Hunt II

Eto and Joe moved through the forest, Eto kept watch in front and Joe kept watch behind so that the tiger wouldn't throw a surprise attack at them, They kept moving keeping their eyes open, reacting to even the tiniest of sounds in the forest, While they were moving through the forest, the tiger kept watching and following them, by jumping from tree to tree, it paws landed on each branch gently like the fall of a leaf, it was soundless.

" We're getting close to a clearing, so we won't have cover and we'll be able to spot the tiger if it's following us." Eto stopped and spoke to Joe in a hushed tone.

As they moved closer and closer to the clearing, the tiger moved ahead and waited for them on the tree closest to the clearing, it squated on a tree and got ready to pounce on one of them, When Eto got close to the tree it let him pass, Then it pounced on Joe who was watching behind them, Joe was stunned for a second before he dodged and called out to Eto, "Behind you." Eto turned around quickly, The tiger after missing it's attack on Joe jumped in Eto's direction aiming for his throat, Eto rolled quickly to the side, Took his rifle and aimed at the tiger, Joe shot at the same time with him, they were both aiming at head but the tiger ducked and ran into the forest again.

Eto and Joe breath a sigh of relief, "That was a close one." Joe said while still keeping his guard up "It felt like it was testing."

Eto looked up at the trees and said" To think we didn't hear it when it was up there."

As they were moving away from the clearing, the tiger attacked them again, This time there were two of them, They both attacked jump towards Eto herding him in another direction, Each time they shot at the tigers they dodged the bullets.

Eto's eyes looked grim and surprised, He shouted at Joe "Use the net."

"Already on it." Joe shouted back and threw the net at the tigers, but they dodged the net, and continued attacking Eto. When the tigers were about to jump on Eto to kill him, A gold light fell from the sky and landed on the tigers, blood, flesh, rock and dust were scattered away from the point of impact, Eto and Joe fell on their butts and started coughing, They looked at the cloud of dust.

"This would have been a lot easier if you'd given your characters powers."

A female voice said softly."Almost dying to tigers." she said and laughed.

when the dust cleared, Eto and Joe looked up and saw a barefooted girl in sweatpants and a blue t-shirt looking at them.

"Hey bro, it's your sister." Joe said as he turned to Eto.

" Figures, it was just getting good."

" Come on brother, I just saved you, Shouldn't you be thanking me." she said with a smile.

" It's a game, and. I wasn't gonna die, I had them right where I wanted."

" Alright I hear Mr I had them right where I wanted, let's go." she disappeared after saying.

Eto looked at Joe and said "Let's get outta here." Joe nodded his head.

They book moved their hands to their eyes and took of the VR glasses, Eto looked around and he saw his sister waiting for them at the door.

She smiled at him " come on Eto, Let's go, dinner time, Mum's back."

Eto didn't say anything, he just smiled, Joe looked at him and said " well am gonna go home bro, It's getting late.

"Alright bro" They fist pumped and then Joe brought walked to the balcony, brought out his hoverboard and went home.

Anna looked at him and said "He's still scared of mum isn't he."

" Yes, Anybody would be if mum almost choked them with a look."

"Let's go down, mum's waiting." they took the elevator and started going down, when they got downstairs they both stepped out and walked towards the dining table, Their mum was already sitting on her sit, They both sat down at her right and left sides.

Eto looked at his mum, She turned her head towards him, winked at him then took his hand and said "Happy you okay."

"Me too."

His sister looked at both of them and not wanting to be left out she mumbled " Me three." They all laughed and then started eating, when they were all done.

Miss Grey called her kids and took them to the training room " come on kids, attack me."

Anna exchanged a look with Eto and they started circling their mum, she just stood there not even turning her head, she stood there unblinking and unmoving, then they both attacked her, Anna went low as aiming to sweep her mum's feet from the ground, while Eto went high, he threw a kick in the direction of his mum's head, Miss Grey just stood and waited, when their kicks where about to make an impact, she effortlessly caught Eto's leg with her right hand, and stopped Anna leg's by tilting her heel to the right.

Anna and Eto weren't flustered at all, they kept calm and withdrew their legs, Then Anna started punching her mum, increasing the speed with each blow, her mum block all her punches with one hand, Anna kept on increasing the speed of her punches until it was just a blur, And her mum blocked all of them, Eto tried to do a surprise attack, he used a used light feet movement technique to increase his speed and was moving behind his mother, her back was still turned to him, then he struck out his fist, She caught it then caught his sister's arm then kicked at her chest, she flew backwards and fell on her butt, Miss Grey took Eto and flipped him over her head, he crashed on his back.

"Still not fast enough, You guys are getting sloppy."

"Ow ow ow, mum, I think your kick broke my heart." Anna said with a smirk on her face.

" Sorry Ann, I know I reined my strength in." Miss Grey said with an apologetic look on her face.

" I'll just have to train harder mum."

"Yes you both have to train harder."

' For what's coming, You're gonna need all the strength you can get."

"Okay, sit, I want to talk to the both of you."

Anna and Eto sat on the ground of the training room at looked up at their mum.

"So congratulations on getting into the NIC Explorers, I was quite surprised when I got the letters but I shouldn't expect anything less from my two smart kids, But the training is going to be hard and you kids are gonna be going round the galaxy training in different regions, But whatever you do stay away from planet MOA." Eto and Anna were about to ask a question when Miss Grey raised her hand.

"Don't ask why, it's not yet time."

Eto and Anna nodded their heads and their mother continued.

"The Agency Spaceship is gonna be here in three days, So I suggest you pack up and get ready to leave, You can skip training for the next three days, am sure you'd want to spend time with your friends before you leave."

Anna and Eto nodded.

"Okay, You can go."

They both stood up and went to their rooms.

' Maybe Jen would be less busy now, I should call her.' Eto thought to himself.

' Am going to search for that kirin one more time, It couldn't have gone far 'Anna thought as she walked towards her room.

Miss Grey watched them leave and let out a sigh. ' You need to grow fast and grow strong, You two still have a lot to learn."