"Aizawa sensei" I said. He opened his eyes and got out of his sleeping bag.

"What is it problem child?" He groaned.

"Did you know that someone recorded and posted Izu's fight with Overhaul?" He looked at me with a blank face.

"Yeah I know. Nothing we can do about it now" he stated. "Midoriya"

"Yes sir?" He asked.

"Apparently everyone here knows about you so you should probably cover your face or something if you don't wanna be ambushed"

"Yes Aizawa sensei"

We went to our hotel room to grab some sunglasses to hide Izu's face. He put on the glasses, put his hood on, and we headed back to the shops.

As we were passing the shop with Deku merch, we saw the Bakusquad (plus Shinsou) in there so we decided to go in.

"Hey Mina!" Izu greeted.

"Mido! Omg did you know they have action figures of you?!" Mina asked.

"And plushes!" Sero added.

"Well-" Izu started but got cut off by Bakuwhore.

"The hell nerd?! How the fuck are you already popular?!" He yelled.

"C'mon Kat, be proud of your old friend!" Kirishima said "He deserves it and you know it"

"Whatever shitty hair" Bakuhoe said as he put down one of the plushes.

"Okay! We bought two plushes and two figurines, we can go now" Denki said as he walked with Shinsou to the rest of the Bakusquad.

"Sweet! You should give me a figurine" Sero said as he went to grab one from Denki.

"No, buy one yourself you broke ass hoe" Denki said as he smacked his hand away.

"Bitch" Sero said.

"Stoner" Denki said.

"Pikachu knock-off"

"Plain face"




"Tape dispenser"





"Gay bitch"

"Duct tape"

"Power outlet"

"Latino jerk"

"Yellow blob"

"Flex tape"

"Spark plug-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY" Bakubitch yelled. They rolled their eyes and walked out of the store to wrestle for the Deku merch. Mina followed them and started recording.

I looked over at Izu and he had a confused look on his face. "What's wrong Izu?" I asked him.

"I don't know why they need to buy a figurine of me when they see me everyday" I laughed a bit at that.

"Its because you're amazing~" I said while wrapping my arms around his waist. He smiled and blushed.

"Aw, you guys are so c-" Kirishima started.

"Disgusting, you guys are fucking disgusting" Bakuwhore said.

"You don't say that when I wrap my arms around you" Kirishima said with a smirk.

"SHUT UP SHITTY HAIR" he yelled while blushing bright pink. Bakuhoe started chasing Kirishima out of the store. I let go of Izu and we just laughed a bit at how chaotic they are.

Izu saw Shinsou walking out of the store to get Denki. "Wait, Shinsou!" He said. Shinsou turned around.

"What?" He said with the usual bored look on his face.

"Are you and Denki dating yet?" Izu asked.

He smirked "Yeah, Pika is mine now" Izu smiled happily at that and gave him a thumbs up. He walked out a dragged Denki to who knows where.

Me and Izuku went back to the hotel to relax until we have to leave. We watched a movie and bought some lunch. Soon it was almost three and everyone gathered outside of the hotel. The bus arrived and everyone got on.

(Timeskip brought to you by your sleep deprived author. Like, its 4:28 rn and I have school today, but do I give a fuck? No.)

After an hour or two, we finally arrived at UA. Me and Izu separated to put all of our stuff away. After about 20 minutes I walked over to his dorm to wait for him. He walked out about a minute after I got there.

He walked out and I decided to scare him. "Rawr" I said unenthusiasticly.

"ACK!" He turned my way while activating his quirk a bit. "Sho! What if I accidentally hurt you?" He said while calming down.

"Would've been worth it" I said as I interlocked my fingers with his. "How about we go out to eat for dinner?" I looked at my watch, 6:30 "How's 7? So that we have some time to get ready" I asked.

"Sounds great" he said while putting his head on my shoulder. "Well, I'll go get ready then. How do I dress?" I smirked.

"Cross" he looked at me surprised but then smiled.

"Okay!" He went back into his dorm and shut the door behind him.

'I'm the luckiest guy alive' I thought to myself as I walked to my dorm to get ready. Can't wait to see what he wears.