New Arrivals

Anna and Eto were not the only ones who were on the spaceship heading to the NIC.

There were two girls who looked identical who sat in front of Anna and Eto, it was obvious that they were twins, The sits in the spaceship were arranged in rows and columns with two seats in a row and ten seats in a column, there were two columns in the spaceship, there were two boys talking on the left of Anna and Eto, one with brown hair and one with black hair, Behind Anna and Eto at the last seat on the spaceship, there was a person wearing a full face mask, the mask covered the person's hair and also her face including her ears, The mask was made from a metamaterial called Ytterbium.

Ytterbium is a bright, soft, silvery-white metal that is both ductile and malleable. It is one of the rare NYCTOS metals. The metal does not tarnish in air and reacts slowly with water. It has a certain resistance to mineral acids and a high resistance to plasma energy.

The person looked straight at Eto and Anna making them shiver, By her side on the left was a chubby boy with glasses, he waved at Anna then bowed his head to hide his red cheeks.

"Hello, is this your first time going to the NIC."

The twin girls in front of Eto and Anna turned around to ask them, they spoke at the same time in a cheerful tone.


Eto replied while Anna nodded without looking at them, she was reading an article on her holo tab, the holo tab is a 140mm flat,8mm wide metal piece with a glass covering, An opaque or transparent holographic screen 12.90 inches wide formed from the nano lights hidden all over the rim of the holo tab, the hologram could be touched because of the use of ultrasound to render the hologram touchable.

The twins shifted focus from Anna to Eto, surprised that she hadn't even paid any attention to them.

"This isn't the first time we're going to the NIC, Our parents work at the NIC."

Eto looked at them with a curious look on his face.

"That sounds cool, that means you guys know loads of stuff."

Anna looked up at them and asked.

"What are your names?"

The sister with blue eyes replied.

"Am Ava."

The sister with pink eyes replied.

"Am Aya."

"We're twins."

Anna nodded and went back to reading.

Eto looked at them and said.

"Am Eto and she's my sister Anna."

The girls didn't tell their last names so Eto didn't see the need to say his.

"Nice to meet you Eto and Anna." They replied at the same time in a cheerful tone.

The two boys on the left stop talking and they both looked in the direction of Anna and Eto, the one with brown hair turned to them, He stood up and said with a haughty tone.

"My names are Karl Minus the second."

He said while waiting for everyone to recognise his last name. Everybody just looked at expressionlessly like they were thinking 'Who the what is you.'

Anna didn't even raise her head to look at him.

Only the boy with the black hair looked at him with an indecipherable expression on his face, but even his expression only twitched a little.

He looked at everyone in disdain and sat back down.

The boy with the black hair was more composed, he said with a formal and controlled tone, his voice at the same pitch all through.

"My name is Sam Tamado."

He said while sitting down, Then a monotone voice echoed from behind.

"Alex Tet."

The voice came from the person wearing the mask made of Ytterbium.

"Jake Grant."

The other one came from the chubby boy wearing glasses, He pushed up his glasses a bit after saying it.

"So now we've all introduced ourselves, we can all be friends."

Karl said with sarcasm, be harrumphed then turned to begin talking to Sam.

Ava and Aya shared a look, then turned to Karl and replied to his sarcastic remarked.

"Nobody asked you to introduce yourself, you just bumped in and told us who you are when clearly we didn't want to know."

They said at the same time.

"Why you little..." Karl said with a grim expression on his face. Sam whispered something to him and he calmed down.

Ava and Aya smiled before turning back to Eto, Anna still had her head facing down at her holo tab, while Alex was just staring into the distance, Jake brought out his own holo tab and started playing videogames while smiling.

"So I guess since you came early, you wanna try all departments before you pick one."

Ava and Aya said at the same time.


"Everyone on this ship is about to do the same, but I and my sister are gonna be pilots for a ship."

"Then why are you guys here."

Eto asked after hearing that they've already picked what they wanna do.

"It's gonna be fun watching you people try all the positions, that is if you get through all."

They said while smiling, then turned around and face front while still giggling.

Eto looked out the window after they passed a planet that had clearly been destroyed, he realized that it had been an underdeveloped planet without a stable core.

'Interesting.' Eto thought.

They kept moving through space, They could have used the warp drive which would have gotten them there faster but they had still not exited the asteroid field in view, The warp drive works by annihilating matter (in the form of deuterium, a kind of hydrogen gas) and antimatter in a fusion reaction mediated by dilithium crystals. This produces the enormous power required to warp or bend space-time and drive the ship faster than light, all this is controlled by the quantum A.N.I (Artificial Narrow Intelligence) which calculates the amount of speed, the particles and composition of all matter on the ship, and all matter outside the ship including the speed needed to prevent the ship from being torn apart when moving faster than light speed.

After exiting the asteroid field, the ship's A.I activated the warp drive and they moved faster than light at speeds of 800,000 miles per second.

The spaceship stopped right outside the force plasma field of a hourglass shaped space station with a diameter spanning 5,779km across. There was a forcefield surrounding this Space station, Everybody on the space ship looked at the space station which had some planets floating in the distance behind it, Even Anna who had not been interested in others raised her head and briefly looked at it before bending her head and continued reading before the pilot said to them.

"Welcome to NIC headquarters."

Everyone here was excited to see what this hourglass shaped station held for them.

The spaceship was waiting outside the forcefield, a spherical drone with ray guns on both sides flew over close to the space ship, scanned it then flew away, the forcefield opened up a hole big enough for the space ship to pass, the ship went through and the force field closed back up.

The pilot proceeded to the docking area and landed the ship inside.

All of them started trooping down the steps of the ship when the ship opened the door.

When they came down, they saw a middle aged woman who tied her hair in a bun, she was wearing black lab coat on her black dress shirt and black trousers with black boots.

She looked at all the kid who had come down from the ship. a Holo screen was floating right in front of her face preventing them from seeing her face.

"Eto Grey."

she called out after seeing that all the kids had stepped out of the ship.

Eto was startled after hearing his name but he quickly composed himself and said.


The lady proceeded to call everybody's name until everyone had been called out, she addressed them.

"Your rooms will be assigned to you when you receive your identification, Since almost all of you have chosen to take all positions before choosing one, You'll have to learn everything we have to teach."

Aya and Ava were about to raise their hands, But she shot them a look and they dropped their hands."

"One thing I want to make clear, I don't care who or what you are, since you have chosen to come here earlier than to learn all we have to teach, Everything I say is law."

"Now get your bags and proceed, I will hand out your identifications."


Everyone except the lady turned to look and they saw a pink head girl fly out of the explosion in a protective bubble. she waved at them before spreading her arms out in front of her and containing the explosion.

"Welcome to the NIC."