Jen and Mira arrived outside Eto's house on the day He and Anna were supposed to leave for the NIC.
The Android called AL opened the door for her and she stepped into the house with her sister, Mira was always fascinated by the art called Eto's house, With a floating cube shaped water sphere with exotic species of fish, interactive walls and a slide that goes up the steps for when Eto and Anna were little, Mira liked coming here but she hadn't been able to as she had to study.
Eto came down and hugged Jen after she arrived, He bent down and ruffled Mira's hair and she put on a pouty expression after seeing her sister's boyfriend ruffling her hair.
"Come on you two, we are going up, Anna and Joe are waiting."
Eto called out to the two of them, they followed him and got to the elevator, which took them up to the observatory, Eto's house had a large observatory on the uppermost floor, His mother made the addendum when she wanted to find the farthest planet in their galaxy, the observatory was fitted with a quantum telescope which instead of bouncing light waves, it bounced quantum waves and was using a form of quantum spin to see distant object and make them as clear as the clouds on SEREN.
When they got to the observatory, Jen noticed that the observatory was built using spatial expansion, it just made objects or things smaller on the outside while making them bigger on the inside, they saw Joe and Anna arguing over something. when they got close, they heard it clearly.
Anna pointed a finger at Joe.
"The name you just came up with is horrible, how would you expect me to let you call my Kirin that name."
"What do you mean, the name I came up with is a really good name."
Joe turned when he saw Eto walking towards them with Jen and Mira. He said to Eto.
"Hey bro, Tell me am right, Is floranemo not a good name."
Eto looked at him and burst out laughing, Even Jen and Mira also started giggling while trying hard to stifle the laughter but their shoulders were still shaking. Anna smirked victoriously at Joe when she saw Eto's reaction.
Eto looked at his friend with tears of laughter in his eyes and said.
"That's a really bad name, Am guessing you were arguing with my sister in who could come up with a better name for her Kirin."
Joe nodded with a strange expression on his face.
"And you suggested this, Bro you know you have a bad naming sense, How'd you even come up with this name."
"No idea, it just came up on a whim when I tried to think of a good name."
Eto looked at his friend with a smile.
"Besides Ayanellia is a great name and I don't think you'll be able to top it."
Joe just nodded his head and said with a smile on his face while turning towards Anna. "Well I guess you win."
"Of course, was there ever any doubt."
"No I guess not."
He shook his head with a sigh and said.
"Am ready."
Anna nodded with a smile, Eto, Jen and Mira looked at Joe with a perplexed expression on their faces, While Anna continued smiling.
Joe's face showed a resigned look, He touched a button on his holowatch which changed the clothes he was wearing from casual to a pink ballerina dress complete with wings, a tiara and a wand.
Eto tilted his head back in laughter once he saw his friend dressed like that, With all his muscles showing, he looked like a really muscular fairy child. Anna who gestured to her holocam hovering in front of her to start recording what Joe was about to do also started laughing, Jen and Mira laughed too.
Joe dropped his head and looked at his feet that were covered by pink ballerina shoes, he knew the bet he made with Anna and if he didn't want a broken arm while running away, he had to still himself for this.
He raised his head while facing the camera started speaking in a slightly girlish manner, but his manly voice still broke through time and time again.
"I am the fairy Godmother Avalora, And I have answered your call and appeared to grant you three wishes."
Mira clapped her hands while Jen, Anna and Eto continued laughing, Joe had to say some cheesy lines one liners from all the fairy Godmothers he could remember.
After he was done, he took a deep breath and changed his clothes back with his face as red as a tomato. Anna smiled while she gestured and the Holo camera sank back into her holo watch, she fiddled with the recording for a while to edit the video, After she finished she played it back and showed it to the group, She changed Joe's face and the words he uttered while adding background music. It looked artistic in her own twisted way, but Mira clapped and said she liked it. Anna smiled.
"Hey guys, I got to go, something came up at home."
Eto looked at Joe after hearing what he said. he replied to him.
"Everything okay at home Joe."
"Yeah, just an errand I gotta run."
"Alright bro, take care of yourself."
"Me, You're the one whose going to the NIC, you're gonna need to take care of yourself more than me."
They shook hands and Joe left flying his hoverboard in the direction of the city.
After seeing him off, Eto came close to Jen who was watching Anna's Kirin show her some tricks, Eto held on to Jen's hand and looked into her big beautiful eyes.
"Am really gonna miss you."
"I hear anything about you thinking or even dreaming about another girl, I'm going to cut you Eto Grey."
Eto chucked and said.
"No worries, I've got my eyes and my heart on you, only you."
"That's what I want to hear."
Jen said with an expression of pure bliss on her face.
Anna and Mira were playing with Ayanelle.
Jen took Eto's hoverboard from her spatial storage and gave it to him, He looked at her in surprise even though he already knew she would give it to him before he left, he was surprised at how light it felt, she even changed the color to a deep purple and black with gold hue on the edges. He looked at her.
"This is beautiful Jen."
"I know right, it cost me a lot of time to make that for you, so you better treasure it."
"Thank you Jen."
He said and hugged her, she hugged him right and they stood like that for a while. It was already getting dark when Jen's father called her and she had to leave with her sister who was reluctant to leave Anna's side. They said their goodbyes and Mira waved goodbye to Anna and smirked at Eto.
Eto and Anna went to the dining room to meet with their mother who called them as soon as Jen left with Mira. They sat down at the table and waited for her to speak, Their mother was reading a book titled Order In Chaos. She put down the book and smiled at her kids.
"As you kids know, the NIC does a lot of things in the galaxy, But I want you guys to try everything before you choose one, I know you already wanted to pick before you entered the NIC, but knowing the strengths and weaknesses of all the different positions in the NIC is still good."
she paused before continuing.
"You can still choose to pick before you get in, Since you kids are going to be there two months earlier than everybody else, you'd have time to settle and see things from a different perspective."
Anna and Eto looked at each other, then Anna said to their mother.
"I'll do as you said mum, I'm also interested in seeing all the different divisions of the NIC."
"Yeah me too,I hope there's lots of missions."
Miss Grey stood up and hugged her two kids who were about to leave her to start their own adventures, she reminisced about her own life after leaving her Family to pursue her own dreams and interests.
"Am gonna miss you guys, if you guys get in trouble which I hope you won't, just give mum a call."
Eto and Anna had teary eyes while they listened to their mum.
"Well the Agency ship is here, Go get your things."
Eto and Anna took their things from their rooms and went to the docking bay in their house where their mum's collection of spaceships were, just outside the docking bay was a rectangular ship much bigger than the ship's in the docking bay, Their mum went forward to talk to a man who came down and bowed respectfully to her, she simply nodded her head and the man led the kids into the space ship, Their mum raised her arms and waved goodbye to her kids while Anna and Eto also waved goodbye to her.
Miss Grey turned around and spoke to her holowatch.
"Protect My kids."