Eto called Jen with the HOLOPHONE when he got to his room, He waited a bit before she picked up.
" You finally called, I've been waiting for you to call."
Eto was a bit stumped"Okay, I guessed you might be busy, so I waited till now to call, didn't want to interrupt your work."
" True, so what's up."
" Let's go take a walk at the East side."
Jen raised a brow" East side, really, who named all these places, but that's a good idea, I have to record some plant life over there anyway so I might as well do it."
" So you wanna come."
" Yes sure, Lemme get home and change up then I'll meet you at..."
Eto cut her off "I'll come get you."
She raised her brows and said " You know I might take long."
"I can wait, I'll be there in a few."
Eto cut the call, then change into his casual wear, he came out of his room with his hoverboard, then walked down stairs, he saw his mum sitting at the kitchen island, she was working with a holographic table.
"I'm going to see Jen mum."
she raised her head then turned to Eto with her sapphire eyes "Alright." Then went back to what she was doing. Eto nodded and walked out the door, he jumped on his hoverboard and started moving towards Jen house, He got to the door of Jen's house and knocked, Jen's house was located near the outskirts of their city closer to the forest than any other house, it was a three story building with trees on both sides of the house, He waited for a while then was about to knock again before the door was opened, he saw Jen, she wore a black beanie, grey hoodie, camo trousers with black boots, she even carried a black backpack.
"Let's go." she said as she came outside.
"What's the bag for."
"Am collecting bioluminescent plants for research purposes."
"Oh. what are you researching."
"Not telling." she smiled, and they started walking then Jen brought out her hoverboard jumped on it and shouted "Race you." Then started flying towards East side.
Eto smiled shouted back "Cheater." He jumped on his hoverboard and started chasing after her, Jen was leading and increasing her distance each minute, Eto tried catching up but each time he got close to her, she sped up again, It continued until they got to the forest in the east side, Jen jumped down just outside the forest and shouted " I win."
Eto got there some mins later" You modified your hoverboard."
"Yes yes I did, it was too slow, so I swapped out some parts from a jaguar SB2."
"Aren't those space bikes."
"Yes yes they are, that's not even the max speed."
"You should modify mine for me too."
"I don't think you can afford it."
"How much." Eto said with a surprised look on his face.
Jen had a playful smile on her face, she looked at the forest and said "If you get me a quasar, you can consider your hoverboard modified."
Eto's face looked shocked" You want me to get you a mini planet."
Jen nodded her head and said "Can you do that Mr Grey."
"I'll modify it myself." Eto said with a downcast expression.
Jen laughed "Am joking, alright, I'll do it before you leave."
Eto was surprised when he heard her say that."How'd you know."
"Anna told me."
He took her hand and looked into her eyes"You have really beautiful eyes."
"Yes yes I do." she said while smiling, then he kissed her, then he pulled away to see her blushing. she looked at him and they both smiled. Eto didn't need to say anything cause they understood each other.
"Alright, let's go look for those bioluminescent plants." she said and started walking into the forest, He looked at her and then followed her, they didn't walk to far before they found he first plant, Anna put on her AR glasses and scanned the plant, the plants information was displayed on the lens for her to see.
kingdom: plantae.
Life force:Healthy.
Description: bushy,evergreen shrub or small tree growing 2.5–5 m (8–16 ft) tall and 1.5–3 m (5–10 ft) wide, with bioluminescent leaves. The 5-petaled flowers are 10 cm (4 in) in diameter, with prominent orange-tipped red anthers.
"It's a hibiscus with bioluminescent leaves." she mumbled to herself.
Eto stood behind her, she stood up and said " let's go look for another one, this one is already in the database."
They started walking deeper into the forest, they saw some animals but they all kept their distance, Over Eighty percent of animals on the planet SEREN were herbivores so they didn't have to worry about been attacked except if they provoked an animal.
While walking Eto looked up at the night sky with noctilucent clouds, 3 moons and stars that shone with a myriad of colors above his head " The night sky is really beautiful."
Jen stopped walking and looked "Yes yes it is." He came close and held her hand, she squeezed his hand lightly then they continued walking, Jen spotted another bioluminescent plant, this plant was emitting different colors from different parts of it's body, each leaf had a different color, Jen quickly let go of Eto's hand to scan it. she squated beside the plant which was knee high and scanned it.
Life force:Healthy.
"Eto come look at this."
Eto came over and squated beside her, she took of her glasses and gave it to him, he looked at the info on the plant and said "Everything is unknown."
Jen smiled while nodding her head"We may just have discovered something new."
Jen smiled and brought out tools from her bag, She brought a thermos glass cylinder, trowel, gloves and a pair of scissors, Then she cut some leaves from the plant, she dug up the area surrounding the plant then she carried the plant and put it in the glass cylinder and sealed it. The glass cylinder lowered the temperature inside until the plant was frozen all over.
She used her holo communicator to call Danica, Danica is Jen's friend and Co-researcher at the lab."Hey Dani, are you at the lab."
"Yes boss." The face of a young girl with red streaks in her black hair showed up on screen.
Jen smiled"Stop calling me boss, I'll be sending a plant specimen to the lab, prepare a terrarium."
"Yes boss."
Jen closed the communicator and turned to Eto"We'll wait for the drone to come pick this up."
Eto nodded and said"Are you always working."
"Not when am with you."
Eto smiled and thought 'Then what are you doing now.'
She smiled knowing what was going through his mind. They didn't have to wait long a drone in the shape of an eagle swooped down an collected the glass cylinder then it flew in the direction of the city.
Eto and Jen kept walking but they didn't find any more bioluminescent plants. They turned around and started going back when an animal ran into Eto's leg while running, it fell down unconscious. it was a brown animal with a black silver streak running from it's head to it's tail, it was injured and bleeding from the claw marks on it's back.
Jen screamed and ran towards it, she knelt beside it and scanned it with her glasses.
Genus:Ailurus. Panda.
Life force:dying.
Description: A brown panda that measures 50 to 64 cm (20 to 25 in), and its tail is 28 to 59 cm (11 to 23 in) with similarities to the red pand and with a variety of abilities. These are solitary animals with very rare sightings. The color of the streak on their tales tells what ability they have. Silver:speed, Red:fire, Blue:water.
'Okay. Fascinating, I have to get her to the hospital before she dies' Jen thought, then she picked it up and turned to Eto " I have to get her to the vet."
Eto nodded and said "You go, you'll be faster, I'll be...." A screech interrupted Eto's words, They both looked into the bushes and saw two red beady eyes looking at them. Eto quicky shielded Jen and stared straigt at it, It screeched again and the eyes disappeared.
Eto turned to Jen and said"Leave now." Jen nodded and jumped on her hoverboard, as she was about to speed off, a large Blackish worm like animal with shiny red beady eyes jump at Jen, it was aiming for the Taw that Jen was holding in her arms, But Eto jumped and kicked it on it's head then screamed at Jen "Leave now." Jen looked back at him with worried eyes, he looked at her eyes and she nodded and sped off to the city. The worm-like animal turned rolled over and watched Eto with it's reddish eyes, Then it jumped into the air aiming to bite Eto's head, He sidestepped and kicked it on it's head, it screeched and fell down on the ground.
'What is this, damn, should have taken her glasses.' Eto thought and shook his head with a smile.
The worm-like animal looked at Eto, it's eyes changed from Red to black then a wormhole opened on the ground next to it, it jumped into the wormhole and disappeared, Eto stood there surprised then he ran in the other direction and jumped on his hoverboard and sped off in the direction of the city.