Eto got to the city a few minutes later, He was still thinking about the worm-like creature that attacked him, He landed in front of the Vet building, it was a two story building He found Jen waiting for him outside, when she noticed him coming she ran forward and hugged him then felt around his body and asked " Are you alright."
"Yeah, Am good."
She let go of him and held his hand and kissed it." Any idea what that thing that attacked us was."
"No idea, Was wishing I had your glasses before you left." He said with a smile.
She looked at him at his eyes and said "I was scared."
"Of me getting hurt right."
"No you jerk, That thing scared me and it almost got the little guy i was holding on to."
"It's alright, it's gone now."
He held her and rubbed her shoulders. "How's the little guy."
"she's okay, she's stable now, Am just a bit confused."
"How so." She looked at Eto and said "The wounds on her body are claw marks but that thing that attacked didn't even have hands not to mention claws."
"Yeah, now that you mention it, that bit is true, I guess there's something else in the forest then."
"Yeah, I'll have to search the database for that thing then."
Eto nodded then said to Jen "I think that thing escaped in a wormhole." Jen looked at him in surprise" How's that possible."
"I don't know but after it attacked, a wormhole appeared by it's side and it jumped in and the wormhole disappeared."
Jen scrunched her brows together "Well I guess it be easier to find."
As they were talking, they heard a scream from inside the building, then the front door opened and the Taw in bandages around it's abdomen ran outside and climbed up to a shocked Jen's shoulder, A lady with blue skin, pointed ears and big black eyes wearing a nurse's uniform ran outside and saw the Taw hiding behind Jen she said shyly. "Am so sorry, it ran outside before I could catch it."
Jen smiled at her" It's okay Mello, I've got her now."
she nodded shyly then said to Eto who stood behind Jen "Hi Eto."
Eto also smiled"Hi Mello."
she ran inside the hospital before Eto or Jen could say anymore.
Jen reached behind her and grabbed the Taw, and spoke softly to it "So you were scared huh." The Taw nodded and Jen was was surprised "Can you understand me." It nodded again, Eto came close and said to her "Now that's a smart animal." Eto reached out and tried to carry the Taw from her hands but it hissed at him and moved closer to Jen. He took his hands back and said with a smile.
"I guess she likes you."
Jen nodded and looked at the Taw, "What happened to your home." it just stared at her.
"Oh sorry, you can only understand yes or no questions, Lemme rephrase that."
"Do you have a home." it shaked it's head.
"Do you have a family." it shaked it's head again.
"Would you like to stay with me." it nodded with a happy expression and rubbed it's head on Jen's hand.
"You wanna keep her." Eto asked Jen
"Of course I wanna keep her, she doesn't have a home or a family, and besides Mira is gonna love her."
"But you've never kept a pet before."
"I know, But am gonna keep this one."
she turned and looked at the Taw.
"I'm gonna take you home with me, but first we have to get the doctors permission."
It looked at Jen and shook it's head, it's body was shaking.
Eto looked at it and started laughing "Don't tell me you're scared of the hospital." It threw a condescending look at Eto then looked back at Jen.
"Oh come on Eto, Nobody likes going to the hospital."
"True, but it's funny that she doesn't."
Jen looked at it and rubbed it's back "Don't worry, I'll be there."
It looked at Jen and stopped shaking.
Jen turned to Eto"I'll be right back Eto."
"Okay." Jen walked inside the hospital and came outside a few minutes later with a large basket and inside was the Taw.
Eto looked at the Taw sleeping in the basket " She looks real cute."
"Yes Yes she is, Am thinking of a name of her, any ideas."
Eto folded his arms and cupped his chin with his left hand and started thinking.
He suddenly raised his head and said, "how about Karama."
"What, No, what kind of awful name is Karama."
"It's not that bad, if you think it that bad, why don't you come up with something better."
"Okay, her name is Kara."
"That's not fair, you just stole the name I gave and removed the ma."
"But it's still better than yours."
Eto raised his arms and said.
"True, True."
She took Eto's hand."Walk me home?"
"Sure. Let's go."
They started walking towards Jen's house which was pretty far away from the hospital.
Eto turned and said to Jen" let's just use the hoverboards."
"Yes. Please, I thought you'd never ask."
"So why'd you say we should walk."
"If felt like the right thing to say at the moment."
Eto smiled at her, then they jumped on their hoverboards and flew to Jen's house.
Jen opened the door and took Kara inside the house, 'Gonna have to get a pet area, I'll have to ask Mira for some ideas.' Jen thought to herself.
Eto followed Jen in and closed the door, she turned around and jumped into his arms. "Thanks for keeping me company, it be so sad to see you leave."
"Well I can stay." Eto said quickly.
"Yeah not happening." she said and grinned while pulling him towards the door. She opened the door and lead him outside, she kissed him on the lips "Don't forget to send your hoverboard to the lab tomorrow."
"I won't forget."
She hugged him some more before turning around. "See you tomorrow." she said with her back turned to him.
"Yeah, Tomorrow." Eto turned around, jumped on his hoverboard and left heading in the direction of the East side.
'Am just gonna take a look to see if I can find something.' Eto thought.
He got there after a few minutes and jumped down, then he started tracing their steps, when he got to the spot that Jen had dug up then second bioluminescent plant, he found another one there, with exactly the same features, he looked at it closely and it seemed illusive, he shrugged and walked in the direction of where they encountered the giant worm reminding himself to make a mental note to tell Jen about the plant.
When he got to the spot where they Kara ran into his leg, he started looking around starting with the bush where the worm jumped about of, He didn't find anything out of the ordinary apart from blood which he guessed belonged to Kara, He scanned the ground with his Holo watch and the results came back normal, he scrunched up his brows and thought 'This isn't right, there should be a spacial tear or an anomaly but there's nothing.'
'Anna should know more about this than me, I'll tell her when I get back.'
He jumped back on his hoverboard and started flying home. A pair of rainbow colored eyes watched him leave then disappeared. when he got home he realized that Anna wasn't at home, he shrugged and said "I'll wait, I should go train."
He switched his clothes, and went inside the training room then turned on the Android trainer, The Android's face was devoid of any eyes, nose or mouth, The android faced him and "fight." echoed from the walls.
The android moved towards him really fast and threw a punch at his face, he deflected it by slapping the fist away and trying to pull the android towards him, the android quickly took back it's hand after it was deflected, then it started throwing punches at him getting faster and faster till it's hands were just a blur, Eto blocked every single punch and counter attacked by kicking the android's chest, it flew back and crashed into the wall, The android fell on the ground then got up and continued attacking him, but he blocked all of them and even counter attacked, he didn't have to use his powers, Then after he blocked a kick going for his head, and kicked the android to the ground, he increased the number of enemies to three and continued fighting.
It was a bit hard to fight all three of them, with their speed and flow like teamwork, they circled him and started throwing high and low punches, their speed and power also increased and he went into full time defence, dodging and blocking, he got hit on the stomach a few before thought of using his po res, he had to use his power before he got injured, He increased the speed and strength of his arms and legs then he broke out of the encirclement, went behind one of the android, broke the arm and punched the head, the head of the android caved in, he dodged the attack of the other two and started attacking, he threw kicks which they blocked but which left them open, he caught the arms of a one of them, then used it to swing to the head of the other one, then he punched the chest which caved in and ripped out the battery then he walked up to the last one and punched it into the ground, when he turned around, there were three broken robots behind him.